Sunday, March 29, 2009

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Quotes - Philosophy, Pathos and Humor
March 29, 2009 at 2:55 am

Martin Scott asked:


Using quotes in your speaking and writing is a great way to express yourself in an interesting and clever manner, as long as it’s not overdone. Sometimes you can find a quote that says exactly what you want it to express better than you could have said it yourself. Sometimes a quote is just a way of providing a bit of contrast to an otherwise dry presentation. When you have a great source of quotations such as that offered on the internet, you can expand your horizons far more than you would be able to find in just a printed document.

There are a number of reasons why the internet is a better source of quotations than what you would be able to obtain in a book or compilation. First, you have the timeliness of the material. You can look on the internet and find words on almost any subject in the current events field. If it’s in the national or world news, somebody has said something about it that is worthy of note, usually. Sometimes these short quotes are used in news stories whether published or on television. They may even become a catch phrase for a campaign or subject.

Another reason for using the internet as the source of your quotations is that you have so many more to choose from. These sayings are available from people in all different historical and cultural eras so you have a rich source of viewpoints much beyond a local or even national source. Using a textbooks means you only see the sources that are selected by the editors as being worthy of attention. While they may be a good cross section of viewpoints, invariably there will be some bias that enters into the picture.

When you use the internet for your quotes, you will find it easier to locate the exact sentiment that you want to express, thanks to the ability to zero in on a word or a phrase. Search engines allow you to find links to many different subjects and by working with the site search capabilities, you may even be able to refine your word search even further. Using keyword searches may help to better define what you are trying to say. Sometimes we remember a famous or common saying slightly different than they original was presented. This can be a good thing in some instances, but can also be a disaster if it skews the meaning of what you were trying to present.

Quotations used for the purpose of talks and presentations are more often than not humorous. It’s important to make sure that the humor fits the occasion and that it is not offensive to anyone in the group that may be listening. These sayings or one liners will often be popular with comedy routines for amateurs and professionals alike. When appropriately used, the humorous sayings can enliven a sermon, brighten up a sales talk or hype a sales campaign. So, next time you are looking for a great way to wind up a speech, check the internet for just the right touch.

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What Joke are Offensive to People
March 28, 2009 at 8:06 pm

nlwest21 asked:

Irvin S. Cobb once said "Humor is merely tragedy standing on its head with its pants torn." On first thought most people may not quite get this figure of speech, but that's alright because that's the humor part. I am pretty sure Irvin S. Cobb had dirty jokes on his mind when he was thinking this.

In this day and age it seems that everything or at least almost everything is a joke to people. We find it very easy to make fun of people because of their skin color, their religion, their profession, or even where they live. Many of us find these jokes incredibly funny - but do we think about the people that they are making fun of? Do we stop to think about how offensive it may be to someone?

When we were young many of us were taught to respect all those around us. It didn't matter whether they were black or white, Jewish or Catholic, brunette or blondes, or even lawyers or politicians. But somewhere between growing up and trying to fit in our views become skewed and we find ourselves doing things differently.

It can be hard sometimes not to find certain jokes funny even if they are making fun of other types of people. You have many television show hosts like Jay Leno making fun of celebrities and politicians and sometimes we just have to agree with them. Then you have singers like Weird Al who takes songs and turns them into parodies of the way people can act or how nerdy someone can be.

I believe that there are some jokes that are hilarious and I love to pass them around and share them with others. But at the same time I try to make sure that they are not so offensive. For example there are some blonde jokes that are just downright funny and then there are some that are taken too far. I know that many perceive blondes as being brainless and that is where the jokes come from. I was blonde (once upon a time) - but I never took these jokes to heart and understood they were just for fun.

The best thing to remember is not to take these jokes too far and to keep them in moderation. Not every joke is supposed to be taken literally. Just because they are making fun of a lawyer doesn't mean they are talking about you. If you are going to use it to tease others then just make sure they will find it funny and don't take it too far.

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Planning A Date That Is Fun For Women
March 28, 2009 at 5:06 pm

Damian DeAngelo asked:

Before you even think about asking a woman on a date, you need to find out what kinds of things are fun for women. Many men think the only activities women enjoy are shopping and talking on the phone, but there is an entire world of fun for women that don’t include either of those. Before you ask that special woman to spend time with you, spend some time getting know what kind of activities she will like. You can find subtle clues by simply paying attention. If you look closely, finding clues is as simple as looking closely at photos or awards on her desk or in her office.

Contrary to popular belief, there is a wide variety of activities that don’t involve shopping that are fun for women. If the woman you have your eye on loves the great outdoors, pack a picnic and opt for a day in the sun hiking or rock climbing. Finding an activity that is specific to your date will definitely score points with your lady of interest, and maybe even increase chances for a prolonged good night kiss. Finding activities that are fun for women shows that you care and have taken the time to get to know her.

