Saturday, April 25, 2009

4/25 Fun LaughFun Laugh

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A Good Life Just as it is
April 25, 2009 at 3:29 am

Good Jokes
CD Mohatta asked:

We may not have the love we want. We may be worried about our health or someone else’s health. We may not have enough money to do what we want to do. We may have irritations or stress at work or in our family. We may wish we could lose weight or quit smoking. But you should not wait until conditions are right to enjoy your life and feel good about yourself. Enjoying your life, just as it is, can be done right now. The following guidelines will help you.

1. Don’t dwell on the negative parts of your life or the past. Enough bad stuff happens in everyone’s lives. The difference in being happy or sad is how much we hang on to the bad and how much time we devote to it. Learn to let go of the bad.

2. Nurture good relationships. Better relationships happen when we learn how to choose people who are good for us and also learn how we can be good for others. Take a genuine interest in the welfare and happiness of those around you. Listen to what they say they need and who they say they are. Respect them.

3. Get good at doing at least three things. These things can be anything you like: your career, relating to your family, hobbies like gardening, health, carpentry, etc. We all feel better when we feel competent at something and especially when we feel we have something to contribute, so take this seriously a few interests and get as good as you can at them.

4. Find comfort and enjoyment in rituals and regular routines that have meaning for you. People are quite varied in what they routinely enjoy. To some, their religious practice is very important. For others the routine they enjoy may be going to a café on certain mornings to talk with friends or read the paper. For others it may be they look forward to daily family dinners. Sometimes we like celebrating holidays in particular ways that are done every year. Recognize your own rituals and if you like, look for additional ones.

5. And last but not least, learn to lighten up! Un-clutter your life, give freely, laugh at jokes, tell jokes and cheer others. Notice every pleasant thing in your day whether big or small. Find little pleasures, and every day give thanks for the love you have received.

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Funny Birthday Cards for Dog Lovers
April 24, 2009 at 10:14 pm

Anna Hart asked:

1. Funny English Bulldog birthday cards

2. Amusing Jack Russell terrier birthday cards

3. Hilarious Black Labrador birthday cards

4. Droll Dachshund birthday cards

5. Witty French Poodle birthday cards

6. Comical Golden Retriever birthday cards

7. Humorous Saint Bernard birthday cards

Funny English Bulldog birthday cards seem especially appropriate to me. They would be easy to create, with great potential for humor. A photo or sketch of an English Bulldog, fangs protruding beside a long tongue, might include a caption regarding someone being a bit “long in the tooth” these days.

A funny English Bulldog birthday card we found online is a “driver’s license” for the recipient’s English Bulldog. You can have a “DMV pet license” custom made for the English Bulldog lover. Like an official DMV driver’s license of the chosen state, your friend’s “DMV pet license” will be a laminated, wallet-sized card. He or she will also receive a matching collar or keychain version.

To order this funny English Bulldog birthday card, you provide a photo and information about the pet. Best of all, you select any “restrictions” you want to have noted. Choices for dogs include things such as no chasing cars and no chasing cats. You can create your DMV pet license at the My Pet DMV website.

DMV pet licenses are not only funny English Bulldog birthday cards, of course. They can be funny birthday cards for any pet lover.

Very funny English Bulldog birthday cards, as well as English Bulldog gifts, are available at The Inky Paw website.

Vivyland also has a collection of funny English Bulldog birthday cards. I was amused by the bulldogs in angel wings! Women will love the female bulldog featured on another, with rollers on her head and cucumber slices on her eyes!

All right. So, there are funny English Bulldog birthday cards. What about other dogs and the dog lovers having birthdays? Are there equally amusing greetings for them?

Yes, of course. First off, any pet owner with a dog, cat, ferret, parrot, rabbit, or other pet would love the DMV pet licenses mentioned above. They make a cute card, and an ongoing identification for the pet.

Funny birthday cards for almost any breed of dog are available at the Inky Paw website. They have all of the dogs named above and more. For Dachshund lovers, Inky Paw offers a birthday card featuring a wiener dog stepping onto a bathroom scale and commenting on the wonder that kibble is a carb!

