Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dickipedia: Michael Steele

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March 31, 2009

Dickipedia: Michael Steele

Michael Stephen Steele (born October 19, 1958) is an African-American politician, chairman of the Republican National Committee, bizzarro Barack Obama, former lieutenant Governor of Maryland, Fox News contributor, a giant ham, and a dick.

Steele is seemingly the next model in a recent line of inept Republican officials who have risen to power simply because they are the seen as an antidote to a major democratic candidate rather than being something unhelpful like, say, a strong advocate for their constituents positions.

Through his frequent use of "slang" and attempts to appeal to urban youth, it is unclear if Steele is actually an African-American holding a high office in the Republican Party or just trying to be what most Republicans officials imagined an African-American holding a high office in the Republican Party would look like.

In either case, Steele is ironically a poor man's Barack Obama who was created for the rich man's political party, making him like the Sharper Image of American politics.

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