Friday, April 3, 2009

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5 Proven Backlink Building Tactics For The Bloggers
April 3, 2009 at 8:20 am

Juhani Tontti asked:

Very often a blog is a sort of the side medium and the blog owner does not have enough time to build the required amount of backlinks. So it is very useful to know that the job can be automated.

This article tells about 5 backlink building techniques, which I have used successfully for my blog.

1.The Article Marketing.

It is easy to write articles if you are a blogger, the two jobs are so close to each other. The articles will bring a lot of backlinks rapidly, if the writer uses a mass distribution system to hundreds or thousands of websites and article directories.

These written articles must be optimized using effective keywords. This is cricial, because people will find the article using the same keywords than what the article writer has used.

The article writer, a blogger, has to remember that a mass distribution means a lot of dublicated content. This means that these widely distributed articles will not climb to the first places on the result pages of the search engines but will work effectively by bringing a lot of visitors and backlinks.

2.The Reciprocal Link Building

This is another effective way to get targeted visitors and links. The term reciprocal link means that your blog and another related blog both has a link pointing to each other. It is a sort of a co operation.

How you can get reciprocal links? Okay, first you can use a manual system and join some link exchange program or you can mail to a single blog owner and ask if he wants to change links. These both ways are relatively slow.

Then you can buy some software, which is a powerful way to build a lot of related links. However a blogger must be careful, because if the linklist will be too big, the search engines will see it as a sort of a link farm and punish the blog.

3. Take Your Blog To The Groups Of The Search Engines.

The biggest search engines have different groups and you can join some of them and get the blog url there. By writing some quality post you can get traffic to the blog and some backlinks.

4.The Blog Content Quality Is Still The King.

The most effective short and long term backlink builder is the quality content of the blog. This means that a blogger must take the blog seriously. It is not a diary but a business tool. When blog visitors like the content, they will bookmark the blog or even quote the posts, which both mean a good amount of backlinks, visitors and a nice image.

A blogger must never use his own articles as blog posts, because they are dublicate content.

5.Writing To The Forums.

The same topic forum posts work effectively in backlink building. Here also the quality works best. Every single post builds credibility and does the preselling work. When the blog url is in the sig file, every post build a backlink to the blog.

The posts can also be optimized, which makes it possible for the search engines to rank them on the result pages.

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Easy SEO Tips For More Traffic
April 3, 2009 at 3:30 am

Seo tips
Nina Greene asked:

When someone uses a search engine they type in a keyword or key phrase and the search engine returns relevant results. The traffic you receive from this is referred to as organic search engine traffic. Search engine optimization increases traffic to your website and you will not have to pay one penny for it. Does that sound like something you might be interested in?

SEO can get pretty tedious and complicated but do not let that stop or scare you from optimizing your website. The effort will be extremely worthwhile when the free organic traffic starts rolling in!

Here are some basic SEO tips that you can use on your website right now.

1. Picking keywords of two or more words can increase your success rate. Choosing single word keywords usually have a higher amount of competition associated with them.

2. Insert keywords into the title tag of your web page so search engines know what your page is about. Failing to perform this simple step can result in your web page being ranked in a lower position when it does not deserve to be. Try to create titles containing the two or three choice key phrases that you are targeting. Make your titles relatively short and interesting. Your title will serve as a method of getting the visitor interested in reading your page further and increase the chance of the visitor clicking the link.

3. Another major SEO activity involves evaluating the link popularity of your website. Creating good quality links also improves your ranking with the search engines. The goal is not to link with any website, but link to websites that complement your content. Your website will get penalized by the search engines for linking to low quality websites such as free for all link farms. Link farms are websites that were created for the sole purpose of increasing the link popularity of a website.

4. Use the html bold tags or highlighting around your most important keywords appearing near the top of each page. You only need to do this once or twice. Do not use them everywhere the keyword appears because that does not help. Your most important keywords and key phrases should appear in the first few paragraphs of the text on the web page.

