Sunday, March 29, 2009

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Three Money Saving Tips
March 29, 2009 at 1:58 am

Money Tips
Steve Gillman asked:

Money saving tips are commonly all about price shopping and how to get a good deal. It makes sense to find ways to get the same thing for less money. Maybe it even makes sense to use coupons, although some of us find that the time spent is often too much for the savings obtained. In any case, looking for a better price is a good start, but there are more powerful ways to save money.

Money Saving Tip: Alternatives

Look at the underlying goals of a purchase or expenditure. Going out to eat, for example, isn’t just about food, or you would just eat at home. The goal is more likely to get out of the house and have someone else cook for you. An alternative that accomplishes both goals? Buy prepared food at a deli and have a picnic in a nice place, saving yourself $5 to $20. Do this only if you enjoy picnicking, of course. You want to meet the underlying needs or desires at a lower cost, not give up what you want or need.

Try these three steps to saving money on what you want: 1. Identify the true cost. 2. List the deeper needs or desires. 3. Start looking for cheaper alternatives.

For an example of how to use this technique, we’ll assume you’re going to buy a boat. You do an honest tally of all expenses (step one). The boat you like costs $13,000 and be worth $5,000 in eight years or so, so depreciation costs you $1,000 per year. Now you add up the interest on the loan, insurance, gasoline, maintenance, a trailer, gas for your vehicle to haul the boat around, life jackets and anything else you can think of. You find that the total cost will be about $2,700 per year over the expected eight years you’ll keep the boat. You honestly might use it ten times per year or less, so the cost is about $270 per use.

You list the deeper goals, which are fun, entertainment, and something you can do with the family. That’s step two. Step three is to find ways to accomplish all or some of these goals without spending as much.

You might rent a boat four times a year at $200 each time, rent two snowmobiles for $200 per day twice and spend a weekend fishing with the family at a nice resort for $600, for a total of $1,800. Now, if that satisfies your needs (maybe it would mean even more fun), you have a great way to spend $900 less per year, or $7,200 over the next eight years. Add that to your retirement fund, save for a big vacation or for the kids college fund, or use it for anything else you really want.

Money Saving Tip: Don’t Buy It

We easily imagine the benefits of things without looking at the drawbacks. The truth is that we are sometimes happier without what we thought we wanted. In fact, some purchases cause more stress in our lives because they add ongoing expenses and responsibilities. Of everything you consider spending money on, ask if it truly adds something of value to your life and, if the answer is no, save the money for something that does.

Money Saving Tip: Watch How You Pay

Some people pay far more for the things they own simply because they pay with credit cards. In fact, a simple $800 computer might cost $400 more by the time you pay that 18% interest for a few years. Seriously consider saving and paying cash for everything other than your house.

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Unique Ways To Earn Money
March 28, 2009 at 10:56 pm

Earn Money
Eric Fields asked:

There are many unique ways to earn money, online and offline. Some of these ideas you may have heard of and some you may be hearing of for the first time. Either way these are proven ideas that may not make you rich but can put some extra cash in your product.

Selling on Ebay is a pretty common idea. Selling on Ebay is an excellent way to earn extra cash. Here is a very effective way to sell things on Ebay. First you can start off by selling the extra things in your house but you can only sell so many things from your house. Start looking into garage sales. Normally if you look at many garage sales you will find high-ticket items worth 100 dollars selling for under 10 dollars. Now of course the logical question is why would anyone sell something worth 100 dollars for 10 dollars? The reasons are plenty maybe the person is not aware of the true price of the item, maybe they just want to get rid of it, or maybe it’s a divorce. Next, how do you know what the true price of an item is? This one is tough unless you are knowledgeable in the particular field of the item. I normally just go with my instinct. As you visit different garage sales you will begin to get a feel for the prices of different items. Next, research the items you have purchased and then price them on Ebay accordingly.

Another unique way to earn money is to turn your hobby into a business. So if you collect comic books you could sell your comics online, start a comic book review website, or even a blog. Now for those of you who have no hobbies, start a blog on something that you are good at. For example, if you are a single mom you could start a blog about how you are able to raise three kids and work a full time job. Or start a blog sharing your very own homemade recipes. Now how do you make money with this? Simple through advertisements. I would start with a blog at first because blogs are easier to set up and drive traffic to than websites. Create your blog and add Google Adsense to your blog. All Google does is put up ads on your blog. You can monitor which ads you want on your blog. And you get paid every time someone clicks on an ad on your blog. Your only job is to tell everyone about your blog. There are many unique ways to earn money, just think outside of the box.