If you are looking for e-cards to wish your dog lover a happy birthday, you will want to visit the Dog Breedz website. They have dog birthday cards for many breeds, and you can create your own verses – hilarious, cheeky, or romantic. They provide information about each breed, allow you to choose a photo and a skin, and then ask for your message. You don’t have to be overly creative to come up with a clever birthday card here.

E-greetings often allow you to use your own photo of that African Basenji, Chinese Shar-Pei, French Poodle, or Irish Setter.

Perhaps the most memorable funny birthday card you could send to a pet lover would be one that you yourself make. Homemade birthday cards show thoughtfulness and effort that can never be captured by a purchased card or free e-cards. Take a few funny photos of the pet – or find funny photos of the same breed. Study the photos for funny human qualities they suggest. Write a few funny words as a caption. Inside your birthday card, you can write funny verses, or simply wish a happy birthday.

Helpful Tip: Belated birthday cards are better than nothing, but try to be timely. A birthday card that arrives on time or early says “I cared enough” much more than a belated card – unless you have an excellent reason for being late.

Disclaimer: The author presents this information for educational purposes only. She is not an employee of any of the merchants mentioned, nor will she receive any compensation if their products are purchased by the reader.

By: Anna Hart

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Humor ~ What is It?
April 24, 2009 at 8:42 pm

Real Humor
John Bell asked:

Humor is always linked to comedy. It is generally recognized as something acceptable to, and enjoyed by everyone, no matter what his or her age. Learning to smile is one of the first recognizable displayed characteristics of newborn babies.

The rhythmic expulsion of air from the lungs is recognized as laughter in a matter of weeks following the birth, and is a primitive form of basic communication. Mother Nature has already equipped young babies with a powerful tool they can use to good advantage as a key factor in human bonding, the building of special relationships and social cohesion in the years that follow.

If asked, most people would state they had a good sense of humor. Used for professional entertainment it becomes an art, whether it is for business or pleasure. It requires careful planning and skilful delivery. I have learned from experience that such skills can be taught and then must be regularly practiced by those interested in becoming comedians.

Humor is totally subjective, always provoking, and generates different reactions from different people. Effective comedians are few and far between partly because what is funny to one person is not funny to another. The large majority of an audience must quickly consider they have some kind of rapport with a comedian. The best comedians are considered to be intellectual observers of human activity. They are philosophical spectators of the humorous anomalies found in life.

Making others laugh is a masterful skill that can change lives. People who can get others laughing are usually seen as being charismatic and are usually highly admired in society. Humor also takes a key part in the act of attraction. In many cultures giggling is often a sign of a secret sexual tension expressed by both men and women. You’re giggling aren’t you?

Humor makes uncomfortable situations more comfortable. It allows individuals to laugh no matter how grim living gets. It is such a nice feeling people will pay money to others to make them laugh. It is cathartic; it encourages an individual to purge their problems and painful emotions through the joy of laughter.

Study top comedians and you will soon realize that those skilled in delivering humor are great storytellers. Comedy is often based upon conflicting drama thrown up in life. It is not funny having to be funny. You need to be seriously funny to impress others. It is no joke. I mean that seriously.

Comedy and wit have little to do with an ability to tell jokes. People who ‘tell jokes’ are often seen as boring individuals with little sense of humor. They often begin their comedy routine with words along the line of 'Have you heard the one about"? True comedy is the practically enacted theory of the absurdities so often found in human relationships.

Experienced comedians are not afraid to laugh at themselves because humor is a universal human activity that allows the comedian to become a philosophical spectator of his own life in relation to those around him. Popular topics often revolve around the boss, their children and/or their partner or spouse.

As a professional speaker I have two roles. As an after-dinner speaker my sole purpose is to entertain the audience. As a keynote, motivational presenter I become a serious speaker seeking to help my audience remember important messages by using humor as a powerful tool. I have learned from experience that even the most focussed of audiences have an attention span of less than seven minutes. By injecting humor into my talks I help my audience stay alert and absorb important material.