5. Submit articles to ezine publishers that archive their ezines. This creates high quality long-term links that stay active in the archives for years to come. You can also exchange articles with other website owners. The content of the articles should complement the content contained on both websites. This is much better than doing a simple link exchange because of shared content and search engines love to deliver high quality content in search results.

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Google PageRank and Web Site Backlinks
April 3, 2009 at 12:31 am

Pagerank tips
Jason Kamara asked:

One of the most hotly disputed topics in the world of web site promotion is the methods used to increase the PageRank (PR) of a given web site. PageRank is one of the methods Google uses to determine web page relevance and importance for a given search term.

The PageRank of a website or web page is determined by link analysis algorithms that are different for each search engine. Larry Page, one of the co-founders of Google describes a page’s PR as “the sum of all things pointing to it” (Vise 2005).

Google PageRank can vary from 0 (the lowest) to 10 (the highest) for a given web page. If you have a Google Toolbar installed in your web browser, you can see the PageRank of each page that you visit. PageRank is almost solely determined by the number and quality of links pointing to and from your web pages. Of course, you can control the choice of pages you link to, but you require links pointing back to your pages from desirable web sites.

Sheer quality of links is not enough. Indeed, receiving too many links from undesirable web sites can decrease the importance of your web pages. While the PR algorithm is very complex, the basic idea is easy to understand.

The PR of a given page is the result of (quantity x PR) of inbound links versus (quantity x PR) of outbound links. Increasing backlinks to your site is the only way to increase PR. The best way of increasing your PR is to decrease the number of outbound links to pages with low PR and to increase the number of inbound links with high PR.

Content is king. If you provide unique, useful content that is updated often, people and website spiders will visit your site often and you may even get some free one-way links. The holy grail of backlinks is unsolicited praise along with a link to your site. This comes by way of blog, review, or website forum. These are great to get, but you don’t have a lot of control over who writes what.

SEO experts tout the importance of reciprocal linking. This is a long and arduous process that requires you to find websites with similar content that don’t compete with you directly, and then trading links with them to improve your PR (hopefully). This is an established marketing method that requires time and patience, but it works well.

Another great way to increase backlinks to your site is to write and distribute short articles to ezines and article directories. Many of the content publishers are free to submit to, and often have great turnaround time. You can write an article and have it show up in high PR directories in less than a day! Of course you want to submit to categories that are relevant to the content of your website. If you have a website about classic cars and car parts, you could write an article about auto maintenance tips.

While no solution is perfect for everyone, you should experiment with different forms of promotion and search engine optimization. Web site promotion is more important than ever. Increasing the number of quality links to your website is necessary to ensure that your quality content will be found by your target audience.

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Tips to Choose Best Expired Domains and Make Profit by Selling Them
April 2, 2009 at 9:52 pm

Keyword tips
John Khu asked:

Researching, detecting and later choosing good expired domains are a sure way to create an ongoing online source of income. Zeroing on good and commercially viable domains expired can accrue you handsome gains in the longer run. Searching though an extensive expired domain list needs some amount of patience and dedication as well! Good research skills, expired domain name knowledge and a willingness to succeed in the business are the most essential ingredients. However, you may need to have a small amount of capital to start off with this wonderful business. The ultimate secret to succeed in this business is to buy expired domain names that display a character of definite winner.

Once you learn and understand the ways and methods of choosing and selecting an expired domain name, you can surge ahead to register your favorite domains. Here are some simple and effective tips to buy lucrative expired domain names that can earn you handsome profits:

#1: If possible, check the number of back links and traffic of the expired domain name. In its previous avatar, an expired domain might have had a very good repository of traffic and inbound links. Laying hands on such domains will help you get better ranking for your sensitive keywords.

Tip: Go to Google search engine and conduct a simple search by typing, where you can type the actual domain name in place of In Yahoo search engine, type to have a look at the links and traffic. Yahoo Site Explorer is another place, where you can conduct your research. A listing in the Yahoo site directory is an added bonus because of its immense value. A listing in this directory costs you around @299 every year and it will help you in saving a considerable amount of money.

