Annuals is a six-piece (Indie) band from Raleigh, North Carolina. Their band members consist of Adam Baker (Songwriter/Vocals), Kenny Florence (Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals), Mike Robinson (Bass/Backing Vocals), Anna Spence (keyboard/Piano/Backing Vocals), Zak Oden (Drums/Guitar) and Donzel Radford (Drums/Percussion). Their genre are mostly Indie rock, Alternative rock, Indie pop, Experimental rock. Their first album “Be He Me”, was released when they were just around the age of 19. And according to major music critic from Rolling Stone to NME to Pitchforkmedia, “Be He Me” received incredible positive reviews. Very impressive if you ask me. Such a young band, but already so big at such young age. What more would I ask for if I were a part of Annuals!
Such Fun contains a variety of musical arrangement and landscape, from relaxing country to orchestra ballad.
Their title track, “Confessor” starts off with Adam Baker singing “Pack up and leave…” When it comes to the chorus, everything seems so right, Adam sings in a voice that somehow sounds so soft to my ears. And with the delicious music that blend in so well with the vocals, anyone will have to confess to any mistakes/deeds that he/she committed after listening to song. The Guitar of Kenny can also be heard on and off. Wonderful opener from Such Fun!
“Hot Night Hounds” has a cheerful and fun piano sound to it. It kinda reminds me of my sister’s younger days where she played piano in our house every weekend or during her free time. This song can arguably be separated into 2 parts, where the first part is the piano-playing and the second part is the jamming and riffing of the guitar. 2 parts of this song make this song hot and cool!
“Springtime” is a slow and indie pop ballad where it starts off slow and steady. It gradually picks up in the chorus and the tempo of this song suddenly explode and all of a sudden the music background is getting richer, make this song sound so full and rich! Like Annuals are performing at an orchestra show! When Adam is not singing, the rest of the Annuals back it up with “Ba, ba, ba ba ba….” It’s beautiful, and it made me want to sing along!
“Down The Mountain” Wow! This song sounds like a song taken from a Cowboy Motion Picture. When I plugged in my earphones to my ears and listened to this song. I was imagining myself in a cowboy movie where I was riding on a horse and chasing, catching and hunting a group of cows/deers/goats/ or other wildlife. It’s such fun and cute song to listen to. You can bet to play this song when you are having a game of “getting to the seat when the music stops”! It’s just a suggestion. But this song is definitely cute and funny! It made you wanna smile and sometimes, laugh.
“Always Do” made an impression on me that it is a beautiful love song. It’s a love song, but angry love song. It seems that this song recalls the old memory of the love between 2 people. Annuals made an impact by exploding in this song. Remember “Brother” from their previous album, “Be He Me”? Well this song recalls me of “Brother”. Where it started off slow, and gradually picked up and exploded near the end of the song! It’s like building the momentum of this song, or even climbing up to the top of a hill or mountain and screams at his/her peak upon reaching the peak. Those who love “Brother”, will definitely love “Always Do”.
“Talking” is a fast track where the sound of the guitar can be mostly heard throughout the whole track. The chorus is the only part of the song that made an impression on me, where Adam sings, “Don’t let your love decay…” It sounds like Adam is really tired of talking. Honestly, I really think Annuals play and perform perfectly when they are doing a ballad orchestra or in other words, a slower tempo song. “Talking” is a good effort and it ended in a sudden after the riff of the guitar, but if you asked me, I prefer Annuals on indie pop, indie ballad or even indie orchestra if there’s such a genre.
“Hardwood Floor” This song is just so awesome! And I really mean it! It’s supposed to be a sad song but I can’t help but feeling good whenever listening to this beautiful song. Adam starts off with “I’m so scared I just can’t go anymore, I keep patching my rooftop…” From the first listen, it’s like singing about a wound that hasn’t healed completely. But in reality, after listening to this song, all my wounds are gone, this song is capable of doing so. The part where Annuals sing what sounded to me like, “didn’t told dai yo”, it is one of the best moment on Such Fun. Well, if you asked me what does it mean, frankly I don’t know but it really sound like some African langauge.
