Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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Funny Marriage Advice to Make Your Marriage Stronger
April 22, 2009 at 12:06 am

Funny Humor
Robbie T. James asked:

Marriage is serious business. After all, for most people the person we marry is someone with whom we share our home, money, and love - and even our kids! And, marriage is forever - or at least that is how most people intend it to be when they get married. Most married people spend a significant amount of their personal time in close proximity to their spouses.

In order to take a lighter view on the serious business of marriage, I have collected some of my favorite funny bits of folk wisdom and advice on the subject of how to keep your marriage healthy, healthy, and strong. So, here is some funny marriage advice to make your marriage stronger:

1. Don’t date anyone you wouldn’t marry:

This one is really more of a comment on how to conduct oneself before marriage. For most people, dating is as much a way to have fun as it is to find a life mate. After all, dating often includes going out on the town, having some good food, maybe a bit of dancing - doing things that are outside of the ordinary, hum-drum of pattern daily life. But, this piece of advice implies something important about dating: it can lead to something much more serious. If you go out on date after date with someone about whom you are not necessarily crazy (but are just doing it to have a bit of fun), the strategy could backfire on you. Things might get serious before realize it, and you could end up compromising and marry the wrong person.

2. Don’t fight about money - there is never enough to go around anyway:

As most married couples will tell you, money is one of the biggest sources of conflict within a marriage. Money - and how we handle it - is so personal and no two people view it in exactly the same way. Combine that with the fact that most married couples share their money; that is, they add to and take from the same “pot” on a regular, ongoing basis. And, for most people, there just never seems to be enough money to do all of the things we want to do. The solution? Realize that there will probably always be a bone to pick between you regarding how each of you handles money - but that is no reason to fight. Just agree to disagree on the small stuff and move on.

3. If you are a woman: do not expect your husband to change after marriage:

Women, be honest with yourselves: if you are like most women, when you married your husband you had all sorts of specific expectations about ways he would become an even better or more pleasing person post-marriage. This is just a huge fantasy, so you need to let this notion go! Of course, married men do change over time. But, such change is not always necessarily for the better, and it is very unlikely that the things a woman dislikes most about her husband are going to magically go away. The best advice for women is to not expect your man to change and to try to accept him for who he is.

4. If you are a man: do not expect your wife not to change after marriage:

Calling all men: when you married that perfect little bride of yours, you formed a mental picture in your mind of what she was (or what you imagine her to be). As time passes, you may have noticed that the gap between the person your wife is today and that mental image of how she “used to” be is getting larger and larger. Fact is, most men start reminiscing about the way things were (or they way they thought things were) with their wives before they got married, lamenting the ways she has changed since then. Here is a little piece of advice: embrace the changes she has gone through and enjoy the ride!

5. Never have breakfast together:

This last one really hits home with me. Neither my wife or I are morning people. When we get up each morning, we need to give each other as wide a berth as possible, lest we risk getting our heads removed by the grumpy monster in the room. That means staying out of each other’s way for at least the first half hour in the morning. And, of course, having breakfast together immediately after getting up in the morning is completely out of the question!

Making a marriage successful requires a lot of hard work and patience. At the same time, keeping a good sense of humor about your marriage can actually be very good medicine.

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They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano — but When I Started to Play –
April 21, 2009 at 7:54 pm

Duane Shinn asked:

Remember the old ad that used to run endlessly in magazines and newspapers:

“They laughed when I sat down at the piano…but when I started to play…” ?

I remember very well the first time I played piano for a group. They DID laugh. It was a disaster. I overheard the leader say “Let’s get somebody with some rhythm in there to play.”


That hurt. But I told myself right then and there that I would learn to play the piano so well that no one would ever laugh at me again.

Guess what?

Nobody laughs anymore. And they don’t laugh at my students, either.


Because I discovered…

—The BACKDOOR to piano playing—

What in the world is the “backdoor to piano playing?”


Chords are a way in to the world of piano playing without having to go through the front door: years and years of scales, drills, rote practicing, etc. Chords are really a shortcut to understanding and playing music without all the formal training.