#2: The quality of back links and traffic: Links are not always equal and they tend to vary from search engine to engine. Generic type of sites and branded sites tend to display high quality of links.

#3: DMOZ listing is yet another indicator of an expired domain’s commercial value. DMOZ listing has a lot of internet value and you may wish to look out for these domains.

#4: You may also need to evaluate and analyze the history of the expired domain that you wish to buy. There are a number of web portals that allow you to check the authenticity of a given expired domain. For example, you can search in a site called to check how an expired domain looked in its previous incarnation.

#4: It pays you to check the PageRank of a particular expired domain name. Some of the expired domain names may still have PageRank assigned to them. If you would like to know what PageRank really is, here are some intricate details: You may have seen a green bar in Google’s search tool bar. This is the window that measures the number and quality of incoming links to a particular web site. If you see a number of 8 and above, it means that the web site that displays that number is premium and top grade.

All these tips and techniques will help you segregate the best expired domain names from average ones; this simple exercise will also save you lot of money and precious time.

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5 Killer Tips How To Optimize Your Home Internet Business Site For Google And Yahoo
April 2, 2009 at 9:41 pm

Pagerank tips
Juhani Tontti asked:

Despite of the fact that Google gets maybe 60 % of all searches, the challenge is: how to rank better with the same keyword at Yahoo, i.e. to kill two flies with one hit? Or is it possible?

The reason, why the results are different is, that these two engines, which gets around 70 % of all searches, follow their own rules, algorithms, when they put the sites in a certain order and when they will decide how many pages they will display on the search result pages. Okay, I asked: what are the rules to get my keyword, internet business, to the # 2 place at Yahoo too?

1.Google And Yahoo Think Differently?

This is natural, because they are competing services. We can think that they in a way complete each other by offering their own answers to the searches.

Google owns a PageRank System patent, so other engines cannot use it and that is why they have developed their own algorithms. Generally speaking Google puts more emphasis on the quality backlinks especially from other related and high Google PR web sites. The more backlinks your site has, the better placement it will get for that particular keyword, in my case: home internet business.

On the other hand Yahoo evaluates the url, meta tags and the keyword density as important optimization factors. Well, what a difference in algorithms: Google appreciates the web site popularity or connections with other related sites (off-page factors ) and Yahoo on-page factors. But if we want a high ranking in both engines, it is very easy.

2.The Url Must Include A Keyword.

To say it clearly, I will not change my url, because it works so well as a home internet business brand. And it is pretty known on the market. But the experts recommend that the url should include the related and generic keyword. Both engines see the keyword in the url to be important and Yahoo even as one of its main optimization factors.

The keyword rich url is important because some web sites put the domain as a backlink, so the keyword rich domain works as an anchor text, which is important especially for Google.

3.Put Keywords Into The Meta Tags And Into The Copy.

The meta tags are important in search engine optimization ( SEO ), despite of the fact that their importance is decreasing, but especially Yahoo appreciates them. Insert the keywords into the title, description, keyword tags and all over the copy.

4.The Keyword Density.

Every single home internet business marketer has a different opinion about the keyword density but I learnt from the experts, that the right density should be as high as 8 % but not over. The high density is important for Yahoo especially.

5. Use Sitemap On Your Home Page.

The home internet business sitemap is important for the search engine spiders, because it makes it easy to access all the important pages on your site. But it also serves the visitors, because now they see from one list if the site has topics which interest them.

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Starting a Home Based Business: Keywords are Jet Fuel
April 2, 2009 at 7:50 pm

John Washington asked:

When starting a home based business there will be a lot of things to consider and decisions to be made. However, from the standpoint of marketing your site, there is no bigger decision than what keyword or keyword phrase you will use. Now for anyone new to internet marketing and is starting a home based business, let me explain, in layman’s terms, what a keyword is.

