It is always good to look at the positive side of life. There is no better way than engaging a fun time filled with humor. When you find something to laugh about, you really feel like the world is a good place filled with no worries at all. It is therefore essential to ***** a joke at every opportunity because you will even get to live longer. When you are sending messages to people, you can do precisely this. Humorous greeting cards are one way of ensuring that you get someone to laugh. Maybe laughing is a long shot; if you succeed to make someone smile that is good enough. There are humorous greeting cards that come with a really funny message. Therefore, for it to be funny, you have to look beyond the color. The kind of information that it presents is very crucial to determining whether there was a joke or not. It is not just the message that can show humor but also the kind of picture displayed on the card.
Humorous greeting cards that are visual or have great pictures on them will speak for themselves. If you wish to get some inspiration on humor, it is time you looked at some of the humorous greeting cards that you will mainly find online. I must say that I had a ball looking at some of the pictures of cards available. I came across funny Valentines cards which just left me in stitches. For example, there was a picture of a rhinoceros wearing tutus that were all in red. You will have to see for yourself to really appreciate the humor. I also saw a couple of puppies who were dressed in Valentine attire smiling for the camera. Even without reading the message, a card like that will surely make your day. There was also a card featuring the president of the United States. It will be a pleasurable experience to go through the cards available and, you will not regret this.
On humorous greeting cards, I saw the picture of two fish have a candle lit moment staring into the eyes of each other. There is no doubt that when you look through the cards, you will see great humor which is worth sharing with a friend. If your friend or loved one was having a bad day, this is the sure way of brightening their day. Humor is something that cannot be fully described and with it comes relief and joy. This is what you should be looking to achieve, the next time you are sending a card to someone. Go through as many sites as you possibly can and look for the cards that will make an impact. If you really wish to write some humorous words, look for inspiration in this regard. There are so many people who are able to write humorous words and when you really think about life, you will be in a position to get some few words of inspiration and humor. If you try, you will definitely find the humor and make the atmosphere funny and worthwhile.
The funny guy never gets the girl. That is one of those urban myths, along with bald guys arent **** and guys do not go for girls with glasses. But as you see bald guys score and meet more and more stunning girls with glasses, you start to see the error in those little high school rules we thought made sense.
Humor has a huge value in social situations to move your relationship from one level to the other. If you have a good grasp of how to use humor and what its value is when socializing and flirting, it can be a powerful tool in your pick-up strategy. Humor is the grease of much of social conversation because …
It relaxes us. Nothing in the world is as good at making people feel at home with each other than laughter.
It lowers the tension of social contact. Oftentimes we feel tense or awkward when first meeting someone. Humor reduces or eliminates that tension and gives a sensation of familiarity.
It creates a bond. Like eating and drinking and sharing other physical pleasures, laughing together bonds people in a natural, unforced way.
It places you briefly in control. You become the center of the groups attention and, more importantly of his or her attention, and in doing so they look at you in a new way.
The Quip
You are probably better at humor than you may think. Lots of us think, I cant tell jokes. But in truth, the huge majority of working humor is not a joke at all but a humorous observation in the situation that you are in. These little wise cracks or quips are even funnier than jokes because they come spontaneously and as a surprise to your audience.
Rather than discuss individual jokes, lets think together instead about what makes a comment funny and what is funny, and you can then begin looking for ways to apply that to the conversations you are in.
The heart of humor is surprise. Much of what makes us laugh is funny because you are putting a new spin on something or combining two things that do not go together naturally. As you conduct your conversations, look for those moments when a humorous angle on what you are discussing is appropriate. Insert your little quip and gauge the reaction. You will develop your own style and approach to humor that will work for you.
Be understated. Some of the best humor is not over the top, but a sly remark about what is happening, an understatement of what is happening around you. Suppose the waiter dropped all the glasses. Instead of the over the top joke of way to go grace which is worn out and not a surprise, an understatement of the situation such as It is nice he likes to bowl but he should pick his moments, or thats okay, I did not want to drink that anyway will come as a much greater surprise and get a stronger laugh.
Self-deprecation is the best humor. By that we mean, make fun of yourself and be humble. Humor that puts others down is often interpreted as mean and ugly. But humor directed at yourself is charming. It has the opposite effect of making you look small it makes you look secure and confident and those are attractive traits in a person.
Do not use humor too much. Look for those quiet moments to use it. If you get to where you are the guy who is always joking, you will lose the valuable transition to the guy she can talk to intimately and the flirtation value of humor is damaged. Same goes for women. Just use it carefully, from time to time, and to draw you closer to your new romantic interest and it will be a good friend.