“Hair Don’t Grow” From the beginning to the end of this song, Kenny’s guitar is awesome! Again, it resembles “Down The Mountain” as if it were taken from a Cowboy Motion Picture. But only this time, “Hair Don’t Grow” sounds packer, heavier and louder. It’s best when you play this song when you’re watching some Cowboy movies when the good Cowboys are fighting and shooting against the bad Cowboys. And oh yes, this song would be perfect when Annuals perform them in a gig or concert. The guitar, bass, drum, hand claps and some whistling instrument (Maybe it’s violin) just blend in and got together so well and tastefully. Don’t blame me if you find yourself nodding your head or tapping your foot away when listening to “Hair Don’t Grow”.
“The Tape” After listening to this song, I can’t help but think that this song is kinda cute and can be used to replace the old and somewhat boring “Silent Night” Christmas Song. A picture of a man playing piano in front of the Christmas tree and his family came to my mind when I listened to this song. Or is it because of the Piano-playing that made this song embraces the atmosphere of the Christmas Season. Not only that, “The Tape” is well accompanied by a number of musical instruments which can be found in a brass band. On second listen, “The Tape” can be a wonderful song for children’s brass band.
“Blue Ridge” Yet again, another beautiful song. It begins with a man talking and whispering to a baby. Reminds me of fatherly love. Forget Barney! Let your baby listen to Annuals’ “Blue Ridge”! Throughout the journey of this song, the music and vocals fit in so well. When Annuals sing together, “To be first in the Sun, to be cursed it might be fun, such fun…” The music that comes along will blow you away. It’ll melt you away like a box of chocolate. The violin is brilliant. I wish this song can be longer..
“Wake” started off somewhat in a creepy way. But it continued with a cheerful and happy note. The chorus is a very happy one and the backup vocals done by the rest of the Annuals suits in just well. It also kinda reminds me of the Arctic Monkeys’ “A Certain Romance” where it ended on a strong and powerful note! Wonderful indie pop rock song (If there’s such a genre).
Rating: Compared to their previous full length album , “Be He Me”. “Such Fun” showed that Annuals are evolving as an indie band/artist. They tried to venture into new musical landscape and sound in “Such Fun” while “Be He Me” was somewhat very consistent in their landscape and sound. Overall “Such Fun” was a really good ride. No kidding! It garnered a rating of 7.5 out of 10 from me.
Stand-Out Tracks (My Picks): Springtime, Hardwood Floor, Hair Don’t Grow and Blue Ridge.
As the saying goes, a picture says a thousand words. It is necessary for you to include a few funny Myspace pics to generate buzz for your website. If not, your profile will be too dull and boring for any passerby to even glance at. Should this happen, any content you might have pain-staking added to your profile page will be wasted as potential visitors ignore your profile page. Funny Myspace pics will help you grab the attention of the viewers and entice them into viewing your profile.
We have to be careful in choosing the type of funny pictures we want to include in our profile. This is because some jokes might be too offensive. These jokes may cover sensitive issues such as religion, political or even gender issues. Insensitive or distasteful material will earn you the disgust of the online community and might ruin your online reputation.
The picture should not be too personal as well. It should not be disrespectful or derogative to any notable person. This is because that by insulting others on the internet, you create a negative persona that turns people off. This could hurt your website. Even if you offer original and exciting content on your MySpace website, readers may not want to add you as a friend or contact because they may deem you hostile and offensive. This will hinder your ability to promote your product or service online.
After choosing the right pictures to include in your profile, you have to decide on the number of pictures you would like to include in your profile. There should not be too many photos in your profile as the content in the profile is equally important. If there are too many pictures, the pictures will distract the viewer’s attention away from the content of the profile page, which defeats the informative nature of profile pages. Therefore, the pictures should only be there to support the content of the profile, and not to “steal” from the “limelight” of informative content.
Since the purpose of funny pictures is to attract new viewers for your MySpace account, you will have to constantly update your profile page with new pictures. If not, there is a possibility that you will lose your current visitors, as they are no longer interested in your profile page anymore if the pictures are not updated regularly.