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This is How Me and a Million Other People Make Money Online at Home!
March 28, 2009 at 6:43 pm

Making Money Online asked:

Money Online Working From Home

Real Financial Return for Your Time Invested Online

Have you tried making money online using other websites only to find yourself at a dead-end? Then, searched again and just repeated this process until you finally quit? Well, I’m glad you’re ready to try again and I’m also glad you found me!

The process that I use to make money online is very straightforward, to the point, and actually has a cash return for your invested time. It’s too easy to stop doing, and works too well to not believe it!

It’s called CashCrate and this is the source for my extra monthly cash flow!

CashCrate is simply a company that allows people to take surveys and complete offers for different products that you probably use everyday anyways and get paid for it. Companies pay CashCrate to do this because in turn, they believe you will eventually buy their product. CashCrate takes this money and pays its members (me and 800,000 other people) a portion just for giving our opinion for those products. Think of it like a TV commercial, online!

Just a Few Reasons to Join CashCrate

- FREE to sign up and FREE to use

- Multiple ways to earn cash, all of which are optional

- No fees or charges to use the website or the forum

- No credit card or bank information

- No selling or making phone calls

- You can stop anytime with no charge

- Real cash return for your time

- FREE Forum right there on the site to blog and ask questions

- Excellent customer service from the staff

- Monthly payouts can be sent by check and now directly deposited through PayPal!

- Easy-to-Use, interactive website layout

- Your earnings and pending earnings displayed live at your members page

Different Ways To Make Money With CashCrate

CashCrate has 3 main ways to earn some extra cash.

First, they have a database full of offers, trials, and surveys to fill out and register for with a payout anywhere from $0.20 to $80.00! These usually only take a few minutes each and a lot of them are free to do. You can sort them to find all the free ones, all the highest payouts, or all the new ones. You are also free to do the ones you want, when you want, and do not have to complete all of them! A lot of these offers are for services you might use or want anyways like DirecTV, Blockbuster, a magazine subscription, and eBay!

Second, they offer 2 daily surveys per day with a payout of $0.80 each giving you the opportunity to make $24.00 a month minimum without any other offers or referrals!

Third is the referral program. This is also an option and I can honestly say, this is the most successful referral program on any GPT website. They give you your own banners to display throughout the internet, your own member link, and tips on how to start gaining referrals. The members of CashCrate have actually blogged 100 different ways to gain more referrals!

Personally, I have created 3 websites, numerous blogs including this one, posted to related articles, printed custom business cards, and stamp my member banners anywhere and everywhere!

Proof of CashCrate’s Effectiveness

The title above is a link to the page on my website that displays my PayPal payment sent on October 17!   The second screenshot was taken only 10 days after I began my membership! The results you will see are with no referrals and I haven’t spent a penny of my own money and never will!

Be sure to check out the second screenshot from September 24th when CashCrate notified me about confirmed offers that I submitted. There are 22 confirmation e-mails in a row! These offers alone got me $6.55! Do this on a daily basis and imagine the cash flow!

Frequently Asked Questions about CashCrate

Are there any requirements for participation? You must be atleast 13 years old. Members from the United States and other English speaking countries will have the most offers available to them, but members from other countries are welcome as well.

How much can I make? How much you can make is dependent on a few things such as what country you’re from and how much time you’re willing to devote to making money. As it is, most members have the opportunity to make more than a thousand dollars!

When do I get paid? Users who meet our minimum payout (only $20!) have their payments processed by the 20th of the following month So, if you earn $250 in June, you’ll get paid in mid-July.

How does the referral program work? The referral program has two levels. You get paid 20% of what your direct referrals make and 10% of what THEIR referrals make. Members can make hundreds a month just by referring other members to our free program!

What’s the best way to get started? After you sign-up, you’ll be presented with a short message on how to complete offers along with a “fast-track”, which is a list offers which you should complete right away because they are high paying and take little time to complete.

Borrowed from CashCrate’s FAQ’s Page

Can I Join CashCrate?

Are you 13 or older? — Do you want to make some extra money?

If you answered Yes to both of those questions, you can join CashCrate! It’s that easy!

If you’re wondering who CashCrate is for, here is a small list of who some of the members are:

- Stay-at-Home Moms and Dads

- Newly-weds

- College, High School, and Middle School Students

- People trying to get out of debt

- People saving for that new product

- Anyone just wanting a little extra cash

As you can see, CashCrate is for just about anyone! Just as long as your over 13 years of age. Remember, CashCrate will never ask for your social security number, bank account info, or credit card info. All they ask is your name and email to join! The staff are very friendly and always there when you need help or have a question.