When I wrote recently about the Top 10 Qualities of Your Next Winning Goal, I never expected to hear so much feedback about quality #1 – FUN. “Goals should be fun?” some of you asked. And, “what’s all this talk about a game?”
People were both surprised and delighted to see that fun was included, let alone at the top of the list! Goals had always seemed like work, downright drudgery.
To me, those reactions were a clear indication that we need to think about work, goals and having fun in different ways. In fact, look at your to do list right now – go ahead – and tell me, how many of the items are things you enjoy?
If you’re one of those people who was surprised to see FUN at the top of a list about goals, this is your call to get the fun ball rolling. This is your chance to be a hero, not just in your own life, but to be a changing force in the lives of others.
Here are five ways that you can choose FUN:
Make your work fun.
If you’re an employee, while it’s true that you may not have control over the projects you’re working on or the deadlines you have to meet, you DO have control over your mindset. Make it FUN.
When you’re having fun, you’re using your strengths and feeling good about yourself and what you’re doing. Remember, you were chosen for this job. Your employer saw good things in you. How can you bring those things into your daily work tasks?
Make mistakes.
Mistakes are great, as long as you learn from them. If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not taking any risks. You’re also probably taking yourself and your work way too seriously.
When you’ve got room to experiment, try new things and make mistakes, work automatically becomes more fun. And that’s contagious.
Become the ambassador of fun.
Create a culture of fun at your workplace. In one organization I coached, they had a party at the end of every single tracking period. In another company, they held a sales contest with simple prizes and had a big event to acknowledge the winners.
No matter what there is to celebrate – one department met a deadline, one individual won an award – bring the whole organization together to have fun and feel connected to that big picture of success.
Win the smile Olympics.
Don’t feel like smiling? Smile! Someone didn’t smile at you? Smile!
Smiling is one of the easiest and simplest ways to keep your spirits up and have an immediate impact on others around you. Smiling relieves stress, eases tension and shifts your mindset.
Another organization I’ve worked with renamed their receptionist the Director of First Impressions. Smiling is an important part of her job description. Make it part of yours.
Add yourself back to the list.
Remember that to do list that didn’t have any fun things on it? Now’s the time to add those back. And your personal goals might need just as much of a fun makeover as your professional goals.
Would you enjoy your family activities more if GETTING there was as much fun as being there? How can you make a game out of keeping everyone on time?
Would you enjoy going to the gym more if you went with a buddy? Listened to your favorite music? Or if you scheduled your visits so that you can watch that “guilty pleasure” TV show while you walk on the treadmill?
I’m thrilled that I’ve helped you to pause and think about fun. Now, are you ready to stop the drudgery? Look, we’re responsible adults; we know what we have to get done. And we can get the same job done in a fun way, with guaranteed better results. Are you game?
If you are considering buying off road tires for your vehicle then there are definitely a few things that you should know first. To begin with, unless your truck has been modified the difference that your tires make may be quite minimal.
Modifications Do Make a Difference
For instance, if you truly are interested in taking your vehicle off road into some serious rough terrain, you may want to consider a suspension lift kit first. After all whats the use of a good expensive set of off road tires if they are rubbing the insides of your wheel wells.
Don’t Get Stuck Without a Winch
Another item to put on your list if you are planning on some serious off roading, may be a winch for your front bumper. Once you leave the road and head off into the hills your chances of getting stuck increase dramatically and getting stuck out in the middle of nowhere is no joke.
A Good Set of Mud & Snow Off Road Tires
Perhaps though, you aren’t interested in these changes and just want some extra traction for your work truck on rainy days or getting to difficult locations when the need arises. If this is your case then what you may need is a good set of tall mud & snow tires.
Sensible Off Road Tires
These will give you added height and some extra traction and still feel fine when driving on the road. Also, they aren’t going to be as expensive to buy either and you don’t have to worry about their heavy tread wearing out.
A Lot to Learn About Off Road Tires
Remember that you are going to have to pay more for a good set of off road tires with heavy tread and if you don’t need them, why buy them? So spend a little time getting to know the product before you head down to the tire store to make your purchase.
Product creation is a funny thing. We spend so much time on all the details of our product that we sometimes forget about the little things that ultimately end up ticking off our customers for the help This is especially true when it comes to ebook creation. Well, this article has been written for the purpose of reminding you about a few of those little things. Trust me, if you leave these out, you’re going to get people really annoyed and that’s the last thing you want to do to your customers.