Laughter is the best medicine. Unless of course you are asthmatic when inhaled steroids are likely to come highest on your list. Which is why I am so popular with healthcare professionals. As the saying goes ‘Physician heal thy self’ this is exactly what I am helping to facilitate when I make my medical audiences laugh.

Laughter is a physiological response to a trigger I activate in the audience. Members of the medical profession are no different to anyone else. They regularly feel anxiety, stress and even anger. By making them laugh I pull on a laughter trigger that releases endorphins, which in turn, counteracts the unpleasantness they may be feeling at that moment in time. Furthermore, happy people feel good to be around. Patients can feel so much better simply by being around healthcare professionals who appear happy. Everyone hates a ‘doctor death’ character who always look as if they are about to give out bad news.

Laughter in the workplace is important too for the boosting of staff morale and for the increase in productivity that usually follows. A happy staff is a productive staff.

During the talks I give around the world I often use examples of humorous real-life examples from my own family relationships to illustrate the principles of human awareness. Looking at an audience I can usually tell those going through a difficult relationship. They are the miserable looking individuals who work so hard trying not to even smile when those around them are struggling to stem a flow of uncontrollable laughter. I always work on the principle ‘you can’t please all of the people all of the time’. I think Abraham Lincoln said that. Or was it Bob Dylan?

I am in no doubt that laughter is the key to a happy marriage. If you are able to laugh at each other, it shows you are able to affectionately tease and play - something so important in all human relationships. A happy marriage takes effort. I have been happily married for 34 years. We keep our relationship fresh by each and every week, without fail, treating ourselves to a meal in a top restaurant with a good quality bottle of our favourite wine.

She goes out each Tuesday and I each Thursday evening.

In conclusion ~ humor is a fundamental basic in the art of effective public speaking. It can make the difference between a great talk with an enthusiastic audience and a disastrous monotonous monologue.

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The Criminalization of Good Intentions When
April 24, 2009 at 6:02 pm

Good Jokes
Anthony Tharpe asked:

                   The Criminalization of Good Intentions when

                          NEW OPPORTUNITIES EMERGE


Anthony Tharpe spent most of his adult life working in his own small way to change lives in a positive way while supporting any worth while measure or policy or even program developed by others that would help to raise the standard of living of people all over the world. Coming form a very personal unforgotten history and culture of a people whose lives have become mangled due to the untreated psychological trauma of the greatest injustice faced by any people on planet earth; Slavery, he could never understand, why the same people created policy as well as laws which continue to support the very system which their ancestors so desperately fought to escape. With Elected political leaders acting under the guise of Democracy and parliamentary procedure, taking actions which connote a deep sense of insensitivity to the past as well as current plight  of these same people. Committing acts carried through parliament; then marketing them as just laws, they continue to create the demise of the very people they are supposed to protect and liberate. And what seem to be most alarming, if not disturbing thought, is that these activities continue the oppression of the grater x-slave population. There was, as is evidenced by the past, as well as there continues to be their audacious attitude through eloquence speeches that these vile actions are in the best interest of the people.

Presumably, like the "Business King Pins" of the past and the colonists, they are always acting or claiming to act in the interest of the ignorant, un-intelligent poor people. Populations, who were and are grossly in apt to recognize their own, continued pain, suffering and circumstance or so, believe the political leaders and law makers.


What did Anthony Tharpe experience to draw these conclusions? The very same experiences millions of us see and live every day without fully recognizing what is happening. In fact many often fail to recognize that these aforementioned acts seriously affect our lives on daily basis. And its not just in the back woods of emerging economies such as the communist blocks, or the barbaric actions of   some of Deep Dark AFRICA nation or ;  its constant brew of Brutal antidemocratic leaders. Its right here; next door, in the sun bathed , white sand beached island of paradise; Jamaica, the Royal House of the Caribbean.