Formal training is fine if you have the time and money. But most adults don’t want to wait forever before they can play something enjoyable on the piano. I took lessons when I was a kid, but found it boring. Not only that, but all I could do was play the written music exactly as it was written. Without the sheet music in front of me, I didn’t have a clue what to do. So I lost interest in piano playing until the incident described above. But shortly after that, I had the opportunity to play in a school combo—but to do that, I had to learn chords, and learn them fast.

I didn’t really know where to turn, so I sent for a $2. chord chart advertised in Popular Mechanics, and within hours after I got it I was playing the Dm7 chord and the C6 chord in my left hand while I played the tune with my right hand. Talk about excited! Within a few weeks I could play dozens of songs using chords. And I discovered that my sight-reading speed greatly improved at the same time, because now I understood what I was seeing on the printed page!

So I came in through the back door instead, and now I enjoy what I used to ****! Why? Because I understand what I’m doing because now I understand chords and chord progressions. I eventually went on to get advanced degrees in music and literature from Southern Oregon University—and it was easy because of all I had learned about music theory and harmony due to playing and understanding chords.

Can you do the same?

There’s really no reason why you can’t if you have the desire. Start looking at sheet music with new eyes: look for notes that make up chords and then analyze those chords. Before long you’ll start seeing a pattern of recurring chords; in other words, chord progressions. Do this for a few months while simultaneously learning about chords and how they are formed, and music will take on a new dimension for you. You’ll no longer view sheet music as something you are tied to, but rather you’ll see it as a map that you can follow to create the sounds and styles you choose.

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Voila! 50 and I Feel Good !
April 21, 2009 at 6:16 pm

Monika Simecek asked:

Aging grace fully – feeling good in your body – having understood at least some lessons in life – smile at least once a day – see the good things not only the not so nice ones in life and most of all – live each day as if it was the last

No, I am not feeling more tiered climbing stairs than 1 year ago and I am not thinking of retirement since there are still quite some years ahead.

I am not going for plastic surgery and I will not opt to partially paralyze my face to get rid of the story written on it.

I am not feeling less sensual than 10 years back and I am not getting upset seeing my face in the mirror each morning. (without make-up)

And no, I am not running after each and every "7 day fix me up and make me beautiful" miraculous potion advertised on TV and in Magazines.

But I do compromise a little to support my beauty as every woman does -

Here is one of the products I can recommend (using it myself)

Rejuvenessence ****** Serum (tired, stressed, ageing skin)


A powerful blend of organic rosehip seed, avocado and jojoba oil with organic rose, calendula and carrot to revitalise and boost the appearance of tired stressed skin. Use daily in extreme heat, cold or windy conditions to protect the skin and nightly, to help regenerate and revitalise the complexion.

All natural and organic, the ingredient list reads like a “gourmet menue” and the results are truly visible.

NOTE: it does not promise any miracle but revitalising the complexion. For more information please click here and from my own skin I can tell you it is “Gold for your Skin” :-)

Back to 50 and feeling good ..

I am looking at my face noticing the fine lines around my eyes and they tell me, that I had quite some good laughs along the way. The natural "face lift" a smile and good intention seem to work their way into my face – why hiding it? Just for daily "promotion shower" wanted or unwanted, telling me, that "we have to look young" for ever?

The road to 50 was teaching me many valuable lessons, one of them is, the harder they try to make me fit into their "portfolio" the less worth it is. Brain wash included. No choice no chance clearly fits into this category.


Did you notice, that more and more good looking 50ties are in public eyes not opting for plastic surgery but natural life style and look?

If not young for ever –

OK, if not plastic surgery or partial paralysis… and no miracle cures to make fine line and wrinkles vanish - then what else?


My tip – go as natural as possible, take care of your emotional state, smile and put your focus on good things in life rather than on the opposite. (There is always something good in every thing and every situation – just give it your attention)

Stay healty and beautyful

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Real Men Sell Candles
April 21, 2009 at 2:29 pm

Real Humor
Sande Saimond asked:

OK, I admit it – I really don't think all that much about candles. Meaning that if my wife is burning one of her Mia Bella candles I'm OK with that – if she's not burning one, I'm OK with that too. If we have friends coming over, I'll help by lighting up candles because they sure do help the house smell nice.