Don’t assume that because your potential date has a hot body that she’s a work out fanatic and plan an outdoorsy date. Or don’t assume that because she likes sports, means she will enjoy a day of bowling. This is a surefire way to guarantee your date has zero fun. Listen to the things she raves about and be sure to actually listen and ask if you have questions about what she really likes or doesn’t. If you’re looking for clues for what’s fun for women, consider these helpful hints;

- If your dream girl’s nails look well-manicured, she’s an indoor kind of girl

- If your potential date brings a gym bag to work, she might enjoy a hiking date or something adventurous

- If you always spot your girl buried in a book, try a book or poetry reading date

- If your date is constantly glued to her IPod, a concert is the way to go

Finding activities that are fun for women isn’t so hard, as long as you know what to look for. Before you ask for the date, check with female friends about what kinds of date activities are fun for women and in casual conversation ask your date what she finds fun. Planning a fun date can easily be more than just dinner and a movie. If you really want to impress your date you have to make it memorable. Think about additional ways to make it special, not just the places you go as well. Indoor rock climbing or rollerblading on the beach are activities that are not fun for all women. Try really concentrating on their interests and not only will it show you care about them as a person; it will also increase the chances of a second date!

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Here is How to be a Good Bad Guy in Love, Try it
March 28, 2009 at 4:05 pm

Good Laugh

I know you are too tired of being the good guy in love because as we all know it does not always pay to be good. You have watched your sweetheart walk away towards this crook of a man and you are wondering what it takes to be a good bad boy. I know it hurts badly to see the girl you offered your all turn her back on you but hang in here, be patient and you might win her back.

A good guy in love tend to think that it is cool to ride in a car with your girl all the time. She would love an adventure where you two go for a ride on a motorcycle. She will be laughing her guts out on such an adventure. I know that is your happiness too. Fun at its best. I know you are thinking she is delicate or she might consider you insensitive but she won’t get hurt. If she does, i don’t think she minds it since it doesn’t happen every day.

Be the unimaginable good guy in love and give the impression that you are crazy about her and can go to any heights just for her. Call her late at night and suggest to go see her. Since your intentions are clear, i bet she won’t misinterpret your move. It will be flattering to her to just imagine you can dare take up the risk of moving late at night.

I know it is wise for the good guy in love to avoid arguments but it might reach an extent where it works against you. Don’t say yes to every of her request or opinion. Let her sulk if she wants but let your stand be known to her. It is ridiculous to accommodate every none sense and accept every blame just to be on the safe side. Soon you will notice she respects you no more. she takes you for granted and its then you will appreciate that familiarity breeds contempt. Scream your point out until she gets it and you will be happy you chose to be a good bad boy.

A girl worth her salt will evaluate your worth too before she commits her heart to you. Demonstrate that you are focused and capable of achieving great goals. If all you talk about is how old you are and how your mother has never gotten tired of supporting you, you are losing it. No girl wants to hear how of a mama boy you are. That shows that you are either too irresponsible or too pampered to work out a relationship.

Having read this, carry your homework well and be patient. Don’t wake up tomorrow and you want to apply everything all at once. Remember you have been the guy good in love who wants to change his course in order to fetch more affection. People will question your sanity and you won’t even go far in your mission. Internalize the ideas and learn to live by the rules of being a good bad boy.

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Where to Find a Buyer for Funny Cartoon Pictures
March 28, 2009 at 3:44 pm

Jordan Travis asked:

There is always someone who is interested in buying funny cartoon pictures. The choice is whether you want to sell the funny cartoon pictures directly, place an advertisement in the newspaper, attend a flea market or advertise them online. Regardless of which method you use you will probably find more potential buyers than you have funny cartoon pictures. Even if a potential buyer is not a collector of funny cartoon pictures, he or she is capable of finding someone who is interested in funny cartoon pictures. If the funny cartoon pictures are not adult in nature, you can also sell them to schools and day care centers.


There are many things a buyer might do with funny cartoon pictures including using them in a home office to brighten up the room. Some people like to save the funny cartoon pictures into a scrapbook or album that they can pass along to their children or grandchildren to show what cartoons were popular during the 20th and 21st centuries. There are others who prefer to frame the funny cartoon pictures and hang them on the wall in the living room and in their cubicle at work. Whatever the reasons may be, buyers of funny cartoon pictures will always be in the market for anything new you have for sale.