We have all have used the search engines to find information we are looking for. When you enter a word or phrase into a search engine, that is a keyword. As you may or may not know, there are statistics on the most commonly used keywords and keyword phrases. A lot of the revenue that search engines earn comes from advertising, and when using a pay-per-click service you must select the right keywords.

There are three main considerations regarding the proper keyword selection.

1. You want a keyword that is relevant to what you are marketing and selling.

2. You need to select a keyword that has a significant number of searches a day to make it worthwhile. If few people are searching on the keyword, nobody will see your site.

3. You do not want a keyword with so much competition on a specific keyword or your site won’t be seen. This is especially true when just starting a home based business on the internet.

You see, what happens is sites are optimized for search engines. When people are starting a home based business, they will use keywords in the text of the site and other places embedded in the code of the site, which helps the search engines give you a higher page rank. Search engines use keywords and how well your site is optimized for that keyword as one of the criteria to rank your site. The better your site is optimized the better it will rank.

As of this article writing there are 367,000 sites that relate to the keyword term ‘pet turtles’. Those 367,000 sites all have something about pet turtles in them. However, in order to rank on the first page of that search, one of the things that has to happen is you need to optimize your site, so the search engines see the keyword ‘pet turtles’.

However, if you were starting a home based business and you were selling pet turtles, the keyword of ‘pet turtles’ is not good, as it is too broad. Those 367,000 sites have to do with anything and everything about pet turtles….selling, caring for, trading, naming, etc. If you were selling pet turtles, you would want a more specific keyword, like ‘pet turtles for sale’.

After you find a more specific keyword the next thing you need to check, is your competition for that keyword, and how often people search for that phrase. There are a lot of tools available that can help you choose. There is something called KEI Analysis. This is the Keyword Effectiveness Index. The higher this number, the more effective this keyword is for your website. The KEI increases when the number of searches per day increases, but it also decreases when the number of competing websites increases.

A simple tool that is free that provides a high level overview of your keyword effectiveness is Google’s Keyword Tool. You can plug in your keyword and get a quick sense of your competition, the number of searches, as well as additional keywords to consider that are in the same category.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to keywords and starting a home based business. When you start to use pay-per-click advertising your selection of the right keyword will drive profit to your site. If you choose poorly, it will cost you money.

You need to make sure you do the proper research, spend the time, and make the correct selection of keywords as when you do, you will see your income soar.

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The key considerations in keyword research
April 2, 2009 at 4:57 pm

Deepak Sharma asked:

The key considerations in keyword research

Why do you need prudent keyword decision?

It is great on your part that you have rendered a web space to your business, or you are just planning to go online to leverage your business. There is no point regarding your reservation on the immense potential advantages of optimizing your web site because the Internet has taught one and all that web site should show up in the top pages or results in the search engines. The Internet today has unfathomable depths, and it is quite easy to be buried in its vastness. Online searches by users are keyword driven, and it is almost as good as not having your web site in the first place in case your web site does not figure in prominent search engine results where your target customer is on the look out for products or services your company specializes in.

This is probably because you have selected the keywords that do not define the nature of your business, or the specialty of offerings. Or, chances are that you have gone for the keywords that are not so often used by your target market. Hence you confront discouraging online business equations because you are simply not able to get qualified leads, effective sales, or in other words, you are witnessing your utter failure in driving quality traffic to your web site. This is a precarious situation in one’s business wherein investments in web initiatives are not met with the intended results

. Therefore, choosing the keywords for optimizing your web site must be prudent decision with a little research and in the best possible systematized and logical manner.

A systematized process of keyword selection.

Here is brief elucidation on right process of going for the right keywords:

• Explore your keywords. Prepare an exhaustive list of keywords that you think can go well with your business. Seek others’ opinions and also elicit their suggestions to add on to your list.

• Go for technical assistance to refine and validate your selected keywords. There are many assistive research tools available on the Net, like, Keyword Sandbox, Wordtracker etc. which can give you an insight into the frequency, popularity of your keywords or similar terms.

• Then comes the turn of finally selecting the keywords. With the information at your disposal while undergoing the above two phases, you might select the keywords that seem to be the right choice.