I'm helpful that way.

It wasn't until I got roped into helping my wife at a craft show that I realized how important I was.

Did you know that women prefer to buy candles from men?

I'm sitting at the back of the booth doing my best to fade into the sides of the tent, minding my own business, when a customer practically runs over my wife to come over and ask me a question about the candle. Now I'm embarrassed – I have NO IDEA what the answer is! I feel like the kid who walks into class to discover that its mid-term exams and I didn't study! I mumbled something semi-intelligent and my wife comes over and rescued me! Thanks, hon! Whew! That was a close call!

But it kept happening!!

Women, in droves, would walk around my wife to come over to me – huddled in the corner – and ask me about candles, fragrances, jars & which one do I prefer. Now, at this point you may be thinking – this guy must be some kind of gorgeous hunk. Sadly to say, nope. My wife disagrees, but, honestly, I'm just a thin, middle aged guy who's unfortunately balding. There's no George Clooney or Tom Cruise here — just a guy sitting in the back of a candle booth trying to disappear.

Against my better judgment and to prevent my wife from killing me, I agreed not to run screaming from the booth if "one more woman asks me what my favorite candle fragrance is." Then, I actually started to enjoy the attention. I mean, seriously, when do thin, middle aged balding guys get the undivided attention of 100s of women??? What the heck do I know about candles??? But these women were paying attention. I discovered I knew quite a bit about these candles – it's amazing what you can pick up living in the house with a candle business owner and serious candle lover.

I started telling these ladies about how the candles are double-wicked, triple scented and practically soot free. I recommended fragrances that I thought their husbands would like. The ladies were hanging on my every stuttered word. At some point I think my wife decided to take a nap and let me go on with the show. Now, I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't been at the show those ladies would have asked my wife the same questions, but you never know. My wife claims that between my charm & her great candles that we do better at shows when I help her. I can't quite tell if she's serious or if she's pulling my leg. But I, and my ego, am willing to take her compliment at face value.

I'm helpful like that.

I own my own painting & wall covering business. When I finish up a job I started taking over one of my wife's Mia Bella candles as a gift to the home owners. It's rare that I don't have my customers asking me about my wife's candles. I often take orders for more candles. Women love to ask me about the candles and the different fragrances.

I have to tell you – if men out there are really looking for a way to attract women, forget fancy cologne and a designer car! I recommend that you sell candles! Just ask any of my, errr, my wife's customers – Real Men Sell Candles!

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Funny T-shirts and Offensive T-shirts … a Must Wear When You are Going Out of Town
April 21, 2009 at 1:02 pm

Funny things
Vikram kuamr asked:


Going out of town, to the beaches or to the mountains to have some piece of mind, out of the middle of a financial district, away from the noise, don't forget your funny t-shirt. "If you see a police warn a brother t-shirt." It can really make people have that sheepish laugh especially when you carry it with style. Don't forget to wear your elegant men sandals and blue jeans to pair it with. Or, if you really want to enjoy your bus ride to a provincial town, you can choose to wear your yellow offensive t-shirt "Mellow stages"; your talkative bus seat mate will get the message that you need peace and quiet. Take time to smile once in awhile, appropriately, so at least they won't take you as super stressed out, especially when you are riding with your boss for a company outing.


How about if you are paired with your officemate, whom you are trying to be cordial with, but never wouldn't want to do anything with her because you have some other things in mind, at the moment, never offend her by pouting, or snickering or whatever…just wear your offensive t-shirt "I only drink to make you interesting", but continue to be a good boy as you are, but never ever get yourself drunk in front of her or you will get into trouble! To be safe just wear your funny t-shirt called "Tw@T" t-shirt, the problem here is if she really likes you, you better be careful.