Using funny and attractive pictures on your profile helps you to widen your network. It will save you the time of browsing around MySpace in an attempt to try to invite people to view your profile. When your profile looks attractive enough, people will take the initiative to look at your profile. You do not even have to invite them to view your page. All you have to do is to constantly update your profile with relevant information and attractive pictures.
Using funny MySpace pics to generate buzz for your website is a really nice way to make your profile interesting and attractive and at the same time, providing useful information to the others. It will increase your ability to widenyour social network.
(Based on author's site
Teaching is sometimes fun because of boy or girl, kids humor; family and parenting humor are mostly baby or kid, children jokes: funny kids jokes are often humorous parenting, teaching jokes.
One of the popular school pupils' jokes is this: “Oh,” replied the school kid, asked if he found the semester examinations easy, “the questions were easy, all right; but the answers were so difficult!”
Kids humour is seen, also, in teaching children grammar: It was nearly the end of the school term, and it was obvious to a teacher that one of his young pupils still could not tell the difference between ‘went’ and ‘gone’ -she kept saying “I have went home.” The teacher asked the girl to stay behind and write fifty times ‘I have gone home’. She did, and added a note: “I have written fifty times ‘I have gone home’ and I have went home.”
In teaching and parenting, children interpret and tell! A teacher sent this note to the parents of the children in her class: “If you don’t believe everything that your children say that happened in class, then I won’t believe everything that they say that happened at home.”
Babies know little -most baby jokes are parent humour or wit: Remarked, “Isn’t your baby rather small..?” a teenage mother commented, “Well, I have only been married three months…”
Boy humour can indicate a schoolboy’s circumstances: “If you had a Dollar in one pocket,” asked the school teacher “and two in the other, of your coat,” “what would that be..?” A boy answered, “Someone else’s coat, Miss….”
Never enough pocket money influences girl humour too: “I knew all the time,” said one of the girls to her friends in a science class, “that the Pound coin would not dissolve in that chemical solution…” Asked how she knew, the *********** explained: “Well, if it was going to, the teacher would have used a penny coin, wouldn’t he..!?”
Parenting humour has a humorous reality for all mothers: A loved mother becomes a fallen woman when she returns home from shopping without any toys.
Children jokes and family humour often involve mothers: Asked if she said her prayers before she ate, a child replied: “No; my mother’s cooking isn’t that bad.”
Family jokes on kids humour involve fathers on teaching: When asked by his father if he liked his first day at school, a child exclaimed, “You mean I have got to go again, tomorrow!?”
Teaching is often fun with children’s funny assumptions: A school kid thought Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife.
Teaching and school kids jokes use nouns versus pronouns too: A school kid, when asked by the class teacher who invented the radio, replied: “Macaroni.”
Many baby jokes and parenting humour are based on names: A couple’s friend, upon being told that the expecting parents were considering naming their baby ‘Pat’, remarked “Pooh.. every ‘Tom, Dick, and Harry’ (John and Jane Doe) is called that.”
School humour and children jokes use kids’ innocence: Asked by his teacher why he was late, a child said that he saw a road sign on the way which read: ‘Go Slow!’
Kids are clever, the anecdotes of a hailed teacher (the late Orhan Seyfi Ari) tells of his: He forbade his youngest son, then a child, from going out without asking him for a period of time ~the child cleverly picked his time, whenever his father had a siesta, always with an excuse to justify it, woke him up to ask if he could pop out!
This is so in family humour also, as seen in family jokes: A teacher having asked the class to say a few words about someone who they had made happy, one of the children told about his aunt who he spent the weekend with and when he left was happy.
Parenting humour does not, always, include kids humour: In a university parenting research project to get academic data on how many parents knew where their children were, many of the telephone calls were answered by children who did not know where their parents were.
In kid jokes children’s vocabulary adds to kids humour: After teaching about the dark ages, and having told children of the many knights they had then, a teacher tested the class by asking why the dark ages were called so -a child answered: “Because they had many nights.”