 It was here that Anthony Tharpe for the very first time personally experience being labeled and called a criminal by Government agents, without the benefit of laws, conventions or any legal protection. And appealing to the Government about its own infringements on its citizen's legal rights is frankly a big Caribbean waste of time. And if you understand the concept of time in Jamaica and its relativity when it comes to the rest of the world, then you will truly understand.


Anthony Tharpe before opening business these in Jamaica met with government officials who gave the green light. They were specific in declaring the legitimacy of the enterprise. However as soon as million were spent to establish the business and the business began to significantly erode the market share of the traditional Big businesses there the government launched a series of attacks.  The Jamaican Government spent significant resources to organize national as well as international tours, public forums and presentations to destabilize Anthony Tharpe's business.


The government launched various charges, including claiming that the business; a Real Estate Investment club; which is quite legal and unregulated in the USA, and a  real estate development  company CAREIF LTD, were both illegal operations in their core business activity. These actions by the government were being done without the benefit of any regulation of laws; current or past, to support their accusations. And though Anthony Tharpe spent millions petitioning the government of Jamaica; The Prime Minister himself, the public defender, the Attorney General as well as provided source material including reference to the USA's SEC's site on Real Estate Investment clubs, the illegal acts of government continued.


Thus the right to economic pursuits were being openly breached by the Jamaican Government. This is how it all begins. Because the Jamaican government was allowed to get away with their actions against Anthony Tharp's company; CAREIF LTD, and as a result of the none caring attitude of the people of Jamaica regarding the infringement on their very important civil and constitutional rights, the government of the day  has now began to etch away at several other constitutional rights.


At first though many instantaneously will single out the Caribbean island of Cuba, only to be paralyzed by the reality that an Island Paradise like Jamaica is amongst  those countries openly violating human rights. Jamaica is now amongst a list of independent nations, that continues to take governmental actions which challenge if not maims the very intelligence as well as the personal, economic and political freedoms of its people. Many have failed to recognize that when Governments take generic but random actions, out of a rushed desire to calm the fears; founded or not, of elitist of the society; the poor and majority of the population often takes the brutal brunt of the beating.  When Government Fails to protect economic freedoms, in the interest of big Business, it also fails to represent the rights o f its people.  When the mistake is recognized and corrected, there is simply a very weak or absolutely no satisfactory apology or compensation. That's the nature of these absolutist type politicians who really believe they are God sent and have the right to extract royalties for themselves and their political cronies and benefactors.


Why is it important FOR EVERY WELL THINKING CITIZEN OF THE WORLD to challenge these kinds of actions and thinking of Governments? Simply because it eventually leads to social upheaval, revolution and crime. You oppress a people long enough, take their freedoms, provide no opportunity and sacrifice their economic empowerment in exchange for outrageous trickle down economic policy that only benefit the rich, a nation will become the recipient of decades of social turmoil. It was the practitioners of  these  outrageous acts of  legal aggression against nations of people that gave rise to a brutal Soviet Nation, where their own citizens  Personal, economic, political as well as social rights was nothing but a rejected foot mat to be trampled on by so called forthright politicians. We now see the same thing happening in the North EAST of the African continent. Somalia is no joke. Rape, slavery, genocide, and plain murder of a nation in fear are the order of the day.  


Many readers may think it's just too fool hardy to think, well, that or this, will never happen to me or the people in the Caribbean or even here in the United States. But ALAS, Don't BE FOOLED. Become students of history. In every country where these brutal regimes emerged, so said the people before it happened. Even when it stared them daringly in their faces.


The government of Jamaica recently did several troubling strategic moves to so call quells the tides of Crime. Many of these actions are themselves criminal in approach and nature. Any plan and act of a Government that seeks to take the constitutional rights of its citizens, by locking even one individual up for days at a time without any criminal charges, is itself a crime. To take the freedom of one person for any time, in an effort to so called protect the rights of others, when there is no crime or accusation of one, is a direct challenge to the rights hard won by many of the people who made the ultimate sacrifice. Governments cannot justify their acts; by simply saying the means justify the ends, if and when it comes to destroying a free and democratic society.