You want to be sheik by wearing a vintage t-shirt over the weekend outing, tryout your funny t-shirt "I have seen Elvis," pair it with white denim corduroy knee length with your leather masculine sandals. Don't forget to have your feet nails trimmed, to complete the Elvis style look. You may choose to wear sun shades, if you are in for a beach resort.   If you can carry your offensive t-shirt called "Phat boy sumo t-shirt" pair it with your khaki shorts and blue sneakers, just make it sure there are no sumos around, unless you know your taekwondo or ninja tricks very well. Boxing won't do, especially when a real sumo starts running after you, you better be a fast runner, if you dare to wear an offensive t-shirt like a "Phat boy summo t-shirt."


Do you really make it to the climb or just stay at the resort, if you opt to read your favorite book "The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management by Eric Verzuh", and almost all your colleagues would want to climb the mountains, you can change into your funny t-shirt called "Life guard vest", but be sure you know how to save a person from drowning, just in case somebody shouts "I am drowning!" Okay, that's too much for you, why not try wearing your offensive t-shirt called "The Priory clinic Rebab is for quitters t-shirt" then start reading your Verzuh collection.



You decided to change your mind and join in the climbing troupe, wear your funny t-shirt "I beat anorexia look", so when you are already on top of the mountain, and you need to eat some sugar jellies to keep you going on, you won't feel bad if you ate your share in one gulp, because your knees are already shaking, just be sure you are not near your dream gal, okay. Or, if you want to really make them grin while you drink lots of your mineral water, you can still opt to wear your offensive t-shirt "I only drink to make you interesting."


Have fun with your new T's!

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Best Man Funny Speech Tips: Part 1
April 21, 2009 at 3:05 am

Funny things
David Black asked:

So, you've been given the rather daunting task of putting together a best man funny speech? Well, to be quite honest, it's not really as daunting as you might think… Once you've gotten past the nerves, you just need to get some funny and entertaining material together and present in the right way - it's really not that hard so don't worry too much.

So how do we kill those nerves?

Even the most hilarious and confident people can be crippled with nerves. Here are my top tips for keeping your head together so you can deliver a killer best man speech:

Keep a clear head. If you can focus and concentrate on the job in hand, chances are you'll be able to breeze through your speech - and if things start to go wrong, you'll at least be able to pick things up and carry on quite easily - the best way to do this is to lay off the alcohol until after you've delivered your speech. You'll also save a lot of embarassment!

Prepare well! By this I mean make sure you've learned your lines and you can recite all your one-liners off the top of your head, or at least with the help of some well-written prompting notes. If you're well-prepared then you're going to be more confident because you have a ready made plan of action.

So now you know how to save yourself from going crazy with nerves. The next step is to gather some funny material for your best man speech - >>> Continue…

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Work Jokes: Funny, Hilarious Worker, Workplace Humour
April 21, 2009 at 12:04 am

Eren asked:


(Based on author's site

Criticised by his manager for having taken time off work to go have his hair cut the office clerk defended himself: “Well.. it does, also, at the company’s time grow…”

An administrator didn’t like ‘yes’ men -not after he already said ‘no.’

What are night club bouncers?.. Men who throw disturbing parties…

“The next place” said the tour guide, “is ‘no smoking’ -we can’t go there yet…” One of the tourists asked “Why?!.. None of us is smoking..?!” The tour guide replied, “I am…”

A legal secretary is a girl over 18 in Britain, and over 21 in the USA.

“Advocate!..” warned the judge, “Are you trying to show contempt for this court..!?” The well-connected lawyer assured: “No, your honour -I am trying to conceal it…”

The over-zealous shop assistant resented being needled by his fellow employees that on each and every occasion, on each and every issue, he licked the shop owner’s boots, each and every day -he pointed out that the owner only came in three days a week…

“Anything you say,” said the policewoman to the drunk driver, “may be held against you!” His protests ignored, he sighed “Oh!.. You..!”

One of the two elderly ladies exchanging gossip on the telephone in a small and out of town village with a small telephone-exchange, said to the other, “I hope the operator isn’t listening in to our conversation…” A third voice was heard on the line and said “Madam, we don’t do things like that..!”

