Humor’s effectiveness will always ride the emotional tides of your audience members. How well a joke goes over may depend on whose company your prospects are in, whether they are winding down for the day or still up against deadlines or other workplace pressures, whether they are awake and alert or feeling drowsy, whether they have a headache, etc. Always be in tune with how your audience is feeling and always assess the atmosphere you’re in to determine whether it is conducive to humor.
There are a lot of factors that contribute to whether or not humor will be effective in persuading someone. Often, it will simply be the mood or situation that makes it obvious whether humor is appropriate or not. For example, if someone has just learned of a death in her family, you probably shouldn’t start cracking jokes. Another example would be if you were speaking in a religious setting where there was an expectation that a certain degree of reverence always be maintained. You probably wouldn’t go wild with the humor in this kind of setting. The appropriateness of humor for a particular setting or mood is usually not too difficult to discern. You just have to be observant. What may be funny to one person one day will not be funny the next, even if it’s the exact same joke told in the exact same way.
There are many other less apparent factors that influence humor. Have you ever considered factors such as what time of day it is, the number of people in your audience or even the layout and lighting of the room? All of these things can influence how your humor will come across. As far as time of day, mornings are typically more stressful, since it is then when most people are confronted with all the demands that await them. Under certain circumstances, this stressfulness may be precisely the type of mood you’re looking for. Other times, you may want an audience that’s a little more relaxed. When people are on a lunch break or winding down for the day and readying themselves to leave work, you may find that they are more receptive to a good joke.
When considering the size of your audience, the general rule of thumb is “the bigger, the better.” That is, the bigger your audience, the more laughter you will typically get. Why is this? It’s because laughter is contagious. The more people involved, the more we laugh. For example, when a movie theater is packed, the laughter tends to be greater and last longer than when there are only four people in the audience. This is one of the reasons why TV producers use canned laughter in their programming. Often the scenario being acted out really isn’t even that funny, but studies show that the use of laugh tracks actually gets us to laugh more. Whether the material even registered as being funny or not, we are more inclined to laugh along if we hear others laughing.
Knowledge of this tendency can give you a real advantage when considering the layout of the room you’ll be speaking in. Notice the seating arrangement. How many people are expected to show up compared to how many chairs are set up? Always make sure there are less chairs set up than there are people expected. If audience members sit closer together, it will be easier to get the energy going and evoke more laughter than it would be if they were spread out all over the room. A seemingly sparse audience will surely dampen humor’s designed effect. A more compact seating arrangement will not only help people laugh more freely and more often, but it will also give off the illusion of greater attendance. Another consideration is the lighting of your speaking area. The audience’s ability to see your ****** expressions and body language is of prime importance.
Certainly this article is about bankruptcy but I want to tell you up front that you may come across the word ‘budgie’. Don’t worry, the article is not about birds; I do like budgies though. I use the word ‘budgie’ or ‘budgies’ sometimes in place of budgets because a budget is known to get budged and also as it makes me laugh!
Okay, so bankruptcy is a procedure which allows a debtor (someone that owes money to someone else) to get a court ordered exemption from his debts. In some cases bankruptcy can act as a valuable method to get rid of debts. But everybody who faces any financial difficulty should not file for bankruptcy.
Should I file bankruptcy?
Tough question really. You’ll need to discuss this one with a bankruptcy attorney or a credit counselor as they can determine the benefits and costs for your situation. The kind and amount of debt you have can make a big difference and really you make the final decision in the matter anyway. Know the consequences fully before you make your final decision. Many bankruptcy filings could have been prevented with a strict budgie.
What are the substitutes to bankruptcy?
There are numerous choices available rather than filing bankruptcy. What is suitable to you depends largely upon your financial situation. Again, go for financial counseling prior to filing a bankruptcy case to make sure you know the full ramification of what your about to do.
Here are some possible options available:
Management Of Your Finances
You can hire a financial manager for handling your debts, and to pay you an “allowance” in the mean time till you get things turned around. This option is known to be helpful if your problems are related to bad spending habits. North Americans are taught that it’s okay to buy items we want with other peoples money so this fuels the urge to spend more than we make. If you don’t want something so rigid, simply having a financial counselor help you create a budget can go along way. Don’t forget though a budget will only work for disciplined folks that don’t have problems buying bright shiny objects.
“Working Out” Your Debts
Financial counselors can be really expensive so choose one wisely if youre going this route. Look for a non-profit counselor in your area. Creditors know it can be hard to collect money whether you declare bankruptcy or not. Know that collection agencies take large commissions for collecting and litigation can also be expensive, time consuming and forcing debtors to file for the big ‘B’ doesn’t guarantee recovery of debt anyway.