When any Government begin to label citizens or legitimate institutions criminals, in order to protect big business, before any crime is done or proven, as was done in the case of Anthony Tharp's CAREIF LTD, then that government is again walking along the path of those many Governments before them, who have brutally trotted on the very lives and freedoms of its citizens. The way forward in fixing any problems within a civil society is to give maximum protection to citizens and their rights, to social, economic and political freedoms. If the Jamaican Government misses the many global lessons of the past, where it took decades for people to regain their human and political rights, than we will see paradise in ruin. The Victories of the past are not so monolithic that they cannot disappear with a few bad parliamentary acts. More so acts of government random and discriminate without the right of laws. And it's not just Jamaica that we must worry about. It's just an obvious example.

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Stop Being Embarrassed at Your Body & Make a Real Change
April 24, 2009 at 5:41 pm

Real Humor
Tina Bardo asked:

Who else is ready to take some rapid steps to fast fat loss? If you are anything like the majority of people reading this right now, you could probably use to lose a few pounds right now, right? It’s true….as the holiday season has just passed, surveys shows more and more of us are finding ourselves in dire physical straits. Did you know that a disproportionate amount of Americans are now officially considered obese? How about the direct linear relationship medical science is now drawing between weight gain after 30, and a scary shortening of life expectancy? Make no mistake….being overweight is not funny, is not locker room humor, and should not be taken lightly.

It took all of the above ( and a lot more!) to finally get MY attention, and I’m hoping that the short paragraph above is finally starting to get yours.

So what can you do to experience rapid fat loss and high step the heavy hurdles that hold so many of us back?

Calorie Restriction Comes First: Yes, I know you want an exotic fad diet that works overnight with no muss, fuss or fasting. The simple truth is that any diet, to be successful, has far less to do with fats, proteins and carbs, and everything to do with calories. 3500 for every pound you want to lose.

Lean and Green: Want to load up until you can’t move? Try Spinach, Broccoli and other green leafy vegetables bursting in nutrients and absent calories. The more we know about green diets, the more overwhelming the proof becomes that they help to aid fast fat loss (and optimum health!) like nothing else around!

Meal Replacement Diets are Delicious: Yes, we love and advocate for Medifast, and yes I’d like to see you have the same success. But even if Medifast is no the right choice for you, meal replacement ( especially liquid diets) are paramount (and proven!) for fast fat loss to boot!

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Humor: not Everyone Can Hear the Funny
April 24, 2009 at 1:23 pm

Real Humor
Jay Speyerer asked:

By all accounts, the late movie cowboy Gene Autry was a fine fellow and a savvy businessman, having owned a record label, a production company, and a baseball team. He was as widely known for his westerns as he was for making a hit song out of “Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer.” He made a ton of “B” westerns in the 40s, and had a TV show in the 50s, all aimed at the kid audience.

Those kids probably didn’t care that Gene wasn’t the greatest actor, and that he seemed to have only two ****** expressions, concerned and smiling. He never knew what to do with his hands, so when he wasn’t playing the guitar or punching a bad guy, he hooked his thumbs over his gunbelt. Gene’s acting chops matched his voice, which was less than resonant, kind of nasal and twangy. He could carry a tune as long as it wasn’t very heavy.

Sometimes Gene played his guitar as he sang for an audience visible within the movie, and that made sense in both the real and reel worlds. But sometimes we’d see Gene and his sidekick, Smiley Burnett, riding their horses along some desolate trail west of nowhere, just the two of them, when Gene would abruptly burst into song. Not only did Smiley see nothing odd about this behavior, he didn’t even react to the full (and fully invisible) orchestral accompaniment that Gene seemed to carry around with him. In fact, Smiley even sang along.

Then after the song was over, the two good guys would run into some baddies. A rousing chase and fistfight would follow, with exciting music accompanying the action.