The new controller was overjoyed.. the managing director who had always ignored him and had been so critical of him was overheard referring to him as a perfect non-entity…

He was very much wanting, said the librarian to the new archivist, to compliment him on his work -and was looking forward to when he would do some…

The chairman of the board of directors put his proposals to vote.” All those who oppose,” he said, “say ‘I resign’…”

The boss had many men under him -he was a funeral director…

Some accountants are so mean, they want to have receipts even for any compliments that they pay…

Some employees grow on their employers -the way warts do…

“Tell me,” asked the prosecuting attorney “did you, or did you not sleep with this beauty contestant!?” The reply was: “Not a blink, Sir!”

“How many people work here?” asked the new factory foreman to the production manager, and he replied: “About half of them…”

People take their hats off to the boss -he runs a barber shop…

The child psychologist employed by a toy shop had to be called when a difficult child would not part with a toy his parent would not buy, and, it took the expert only to whisper something to the child for the child to put back the toy and run out of the toy shop. Later, the kid told his parent what it was that the child expert said to him: “He told me, if I didn’t put it back and get out, he’d wring my neck!…”

The female soldiers employed in the armed forced were issued black underwear during the world war air raids -the army chiefs had been instructed to ensure all places of entertainment to be darkened…

“How come,” the wages clerk criticised the labourer, “that when you were under-paid you came and let me know, and I have had to come to you, this time that you have been overpaid in error..?!” Replied the worker: “I didn’t want to embarrass you again, by telling you that also this time, yet again, you made a mistake…”

Asked if it was a sin for a young man to sleep with a young woman, a cleric answered: “But, that’s just what they don’t do -they don’t sleep, do they…?”

At the doctor’s the nurse asked the patient with dream complaints if he saw a psychiatrist?” “No,” said the patient, “only dogs and cats.”

The methods of a company’s boss in seeking increased production that would enable expansion were so popular with his employees that they all looked forward to the day that those working for him would come to include an undertaker and grave diggers.

The new executive never ever said an unkind word against any member of his staff -he always talked only about himself…

“What!?..” responded the receptionist who had asked for time off work to get married, when the boss remarked “You have only just had your summer holidays -why didn’t you get married then..?” She expressed her surprised at the suggestion: “And ruin my holidays?!..”

“Shorthand..?” asked the interviewer at the employment agency to the applicant secretary. She replied: “Yes, but not as fast as longhand.”

Taxpayers are employees, said someone, who do not have to pass civil or public service examinations to work for the government…

A sales manager was rather surprised that the brownies wanting to sell him cookies were not attempting any sales talk. “Why do you want to sell me these nice cookies, then..?” he asked them, and one of the girls replied, “Because you are so handsome…” The sales manager was heard, as he walked away munching the cookies he had bought, saying to himself “Yes.. that’s what sells -truth and honesty.”

She was the best window dresser in the neighbourhood -she never pulled down the shades!

“These apartments are so small..!” remarked a would-be tenant. The estate agent commented “Oh, that’s to leave no room for complaints.”

The psychoanalyst asked what the patient dreamed the night before and, upon being told “Nothing”, snapped: “Sir, how am I supposed to help you, if you don’t do your homework..?!”

Statesmen's diplomatic communiques, were likened, in the anecdotes of the witty teacher and thinker the late Orhan Seyfi Ari, to a radio broadcaster of a boxing match who excitedly told the audiences "A left hook by Abdi!.. A right hook by Bandinelli!.." and announced the winner as.. Abdinelli…

“This, of course, is only a suggestion,” said the chairman of the board to the directors “It’s for to you to bear in mind whose suggestion it is”

An executive can find his wife when he takes his secretary to lunch…

When late home the worker told his wife on the entry-phone that he had been discussing a labour dispute which might lead to strike, was told “Go stay there then to consider this lock out!”

Reading in the newspaper that a confectioner was pelted at his wedding with small sweets, a brick layer cancelled his.

Some bosses are known to have fired their secretaries for mistakes they would not make…

Worthy politicians, traditionally, are employed in wordy causes…

The author has a website at:

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