If you don't mind spending the money, you can always find a buyer for funny cartoon pictures by advertising in your local newspaper. The thing to keep in mind is that you can advertise free online and probably generate more interest than paying money to advertise in your local newspaper. You have plenty of free outlets for advertising your funny cartoon pictures, so there is no need to pay money for advertising. Having a website like Cartoon Bank may also help you generate more interest in your funny cartoon pictures.

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6 Fun Exercises you Can Do to Lose Weight
March 28, 2009 at 3:25 pm

Good Fun
JessieMcfarland asked:

We know that exercise is important to lose weight. We also know that this is easier said than done. The hardest thing about exercise is sticking to a routine. People do not stick to a routine for many reasons. The routine exercises are boring and take up too much time. Here are some simple but fun exercises that you can do to lose weight.

# 1. Go for Group Walk.

The best thing about walking is you and your buddy friends can walk anywhere and everywhere. Lucy Knight, author of Walking for Weight Loss says that the benefits of walking are countless. You use pretty much the same muscles as running - strengthening the hamstring, quadriceps, iliopsoas muscles at the front of the hips, calf and the gluteus maximus muscles with each stride but the activity is far kinder to the joints. A daily stroll can boost your health besides the calories burn.

# 2. Bicycle riding

Go bicycle cycling around your garden or your neighborhood. Pedaling is fun, challenging and offers a great social event. There is no age limit no formal training necessary and everyone from young to old can do it. Cycling gets you to more places and what a great way to get some fresh air and a good workout. A 30 minute session can help you to burn anything from 80 or more extra calories depending on your speed and body weight.

# 3. Try a Trampoline

Rebounding in a trampoline is a fun and effective way to lose calories. Do this while watching your favorite television show or watching over your kids. As this is a low impact exercise there is no danger of hurting your joints and places less strain on other parts of the body. Rebounding as exercise has been studied by the space agency NASA and found to be 68% more oxygen efficient than other forms of exercise. Regular use of a rebounder has shown to increase our basal metabolic rate and aid in weight loss management.

# 4. Take up a sport game

Play your favorite game such as tennis or table tennis with your buddy and both can enjoy a game without worrying about the weather. After some twenty minutes, your hearts will be racing and you will feel good all over. Go back to your active lifestyle in your college days and start playing again. In no time, you will find that your social life will improve along with your weight loss.

# 5. Go for a Dance

Even if you do not dance well, it is not too late to go for a dance with your spouse or your friend. Join a dance class and have some fun. The popular salsa dancing is a fantastic way to give your body a real aerobic workout and burn up all those extra calories. Dancing takes the work out of exercise and replaces it with fun. Lessons can be taken alone, but are more fun with a partner. Dancing is cheap and convenient. All you need is a body with an eagerness to have some fun.

# 6. Try the Boxing workout

You can achieve weight loss, muscle tone and improved fitness out of a boxing workout. A boxing workout is great for toning your butts, thighs and the muscles in your arms. Join a class near your area to learn the right technique to punch properly. The exercise will help you to achieve a total workout for your body as part of your weight loss reduction program.

Exercising can be fun if you are serious to look for it. When you find an exercise that you love, stick with it. Losing weight is not just exercise alone but along with the right intake of diet, you can achieve success.

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Cruising Is Fun For Children
March 28, 2009 at 2:28 pm

The Source asked:

Cruising is a fun and entertaining option both for adults and children. Luxurious cruises have now become affordable for more people and have become one of the good fun activities for children. Going to the sea is an exciting activity for kids. They love water and all things related with it. Cruises nowadays offer lots of fun activities for kids and elders. There are dance bars, casinos, movie theatres; videogames play stations, swimming pools and the like. You will probably not get the time to participate in all these activities because of having such a large choice to decide from. At each port where the cruise docks at, there are different things to look forward to. Excursions, new places to discover and new sites to visit can be enjoyed at different ports. There is something special for the children as well. Your child can avail of many fun activities while you spend time with your friends.

Fun Activities for Children: Offers for Kids in Cruises

Virtually all the major cruises today offer fun and enjoyable times for the complete family. A little of something is there for everyone to enjoy on a long vacation. The fun activities that many cruises offer for kids may vary from each other. However, most of them include pizza parties, water slides, Jacuzzis, swimming pools, magic shows, art classes, video arcades, sports activities and many other options for keeping the kids involved. Shore excursions are also planned at certain ports for the children. Kids love all these fun activities and they learn a lot from them. Cruises also offer group and individual babysitting facilities for kids less than six months of age. This gives the parent some free time.

Fun Activities for Children: Families Love Cruising

All these activities keep the children involved. They are busy having fun. You can hence, enjoy the vacation without worrying about how to keep your kids busy and involved. However, you need to keep a watchful eye on the children and check whether they are fine or not. These cruise lines have a lot to offer for adults as well. You can enjoy your special time with your partner and make it a memorable vacation.