Obviously, both the audience in the story and the audience watching the movie could hear Gene’s guitar when he was playing for them. That’s diegetic or “source” music, a part of the story. And just as obviously, Gene and Smiley could not hear the music when they were chasing and fighting the bad guys. That was non-diegetic music; it was there as dramatic effect for the benefit of the audience. The music Gene sang to while riding along the trail falls into a kind of music limbo.

According to Pauline Reay’s book, “Music in Film: Soundtracks and Synergy,” diegesis is the story world depicted on the screen. We the audience could hear all of the music, but the characters could hear only some of it. I believe the same is true with humor.

Fast-forward fifty years. “Frasier,” starring Kelsey Grammer, was a popular spin-off of “Cheers.” Aside from being a well-written show, it was superbly cast, each actor making us believe in his or her character. One of those splendidly fleshed out characters was Frasier’s über-fussy brother, Niles, played by David Hyde Pierce. Niles was quite the intellectual, like his brother. One day Niles walked into the studio of Frasier’s radio program to show him a rare book he’s just bought. Niles says, “I wanted to show you my copy of ‘Saint Katy, the Virgin,’ in like-new condition.” Frasier replies with a knowing grin, “Yes, well, she’d have to be, wouldn’t she?” Niles smiles, and the audience laughs.

Later in that scene, they learn that their favorite restaurant is closing forever. Niles gets wistful for his eighth birthday party, which had been held at the restaurant, and where he was just as fussy. Niles says wistfully, “Great times. Opening presents, wearing funny hats, sending back the veal Prince Orloff.” Frasier doesn’t smile, but the audience laughs.

Each of those jokes is in a different form. The first one about Saint Katy is diegetic, that is, it takes place in their world and is acknowledged by the characters as being a joke. Niles smiles at Frasier’s remark about the book, just as someone would do in the real world. But the other funny line would not be considered source humor. Niles’ line about sending back the veal was non-diegetic. Frasier did not see it as a joke, only an example of Niles’ personality.

(”Frasier” was one of the few shows I’ve seen where the people in the story laugh at the funny things others in the story say. Compare it to “The Bob Newhart Show,” the one where he plays a psychologist. The characters don’t laugh at each other’s jokes; only the audience does.)

The second “Frasier” joke was character-driven; the first was not. That’s the difference. We the audience could hear all the humor, but the characters could not. Just like the music in Gene Autry’s movies.

Decide what kind of humor you’re using in your stories, both in print and on stage. Is it a joke that other people in the story recognize as such? Or is it character driven humor that blends seamlessly with the world of the story?

If you’re on stage and you tell your audience something self-deprecating and funny about yourself, it should come off as non-diegetic. You should not act as though it’s funny to you; allow the audience to get it on their own. But if you tell them an actual joke - which I don’t recommend unless you’re a trained professional and wearing a helmet - allow the audience to know that you know it’s a joke. Don’t laugh at it, just acknowledge the humor.

And don’t hook your thumbs over your gunbelt.

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Humorous Speaker, Importance Of Humor
April 24, 2009 at 9:04 am

Kevin Donner asked:

Some keynote speaker says that they do not take wit in their address because it does not get with their solace. In fact any system can take wit and it is a really invaluable instrument in speaking. Apt funny address relaxes your audience and creates more comfy feeling with you as a funny speaker. Humor could too take care to the level you are making; and it as easily assist the audience best recall your level. It really breaks downward barriers then that the audience is more available to your tips and ideas.

The better and almost comfy spot to discover wit is simply away your own private experience. Just believe backwards on any awkward time that you may get thought not amusing at that moment. Now that you are sharing the experience, you realize how amusing it is. There is an older saying “Humor is simply disaster separated by moment and place. ” Or just believe of any incident that was amusing to be shared. Here, you are not trying to be comic just seek to have it simple for folk to repay care

Here are some ideas on using wit to have your next address have much influence.

Verify that the humor is funny.

If you wear’t usually laughter or grin at the sketch, amusing tale, wordplay, gag, tale, or new forms of wit, so you certainly cannot require an audience to make then. A key to using wit is simply using wit, which makes you laughter or grin.