Word meanings can be used, as in this university humour: “I am taking medicine at university,” said the student; his friend asked, “Is it doing you any good?”
Wordplay can be less direct, as in this college humour: Student humour defines ‘college’ with wit, as a fountain of knowledge where one quenches one’s thirst.
College jokes can be rather harsh also on teaching staff: The difference between good and bad lecturers is a nap.
Unlike college jokes, school jokes treat teachers gently: When a member of the teaching staff announced that she was going to marry the school caretaker, the head teacher remarked to other teachers: “He swept her off her feet…”
School jokes sometimes are about schools themselves: A humorous traffic sign put up by a school was this: ‘Use your eyes! Save the pupils!’
In parenting humour and kid jokes children are innocent: A school kid proudly showed his parents a gold star his teacher gave him -asked what it was for he explained that they all had to rest, and he rested best.
University humour allows ridicule as do high school and college humor: In a law school mock trial the student asked: “When you walked into the bar, did you clearly see Mr. A and Mr. B, together?”; and, answered affirmatively, continued: “And, where were you, at the time?”
In kids jokes, be it boy humour or girl humour, children are never stupid; in parenting, are cute: A bad report of a kid from his teacher upset his parents; “Why am I so?” asked the kid, “Is it my environment or is it hereditary?”
The author has a website at:
Funny maternity clothes can help make your pregnancy a time to enjoy, despite suffering from some of the most common pregnancy symptoms. While you are suffering from the pregnancy blues, you may get into a better frame of mind by wearing clothes that have funny inscriptions. They not only lighten your mood, but also that of those who read what is printed on your clothes.
Humorous Clothes That Brighten Your Day
Funny maternity clothes can be bought quite easily at the local stores or at one of the many online stores, if you are one of those who depend on the internet. In fact, when you shop for clothes online, you have an amazing collection of maternity clothes.
There are stores that specialize only in stylish maternity clothes that women can wear to work as well as chic maternity evening wear. Most pregnant women have a natural glow that makes them look radiant and more beautiful, but some of them lack luster and look tired during their pregnancy days.
Funny maternity clothes need not necessarily be expensive, as you may get funny maternity t-shirts for less than $30! There are t-shirts that have inscriptions such as “not in a good mood”, “baby on board”, “I’m pregnant, what’s your excuse?”, ” I’m making a human, what did you do today?”, “Already smarter than Bush”, “I just wanted a back rub” etc. There are funny clothes available for the father of the child too, with funny inscriptions such as “See how my boys swim," “Man behind the belly”; “My pregnant wife scares me” etc.
Funny maternity clothes are ideal gifts to give to a pregnant loved one, who has a sense of humor. However, while selecting the clothes, make sure that you get the right size and that it is of a soft fabric such as, 100% cotton that feels comfortable to wear. The clothes must not be too tight or pinch and must be machine washable.
Funny maternity t-shirts are great for those of you who are on a budget, as you can get comfortable, quality clothes for relatively economical rates. T-shirts are easy to maintain and wash as well as help you look attractive, while letting the world know that you are pregnant and you appreciate good humor.
You can have an 'all girls' outing to the shopping mall and have fun selecting your maternity wardrobe with your friends or if the prospect of visiting the endless boutiques terrifies you, just log online and make your choice!
You may buy funny maternity clothes that hug the figure snugly or opt for more roomy clothes that give you space to breathe. There is also R rated funny t-shirts for those who appreciate **** jokes.
Being pregnant is a most wonderful stage of your life, savor each moment, stay happy and relaxed, for soon you will be blessed with a miracle that you will always be thankful for. Laughing and staying happy is important, as it will ward off many of the pregnancy complications such as hypertension, depression etc. Eat regular nutritious meals, do the recommended exercises and stay fit and best of all, enjoy your pregnancy by wearing funny maternity clothes.