Do you own a house that you’ve been paying off for a while? If you have some equity in it there’s a good chance you can refinance it and get a really low interest rate and pay off your debts faster. Single low payment companies should be avoided as they often have high interest rates. Again I say the budgie may be best. Loan packages are probly the safest through your bank or credit union.
Credit Repair Offers Are Often Scams
You may have seen ads offering to repair bad credit or promising to remove bankruptcy from your credit history. Many of these offers are fraudulent and proceed with caution. Your credit rating can be boosted but I’ll save that for another time.
So to conclude: don’t tempt yourself with bright shiny objects and do whatever you have to so you don’t spend more each month than what you earn. A well cared for budgie will go along way. I trust this to be of some assistance or at least gave you a laugh anyway. Anyhow, don’t sweat it; there are more important things in life than money or the lack of it. Have a great day!
Health is something that is very close to our hearts. When you are in good health, you can take on the world; it is the single thing that matters a lot. When you realize that health is so important, you will do all you can to ensure that you safeguard it and look for ways to enhance it. The first place to begin is in a health forum. This is the place that you are going to learn all aspects on health. You will have the opportunity to listen to some of the problems that can affect your health. With the right information, it is very possible to make sure that your health is kept just right. It is vital to realize that your health covers a broad spectrum and all you want is to be healthy in every aspect. A health forum can be on many topics and, it is vital that you look for a topic that will be of interest to you. For example, let us look at the health of your head and everything that revolves around it.
In a good health forum, you will get a chance to explore some of the issues that affect our heads. Headaches are very popular and, you will go beyond looking for something to take away the pain. You will look at the depth of the matter and realize that there are many causes. You will be very curious on the triggers that cause your head to ache. This way, you will learn what you can do to prevent the problem. Many times, we cannot totally prevent it but, we can understand why the problem came about. This understanding is what many want to have. You will also learn some of the common problems that affect us psychologically. You will learn that what happens on the outside goes a long way in affecting the inside. Stress is among the most common topic in health that is most popular. There are many things that cause it and they are commonly referred to as stressors. Stressors are everywhere and in a good forum, you will learn how to go about avoiding and dealing with them.
A health forum will have an expert and mainly a medical doctor who can help solve or explain the medical mysteries. Health should be a priority in our lives. This is because it is very costly to look for health while you could have preserved it in the first place. Do not focus more on money or wealth because you will spend the wealth looking for health. The idea is to find a good balance that will work for you. A forum on health will give you practical tools on health that you can apply, to make little changes that work in your life. Therefore, become a student of good health and live to see the positive difference. It is not all serious in a forum for health; you can have fun as you tell health jokes that make the mood light. If you have any question to do with health, this is the perfect place for it to be answered.
Laughter is the best medicine. I’m sure everyone has heard of that saying before and it’s because it largely stands true. Knowing how to be funny is a great gift to have, when used in the right situations of course!
Being funny doesn’t necessarily have to be about telling “knock knock” jokes. In fact I don’t think they’re even that funny, but of course everyone has different senses of humor. I’m sure you know many people that are instinctively funny and wondered how they manage to say things that make people laugh so easily? Well, the answer is that some people are naturally born with wit, but it may come to your surprise that being funny can actually be taught.
Being humorous can be used in so many ways. It can be used to lighten the mood in a tense situation, make your friends laugh, and is even a good way to break the ice when dating. Humor is a trait that is high up on the lists of what women look for in a man. Ask a few female friends you have and they’ll probably all tell you that a sense of humor is one of their dating criteria.
Of course humor can be taken a bit too far at times. The perfect example is when people try to impersonate another person in order to wind them up. This can sometimes be funny, but other times actually annoy the person being mocked.
Knowing how to be funny is about learning what type of joke to tell, when to tell it, and who to tell it about (if anybody). Being funny is a great trait to have and a favorite of many people. You can see this by just how many successful films there are based around comedy. We love to laugh as it makes us feel happy.
If you aren’t naturally witty and funny then you don’t need to worry about never being able to make people laugh as you can be taught.
The shop is a business environment, it is where deals are undertaken. So, the differences that we all have are accentuated by repetition. One usually gets out the best of something the first time. The profit the shopkeeper makes is more at the beginning. In some cases the more the shopkeeper knows about the customer who enters the shop the better but there usually is a cutting-off point when the jealousies of wealth and the differences in religion and family situations can tell. The shopkeeper wants to get the cream of his customers, like a conveyor belt. In business, people only give out what they want to give to their benefit.
If there are too many people in the shop, they might talk to each other and compare notes. Some customers are hard to please and some never buy anything, they just want to see what\’s on offer. The shopkeeper becomes wary of these people and usually it is the local residents who keep coming into the shop. Some customers tend to return things that they buy. The shopkeeper might claim that there is nothing wrong with the item but he is not using it properly but the customer says that it is faulty, he should give him a replacement.