You have no risks, no obligations, and nothing to lose! So give it a try! After you’ve completed a few offers, send me a message through CashCrate’s Message Center and let me know how you’re doing!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you join with me!

Ready to Make Some Extra Money?

If you’re ready to start making some extra money and join CashCrate, follow these easy steps.

1. Read the information on this blog or CashCraters to get informed.

2. Click this link to be taken to CashCrate’s website: I Want To Join!

3. Sign Up Free - All they ask is your name and email!

4. Set up if you want to get paid by check (will need mailing address) or by PayPal

5. Begin taking offers and surveys and watch your earnings grow!

6. Tell all your friends and family to join with you!

I hope all of this information has helped you in your quest to finding the right choice in making money online. CashCrate has over 800,000 members and growing rapidly every day. Make CashCrate your choice and take advantage of this opportunity.

I Want To Join CashCrate Now! Remember, you can email me through my website at and ask me questions or feel free to post a comment or question on this blog.   . Thanks again and enjoy CashCrate!

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Credit Cards: Saving Money Tips
March 28, 2009 at 6:09 pm

Hector Milla asked:

Would you think there are secret fees by using your credit cards?, the easy answer is yes, but is not that easy, in a modern and regulated world it would be almost impossible those kind of charges, of course if you are in the formal market, then there are additional fees that while are not discussed openly, they are always in the small letters of the terms of service. this article is intended to analyze two aspects of credit card fees, such as late fees and payments because of minimum balance or minimum debt penalties.

- One of the the additional fees that we always may save is late fees, just by paying on time you will save money, and not just that, there are other benefits associated with promptly payments, for instance, if you are planning your finance and one of your goal is establishing credit, credit cards are very efficient doing precisely that. Consequently, you get credit history and improve your credit score just by doing what it is supposed to do, pay on time your credit line, and you pay what is not supposed to pay just by not paying on time. However, late fees amount are different depending on the institution, but late fees can go up to $45.

- The other hidden and evil fee that you have to pay is when you do not keep a minimum balance or minimum debt, some credit cards require this, and the way to go around of this is;

a.- keeping a minimum balance; it is supposed that credit cards are just for emergencies, the truth is that if you have a credit card you always will have some emergency, just be sure to keep the balance your credit card company is asking for, in order to save this fee.

b.- Buying something small with your credit card in a monthly base. Remember that you can pay back the full amount of credit used, then if there some staffs that you need to buy anyway, use your credit card just in order to save these fees.

Finally yet importantly, while credit companies are there for business and their objective is to make money, on the other hand consumers are there in order to save all the money they can, and this might be reasonable easy just by reading thoroughly the terms of service. read the small letters, those that we never read, that ways you will know in advance the fees that you are going to pay by doing or not doing something.

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5 Tips For Achieving Financial Freedom With Your Own Home Business
March 28, 2009 at 3:24 pm

Money Tips
John Spohr asked:

Business opportunities are all over the Internet. You can do any one that you feel is right for you. However, making money with them is not as easy as everyone leads you to believe. There are a few things that you need to know if you are going to make money online. By following these tips you will be able to achieve the financial freedom that you have always dreamed of.

Tip 1: When looking for a business opportunity you will need to find one that has great products that you know everyone will want. They also need to have a marketing system that can be easily duplicated. This will provide you with training on marketing that will help you start making money.

Tip 2: When you find the opportunity that you are looking for. You will need to educate yourself on Internet marketing. This is one very important thing that you do not want to neglect. This will be your key to achieving the financial freedom that you want. You will never stop learning as there is so much that you need to know. Just remember that education is something that you need for any business.

Tip 3: You will need to be persistent and be able to motivate yourself. It will be up to you to make money with your own business. No one can do this for you so you will need to be able to do a little something on your business every day. No matter what you will need to be persistent in your advertising. It may take you a while to get where you want to be but by doing a little something every day you will be able to get your business started.

Tip 4: Don’t ever give up. This is one mistake that a lot of people make when they don’t see results right away. It will take some time to make the kind of money that you want to. There will also be a learning curve when you first start your business. So do everything you can to become a success and don’t ever let anything stop you.

Tip 5: Find a mentor who can teach you what you need to know. There are a lot of people out there who are successfully making money on the Internet every day. Most of these people will be able to show you how they did it and will help you every step of the way.

These are just a few tips that you will need to follow if you are going to achieve the financial freedom that you want. It can be done but it may take you some time. Don’t let this stop you from making your business a success.