Trust is one of these funny things. When you got it, you got it. When you ain't got it, you're in a lot of trouble. So take a drug like aspirin. This is a neat medication with all kinds of different uses. It's a painkiller (well, for minor aches), it reduces inflammation and helps to bring down a fever. Most importantly, for people at risk of a stroke or heart attack, it thins the blood and reduces clotting. This is all major mojo yet everyone in the world is trusted with it. You can walk into more or less any pharmacy or grocery store, and pick some off the shelf. No-one asks you for a prescription. It's sold "over-the-counter" (OTC for short) by anyone who happens to be in the store. What did we all do to justify this trust? Well, that's hard to say. People who overdose on aspirin can die. Children are particularly at risk. Even though not at lethal levels, it can also cause serious stomach problems. So it's not like this is a completely safe drug to leave lying around the house. Yet even though millions of men have been taking the little blue pill since it came on the market some ten years ago, and its safety record is second to none (there have been more than 120 clinical trials), it's only available on prescription. For those men without the initiative to buy this great cure for erectile dysfunction online, that means a visit with their local healthcare provider to collect a prescription and then one of those slightly embarrassing trips down to your neighborhood pharmacy where all the counter staff nudge each other and smile as you come in for your repeat dose. So, it's been interesting to watch Pfizer's application in Europe to sell this (possibly safer than aspirin) drug over the counter. The plan was to make the 50mg dose of viagra available without prescription in pharmacies. But the the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was concerned that if men could walk in off the streets and buy this drug, they might be putting themselves at risk. Yes, unless all men are forced to go see a doctor, there might be a fatal delay in the diagnosis of the underlying causes of their erectile dysfunction. It could be diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease. A medical exam before the prescription makes sure they stay well enough to enjoy the ***. It's reassuring to know the EMA has everyone's interests at heart. The second reason which has to do with younger men getting their hands on this drug for recreational purposes, is equally unconvincing. So until common sense prevails on all sides, men will just have to buy their viagra online (where it's cheaper than on Main Street anyway). If they have other symptoms, most men can be trusted to go have a check-up (sooner or later).
Nothing is more fun and exciting than getting together with family on a Friday night and having a great time. Order a pizza, pick up some pop and a movie, and settle in for a great evening of family activity! There are countless options that can make for a wonderful family fun night, too. Let the kids pick an activity for a change or schedule it so that a different family member gets to pick the activity for each different family fun night.
There are several things you can do to ensure that family fun time goes off without a hitch and becomes a planned activity for the whole family, each and every week. The first thing you need to do to accomplish this is to plan for it, of course.
Plan Ahead
Most people have extremely busy lives and are juggling soccer practice with piano lessons and homework. For today’s busiest families, the prospect of family fun time might seem like a distant fantasy instead of a reality. With a little bit of planning and dedication to family, however, family fun night can become a reality and can be a functioning part of your family’s schedule. The first step to making this happen is setting aside some time for it.
Set aside a weekend night, preferably. Family fun nights work best on Friday nights or Saturday nights, as most people are home from their work week and their school week. Kids and adults alike are ready to unwind and relax for the weekend, making Fridays the ideal night for ordering takeout and playing board games.
Setting aside one night a week is a good first step, but that night needs to be effectively reserved for family fun night. Yes, there will be scheduling conflicts and there will be situations that will come up and interfere with family fun night. Treat family fun night like it is the most important part of the schedule because, in many ways, it is. Schedule time with friends, piano lessons, karate practice, and other events around family fun time and make your family’s time together a top priority in your weekly planning.
Get Creative
There are several activities that you can plan for family fun night. Sometimes the activity may be simple, like pizza and a great movie. Other times, you may plan something a touch more intricate, like rock climbing or miniature golf. Regardless of the planning, it is important to ensure that each family member has a say in the activity. For this reason, scheduling the “activities coordinator” is a great idea. Let your son pick the activity for the upcoming family fun night, followed by your daughter’s plans for the following week and your husband’s plans for the week after that. Scheduling the planning process gets everyone involved.
Family activities can be anything from watching a movie to putting together a dollhouse or building something cool. The sky is the limit in terms of ideas for family fun, so get creative and involve the whole family in putting aside great family time!
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