Tuesday, April 21, 2009

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Good Forum on Jealousy
April 20, 2009 at 10:58 pm

Francis Githinji asked:

Jealousy is one of those vices that everyone hates and, when it happens in a relationship, you are bounds to get frustrated. It is paramount that you find helpful information that will enable you explore the issue of jealousy in relationships. There are many places where you can go to find information on jealousy and the most common place is a forum on jealousy. Online forums have become very popular and more and more people are participating giving their input on the topic. In a forum on jealousy, you will find many things as people say what their opinions are in this regard. You will get to know the various kinds of jealousy that you can experience while with your spouse. You will also know which kind of jealousy is healthy or good. The following is an overview on what jealousy is and how it affects relationships. Jealousy is said to emanate from fear. Many people are afraid of being alone, being hated and even being abandoned. They may fear that the secrets they are hiding will be exposed. There are very many dynamics to jealousy and you will discover the harsh results which might come about.

A forum on jealousy will discuss the jealousy that is good. When you are in love, you tend to be over protective and, this can be characterized by some light jealousy. This is a flattering kind of jealousy and it is usually not harmful. All couples will feel this kind of jealousy and it is a natural way of protecting what is yours. People will not do crazy things because they are jealous. Many times, partners want to know that they are cared for enough to cause jealousy of this kind. In a forum on jealousy, many people will give their real life experiences with jealousy and you will be compelled and learn a lot from this. Many times, you will find stories that spark a good laugh because people have had very interesting experiences with jealousy. While at the forum, you will have a chance to participate and you can share your story with the rest of the people.

A forum on jealousy will also inform you on obsessive jealousy. This is the kind of jealousy that drives people mad. Many have even killed and, it is vital for you to understand and know when your jealousy is obsessive. When you feel the need to follow your partner’s every step, chances are that you will not be in a position to rest until you are sure of every move he made. Many have changed careers and become their partner’s private eye. Reaching this point is somewhat pathetic. A love relationship is based on mutual trust and respect and if you do not trust your spouse, you will not win the game of love. If you reach this point, maybe he or she does not deserve your love or you might consider professional mental care. Learn from forums and you will be able to keep your head straight in terms of jealousy.

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Get More Business Results by Having a Little Fun!
April 20, 2009 at 4:15 am

Laura Adams asked:

Do you think it’s appropriate or professional to have fun in the workplace?

Research has shown that fun at work generally results in an increase of productivity, creativity, loyalty, and morale. Appropriate workplace fun is a key method for energizing workers and putting some life back into their routines.

Here are some additional benefits of having fun at work:

1. Fun fulfills the basic human need to be social

2. Fun can instill a sense of teamwork

3. Fun usually improves communication

4. Fun breaks up boredom that comes from doing repetitive work

5. Fun can dissolve conflict and tension

6. Fun can foster a positive company culture

7. Fun creates an opportunity for networking

The best type of workplace fun creates congratulations and “high fives” among coworkers. It might be a non-competitive ice breaker event scheduled in the office before a company meeting. Or it could be a sporting event that takes place after work with departmental teams that compete at the bowling alley or on the ball field. Lots of different activities can teach employees how working as a team can be fun as well as productive.

Social interaction among coworkers allows for an opportunity to improve one’s “Soft Skills”, or people skills. Soft skills are the compliment to Hard skills, which are the technical requirements of a job.

When having fun, we get to see our coworkers and managers in a more casual light. This glimpse into their non-business personality may make them seem more human and foster an improved, genuine relationship.

Matt Weinstein, author of the book, Managing to Have Fun, says that many bosses and entrepreneurs find it difficult to have fun at work. He feels they need to learn how to build more fun into the workday and to celebrate successes. If that doesn’t happen, Weinstein warns that bosses can drive away the top employees who are responsible for those company successes.

But management can’t just mandate that everyone else celebrate and enjoy themselves. The boss must participate, especially in smaller companies. Top management always sets the tone for the entire company, so if their fun isn’t genuine or sincere it’ll be obvious to everyone else.

Let’s be clear that the following behavior should not be considered fun:

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