Use related Humor.

Do not take wit that is simply there to have the viewers laughter. The wit needs to draw in with some aspect of your address. For instance, I say about my experience of getting brace at age 50 and how difficult it was for me to have used to the wires and rubber bands in my lip. After I say the tale I take the level that you might get not had the brace trouble I had, but we all have facing in speaking easily, and what we wish to seem at today are ways of making it easy for us to be more effectual in speaking. This would in move take no sense, then be inclined and take related wit to your subject.

Start with impressive short.

A starting level may be to abbreviate a sketch and offer the championship as your wit. A stimulating still smart cable about a level you are making is one much manner of getting started. For instance, when I speak about inspiration and getting out of your simplicity zone, a cable I establish that worked easily was, “Orville Wright did not get a pilot’s certify. ” In your interpretation, feel for lines, which take you smile; believe how they may be used in your next coming address. Be cautious about introduction into a lengthy funny story–audiences are tight to forgive an unmarried cable, which might not be amusing, but they do not get more patience with a big tale that isn’t worth the moment. So you need to begin away with intelligent and inspiring bits of humor.

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Birthday *** Gifts – Laughing All the Way to the Bank
April 24, 2009 at 3:55 am

Good Laugh
Steve McChesney asked:

We've all bought them, we've all gotten them (well, those of us in the age range)!

They're great! We get a good laugh and the party goes on.

But what happens the next day? That *** gift usually goes into a drawer somewhere never to be seen again. It served its purpose, but is quickly forgotten.

We don't think too much about this. However, what is the average price of a *** gift? A quick look around the internet will show you that the average price is between $9.95 and $15.00.

Now think about that, $10 for a laugh and put away. For you frugal shoppers out there, I don't think that makes much financial sense.

Unfortunately, the manufacturers of *** gifts are more concerned about impulse buys to really care much about your money, until it gets into their hands.

I certainly don't blame them. Business is business, and if there are buyers, why not? There are always going to be special birthdays, retirements, graduations, office parties, and numerous other occasions to bring humor into each others lives.

My question is this. With the great minds out there creating these humorous novelties, why not start with the thought of, "How can this be used after the party?" "How can I make my customer feel like they have gotten their monies worth?"

It seems like a simple request, however, search as I may; there are very few products that fit these criteria.

Let me tell you about a *** Gift that I came up with that makes spending your hard earned money more aptly spent while accomplishing the purpose of the joke.

It's called 'The Denture Wearer's Cookbook, full, partial and flippers'

Yep, a cookbook for denture wearer's!

Well, not exactly.

It is a real cookbook designed for everyone. I've just given it a theme for the *** gift market. It is over 120 pages of great recipes categorized by easy, intermediate and advanced chewing.

The book is also filled with very funny cartoons with the dental theme.

Here is a sample recipe:

Chicken and Rice

Intermediate Chewing

1 whole Chicken (cut up)

2 Tablespoons butter

Salt and Pepper

Italian seasoning

Garlic salt

1 jar Home style Chicken Gravy

1 medium onion (cut up)

2 cups Minute Rice

Coat chicken with seasonings and butter, and roast in oven 45 minutes at 400 degrees. Baste chicken periodically.

Cook Minute Rice (about a minute) and line the bottom of a casserole dish with a layer of rice.

On top of rice, spoon a thin layer of the chicken gravy.

Next, some of the onion and then the Chicken.

Now, more gravy, then rice, rest of onion and then the rest of the gravy.

Return to oven for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

Now, here is the best part, price.

The hard copy is only $10, but, the eBook is only $5

Five dollars for a gift that they will remember you for, and use for the rest of their lives.

To be perfectly fair here, by the time you've printed it out and put it in a three ring binder, wrapped it with nice wrapping paper; it's probably going to cost you about $8.00. Still, what a value.

Get some more free recipes and sample cartoons by visiting:

Just so I include everyone, if your birthday is this year, Happy Birthday!

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