Summary: Financial freedom can be achieved when you have your own online business. You just need to follow a few simple tips to help you on the road to success. It is up to you to make your own dream of financial freedom come true.

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5 Tips to Making Money Online
March 28, 2009 at 2:38 pm

Stuart McIntosh asked:

5 Tips To Get Started Making Money Online

This article is aimed to help people of all levels generate income online almost immediately and at no cost.

1.Visit clickbank and sign up for free. This means that you can start promoting products fast. Select a product that you would like to promote that pays well.

2.Get a domain name related to this product ( a Domain name is optional )

A domain name is a www. Site. Now that you have a domain name and a host you need to redirect it to your product that you are promoting with clickbank.

3.The next step is to get people to your domain name and buy the product from you so that you will earn a commission.

The best way to do this is to start an adword campaign with google and SUBMIT ARTICLES.

Write articles related to this product and submit as man as you can all across the internet on sites like this one. This will generate a lot of traffic for you.

4.Register with forums and chat to like minded people becoming professional and getting help and promotion everywhere.

5.Collect your checks from clickbank every 2 weeks!!

There you have it… It could not be easier and involves very little cost. This is this basics of this business and as you get more experience you can create your own products building mailing lists etc.

I hope this helps..

Now Get Out there and Make Your Money by remembering to write articles!!

All the best folks

Stuart McIntosh is an internet marketing guru dedicated to helping others make money online.

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Dropshippers Wholesale Online, Dropshippers Wholesale Items
March 28, 2009 at 2:36 pm

Dropshipping tips
Denise Wallard asked:

Dropshipping Tips and Turnkey Dropship Websites Online:

Other retailers may only provide a catalogue or Internet presence. Watches are terrific reseller items because they are popular gifts, as well as items that consumers will buy for themselves. Watches are timeless. They are classic and they are always the perfect gift. Everyone needs to know the correct time and can generally always use a new watch. Their meaning can be simple or very elegant depending on the relationship of the person to whom your customer is giving the gift. Pitch the idea like this. If you know someone who is always running late, include a fun card reading “It’s about time you wear a watch.” If you’re giving the watch to a spouse, a card reading “Time flies when I’m with you” or “Our love is timeless” will do the trick. Of course, the meaning doesn’t always have to be so serious. Perhaps the gift of a watch is just that - a nice, thoughtful gift. And, that’s great! Consumers also regularly shop for watches, themselves. Selling a product that is ideal for both gift giving and self indulging is a good investment. Let us assume you purchase an item from a dropshipping site for $20. This makes the work a lot easier and saves time.

Dropshipping online:

50 for shipping to the wholesaler and keep the $15. After you have found the item that you want to sell, the second step is to list the item for sale. I use Ebay as the example, because I actually dropship items on Ebay. However, the site you use could be anyone that you want. As the matter of fact, Ebay has recently raised their fees so high that I am considering switching to Yahoo or some other site. I think that sometimes Ebay forgets about the “little guy” just trying to make a few hundred extra dollars a month. On the positive side, it is a good way to start your own business for very little money. If you haven’t registered on Ebay, I recommend that you do so and familiarize yourself with the process of buying and selling items. Also see drop ship delf defense. How does one put together eBay and Dropshipping? Its really very simple.

Here’s a Dropshipping Insider Tip:

Dropshipping Tip: Find out what the final date is to get items ordered for them to be shipped in time for the holidays. Post this information on your website as well as emailing it to your customers. This saves you the headache of dealing with customers who order for the holidays that gifts did not arrive in time. See more at

The true wholesalers don’t need to advertise anywhere because they already have an established business with many big and repeat customers that they rely on. This can be time consuming and difficult but in the end can pay off. Take a look at shoe drop ship. You have made a profit, since you bought the item at wholesale, and sold it for much more!

There are a few in’s and outs about dropshipping on eBay that you should be aware of before starting your own dropshipping business. As an answer to the title - YES, dropshipping on eBay can work for you! However, as with any business, you need to invest time, energy and money in order to put it on the right track. You have to find those products that sell well and area easy to find by customers. You also need to know how to employ advertising secrets in order to grab attention and bring more buyers your way. Dropshipping on eBay is just a tool, an amazing one, true, but without proper management it can turn into a bad idea. On the other hand, if you keep connected to the dynamics of eBay and the dropshipping process you may see your profits increases steadily. You don’t have to pay for storage fees or invest in expensive merchandise that might stay around for a while before it is sold.

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