Sometimes a shopkeeper is wary to get an item that is difficult to obtain. Difficult wholesalers, no credit, have to pay in advance. After you go into a shop a couple of times, the shopkeeper wants to see how dependent you are on him. He gets tired of you even if he might lose business, he prefers fresh faces. He\’ll start making fun of you, carrying on the same joke, ribbing you. A shopkeeper tries to satisfy as many people as he can, but within a restricted limit.
Sometimes in a pub or restaurant you don\’t come back quickly because you have had to wait a long time to be servedand get what you order. If you\’ve come to a restaurant for many years, you might not return because the staff make fun of you, since they know you so well You might decide you don\’t want to queue again. As soon as you come in, you would have to make an excuse to leave. Some shops like sports shops in the West End have constant sales. One would be careful not to go at a busy time or too often, if you\’re susceptible to anxiety attacks.
Sometimes shopkeepers try to sell you something you don\’t really want to buy, either because it\’s more expensive than anywhere else or because it is not as suitable as another type or brand. With some shops one has to check that the sell buy dates of the goods have not expired. Sometimes a shopkeeper gives you a big discount repeatedly, almost to embarrassment but you have to pay for it, it\’s an excuse to insult you. When you give a gift to an assistant in a shop, you might expect a discount, but too often they charge you a little extra.
In every business there\’s a trick of the trade, new customers are less likely to know it. If you stay in the shop too long, you\’re holding up the queue, the shopkeeper just wants to deal with the next customer.
lue after that grueling exam in the university, and you have studied almost the whole night last week! Sure, you want to make a statement without really trying to offend somebody, try one an offensive t-shirt called "Swear Search T-shirt." You won't offend someone and you have expressed yourself creatively. Just be sure you are not around with your Oxford professor, if not just consider wearing your funny t-shirt "Highway Robbery," especially when you felt you have wasted the whole of your weekend.
Thinking on how you would look sheik in your offensive t-shirt called "Swear Search T-shirt", wear on a blue jeans t-shirt or black, pair it with your take a walk sneakers, you won't look drab, really, especially when you pair it with your blue rimmed elegant glasses. If your gal sees you, just tell her, you just want to spread sunshine around, especially after a challenging calculus exam with a grin.
You're not in with your offensive t-shirt? Then opt for your funny t-shirt, your red "High Robbery" t-shirt will look grand with black denim, paired with your high powered rubber shoes. Try cycling or spending a barbecue party with it, and you can really make your friends sheepishly smile at your funny t-shirt, they might want to buy one too!
You choose to be alone at the moment, after a week of a demanding software programming job, you can try on an offensive t-shirt "Do I look like a Peoples Person t-shirt." Your mom and dad will get the message of you wanting to be left alone with your music, it will encourage them to give you space and serenity after the power filled week you spent at the office, but they might have your shirt censored. You may also try on a funny t-shirt called "surrounded by idiots" t-shirts, you can wear this if you really, really want to be alone. Unless your chums knows you are just being funny, but the effect usually never fails.
Your "Do I look like a Peoples Person" offensive t-shirt, will look casually elegant, when you pair it with your slack pants, colored white or blue, and pair it with a masculine sneakers. If you intend to spend a quiet time at the beach just reading your favorite pocket book, or would want to spend time in the mountains among the trees, walking around peacefully, better be in your best just in case you came across a princess. You can always make an excuse of just being funny. If you really wouldn't want to take the risk, just wear your funny t-shirt called "Balance Diet T-Shirt" besides looking attractively masculine with its round neck style, you can always draw some giggles around the corner. Make it sure, you pair your funny t-shirt with Spanish espadrilles and blue knee high jeans.
Intending to have a wacky time with your bro? Like climbing the mountains, cycling or kayaking? Try on a funny t-shirt called "If you see the police, warn a brother t-shirt," your bro will really feel you care for him. Feeling nasty eh? You can use your offensive t-shirt "333" not totally evil, just feeling half of it, so at least you will forewarn your companions not to mess around especially when you are in the middle of a treacherous climb. Don't forget to bring your other funny t-shirts as an extra, just in case you really sweated it out, you can try a funny t-shirt called "I beat Anorexia T-shirt" you might convince somebody in beating the disease, and of course if you feel being classic but rocky, don't forget to bring in your funny t-shirt called "I've seen Elvis" t-shirt. Your pop will really appreciate that.
The key of having fun with your funny t-shirts, is wearing them at the right time and at the right moment. Don't forget to warn your chums in case you plan to wear your offensive t-shirts, just tell them you just want to try on a different style.
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