At the top of the list is a table of contents. Contrary to what you might want to believe, not everybody is going to read your ebook from cover to cover, especially if it’s one that covers a lot of ground. For example, let’s say you write a book on traffic generation methods. The person who buys it may not be interested in your chapter on AdWords because they don’t have the money to spend yet. So they want to focus on methods that are cheaper. It would be nice if they knew exactly where they could find them. So please make sure you include a table of contents with your ebook.
Next on my hit parade is page numbers. Yes, page numbers. I **** to tell you this, but not everybody reads your PDF at their computer. Some people actually like to print it out and put the sheets in some kind of a binder. Well, believe it or not, sometimes in the printing process, pages get tossed off the printer. If there are no page numbers, guess what? You got it. Your customer has no idea what goes where and ends up getting very frustrated with your product. So please make sure you number your pages.
Finally, there is your header and footer. It would really be nice if you had some identification in this area so that customers know exactly what it is that they’re reading. If they skip by the header page for the help, the one with your ebook cover and title, they may not know what the focus of the book is. A header on each page will remind them that they’re reading a book on traffic generation and not just the one topic that they happen to be on. Also, if you have multiple volumes, it’s nice to know what volume you’re reading.
It doesn’t matter even if you are poor, ugly, fat and uneducated. As long as you are able to make women laugh, you can easily make them fall in love with you. Just look around you. Have you ever seen a gorgeous lady walking with the most unlikely candidate? He is ugly and fat, and he certainly doesn’t look like he is rich. Most certainly, he has mastered the science of how to make woman laugh.
So how do I make a woman laugh?
First, you need to know about something that most books or experts won’t tell you. All women are different and they laugh at different things. Therefore, you may have to test what kind of humor they respond to. However, this is a study by itself and we shall not focus on it at this moment.
This article will focus on some basic knowledge you need to know. Do not underestimate them. These are the foundations and if you want to become proficient at making women laugh, you need to master the basics.
Firstly, your mindset is extremely important. Most men remain mediocre in making women laugh because of their limited mindset. Once they get rejected, they never want to try again. Remember, making woman laugh is a skill just like riding a bicycle. You only become proficient through continuous practice. Do not give up just because you did not succeed after the first trial. If you persist, you will definitely become better.
Next, try not to use jokes unless they are extremely appropriate to the situation. Try to imagine you are a woman and a guy is trying to tell you a joke. “Hey, let me tell you a joke. It is so funny.” Will you laugh? Most likely not. Another problem is she may have heard of the joke before. In fact, you may make her feel uncomfortable as she feels obligated to laugh so as not to embarrass you.
The when, where and how is also critical. You don’t try to be funny when you can sense that she is not in the mood to laugh. Some jokes work in certain place but not in all places. How you tell it is also important and it will depend on your own personality. For example, some laughter lines are best delivered using a deadpan expression, trying to act stupid. Sometimes you need to exaggerate with your voice and body language.
Remember, how to make woman laugh is a science. This means you can master it if you learn about it and practice what you have learned.
It's your friend's or loved one's birthday and you are unable to decide what should be the birthday gift? Choosing a perfect birthday gift for a loved one has never been an easy task. Shower birthday wishes on your loved ones with Birthday greeting cards. What better way to get your feelings across than to say it with beautiful happy birthday cards? So reach out to your friend, loved one or a family member with the warm and heartfelt messages enclosed in a birthday greeting card.
Finding a perfect card for any occasion is very difficult. You must have spent hours in card shops looking for the perfect wording, and an attractive design for one of the various occasions in life.
But thanks to advances in technology we can today shop for real birthday greeting cards at the click of a mouse, without ever having to step out of our home or workplace. That's not all; you can also personalise the cards online, inserting your own special and beautiful words in text or your own voice in audio to show how much he or she matters to you. Some people treasure a personalized greeting card more than a standard one that anyone can order via the Internet. You may choose to send a traditional pre-printed card or a beautiful handcrafted card.
You can choose the card according to the person you are offering it to. Select cards with warm colors and the text should appreciate their qualities. Rather than selecting a card saying only happy birthday, select the ones that also have nice words to say about them.
Choose from a wide range of Birthday greeting cards, available in various colours, designs and themes, and for the first time this year, can include your own voice in a high quality 60 second audio card. The music that is featured on these cards is usually standard, but there are some audio greeting cards that allow you to send your own voice recording in the greeting card. Sure-Card also offers a great variety of humorous, traditional, contemporary and handcrafted Happy Birthday greetings to express your warm and heartfelt messages.
Log onto for more information on buying Birthday Cards online.
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