When all your other ideas for vacations fail, go in for a trip on the cruise, these are good fun activities for children. It will be a completely different and exiting experience for your family. All, the fun activities that you and your children do on this trip, will never be forgotten. Luxurious cruises are not just for the rich and famous but also for regular people to enjoy.

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Real Estate Short Sales
March 28, 2009 at 1:10 pm

Real Humor
Joe Manausa asked:

It’s all the talk among the real estate blogs. Have you heard?

I had not written an article on real estate short sales because there is so much out there already. I decided to get up early this morning and see if anybody had written anything that would explain this process to a lay-person (a lay-person in short sales is somebody who owns a home with lots of equity - humor).

So what exactly is a short sale?

A real estate short sale is when a home gets sold and the proceeds from the sale “fall short” of what the property owners owes on the mortgage(s) on the home. The bank(s) agrees prior to closing to accept a lesser amount than what it is owned. The bank will do this if it feels it will get more money through a short sale than through the timely and expensive cost of a foreclosure action. The property owner will often consider a real estate short sale when the owner receives assurance from the bank the loan will be deemed “paid in full.” Sometimes though, the property owner’s only option is the short sale, even if a deficiency judgement results in the process.

Some Short Sale Advice

If you own a home that is highly leveraged (read that to mean that you borrowed as much money on it as you could sometime in the past three years) and you need to move for one reason or another, you need to know that you basically have four options right now:

1. Don’t move, stay in the property

2. Lease the home out to a tenant

3. Sell the home on the market

4. Give the property back to the bank (surrender the property with a quit-claim or deed in lieu of foreclosure)

Because this is an article about real estate short sales, we will assume that number 1. and number 2. are not options for you. In order to determine if a short sale is the right solution, the next step is to meet with a real estate professional that is an expert in real estate short sales.

Interviewing the Real Estate Short Sale Expert

Once you have determined that you must sell your home and you are concerned about maintaining your credit rating, you must interview the best real estate company to successfully work through the real estate short sale. That’s right, the correct company. The short sale process is easy to talk about, but the reality is that few companies give good short sale advice. Good companies successfully help the property owner through to the very end, with complete forgiveness on the loan. Here are some critical issues you should address in the interview:

* Do-Conduct the interview at the office of the real estate company. Tour the facilities and make sure you are introduced to the team that manages short sales.

* Do-Find out what banks with which they have successfully negotiated (they should mention contacts in the bank’s Loss Mitigation Department).

* Do-Ask for specific sales (properties and names) that they have successfully concluded a real estate short sale.

* Do-Ask for the basis of their short sales training.

* Do Not - be concerned with how many homes they sold in your neighborhood (unless they were short sales).

* Do Not - be concerned with the car that they drive.

* Do Not - be concerned with how many homes they sold in the past (during the boom market with few or no short sales).

The Real Estate Short Sale Process

First and foremost, one must realize that real estate short sales take much longer than “normal” sales. This is because the bank requires a due-diligence period to ensure that it is not being taken advantage of and to ensure that it is getting the best return on its investment. I believe that this is fair. But there are things that your real estate company can do to make the short sale process go quicker, and that is where experience is the key.

A real estate company with real estate short sale experience will have a kit, a package, or at least a process to expedite the lenders decision-making ability. This package should include everything the lender will need to form its opinion on the real recovery value of the property. Additionally, the real estate company giving you short sale advice should be prepared to provide the following information to the lender at first contact (Be proactive, do not wait for the lender to ask):

* Property Taxes - current status and annual amount

* Homeowners Association - Annual fees and contact information

* Lawn maintenance - current handler contact information and fee structure

* Code violations - current status and amount

* Pool maintenance - current status and monthly amount

* Utilities - current status and monthly amount

* Property Condition - current status and deferred maintenance needs

* True sale-able value - Provide comprehensive market analysis including homes on the market and homes that failed to sell

Once the lender(s) has made a decision, just remember that there are often layers of decision makers at every bank. All agreements must be approved through the lenders legal department, and this too adds to the time it takes to close on a real estate short sale.


If you plan on selling through a real estate short sale, just understand that it will take some work. In the long run, it will be worth the hassle as you will better protect your credit rating and you most likely won’t have to repay as much of the money. The choice of real estate expert could be the difference between success and failure, so choose wisely on who should give you this short sale advice.

If you plan on buying through a real estate short sale, remember that patience is a virtue. No matter what the home owner agrees upon in the sales contract, the bank will be the final decision maker in the process. The bank and the real estate professionals will determine how long the entire process takes, so choose your short sale advice (real estate company) carefully.

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