• Remember that the process of selection of the right keywords is not that simple, rather it takes continuous learning and experimentation even after you have settled for certain keywords. You have got to keep an eye on the performance of selected keywords in terms of leads and conversions. This is the assessment phase of keyword research which can help you to revise your keyword selection.

This article basically deals with the first three phases of keyword selection as the fourth phase would need to be discussed at greater length, maybe as a full ledged article in times to come to do justice with its intricacies.

Let’s understand how to go about the initial phases.

While exploring keywords, it is wise not to be too simplistic.

When you start thinking on your keywords, make it a point to think along the lines that define your business, or the USP of your offerings. This is to be kept at the back of mind along with essential consideration that you have to think the way a typical customer tends to think. Obviously, a customer who wishes to get certain products or services on the Net associate the search query with some customer centric attributes. To make it clear, if anyone is searching for, let’s say, Day Care Facilities, he or she well type onto Google toolbar things like best Day Care Facilities, economy Day Care Facilities, or top Day Care Facilities and so on. So, you should ponder over this aspect as well when you are accumulating your keywords.

More importantly, your keywords should be specific and have a narrower focus. Too general a keyword is likely to have an intense competition, and chances are that you are about to be buried in obscurity. But remember that specific keywords that you choose should be descriptive of your specialty so that you may stand a good chance to be listed in the top results.

How to be specific in keyword selection

Apart from the specialty of your products or services or attached customer benefits, there are other things that help you be specific when it comes to prudent keyword selection.

One of these is the linguistic habits of the target customers. It has been observed that when users perform an online query, they tend to use short forms of the words, or type in misspellings, or geographical equivalents of the keywords.

Therefore, while deciding the keywords for web site, geography and linguistic patterns of target audience cannot be overlooked. First thing first, you have to predetermine who your target market is and what is the reach of your product or service offering. There can be certain geographical constraints in the delivery of products or services depending on your delivery capability. So, it is always a better idea to optimize your web pages for particular geographies.

For instance, if you happen to run an automobile maintenance firm, you can optimize web pages for keywords that denote the reach of your service capability. What I want to emphasize here is that it is up to you to optimize your web site to global audience, or to a set of several geographies, or you can go for local searches.

Getting driven by technical help on offer

Internet is a powerful medium to enhance your business. What is most important is the fact that there is a plenty of information on the Net on how to use the Net to leverage value to your business. The domain of keyword is no exception and you can well expect expert advice and useful tools which can assist in the selection of right keywords. is one of such online tools which can be of immense help to you while you are progressing with the research on keyword selection. It requires simple registration to avail its services and the insight it provides is much, much valuable for your keyword efficacy.

The moment you type in your keyword and subsequently opt for the detailed analysis, it takes you to a nicely presented set of information related to your keyword. Essentially, the information displayed is accumulation of related keywords extracted from Dogpile and Metacrawler searches over the last four months as existing in its database.

Wordtracker offers keyword related information under four headings: keyword and its variations; the number of times of occurrence of keyword; prediction relating to maximum traffic for the keyword options; and in the last, dig option for a selected keyword which measures its effectiveness and reveals its frequency of occurrence and number of competitors vying for it. Hence, it provides a wholistic picture to make an informed keyword selection.

Search engine giant Google also offers online help to assist you in profitable keyword selection. Known as Keyword Sandbox, though it is primarily meant for Google Adswords, you can use it for your web site optimization. Upon entering your keyword you would like to research on, you get two lists: one which mentions specific terms used in the searches related to the keyword, and other enlists the keywords used by the users while performing similar search operations.

Overture also features keyword selection tool wherein you can see the list of similar or related keywords. This is not all; you can also have a look at the number of occurrences of such keywords in the last month. This is instrumental in assessing the popularity of your selected keywords, or similar terms so that you can form a better idea with regard to the final selection of the right keywords. To sum it up, a methodological approach is imperative for the selection of right keywords so that you end up reap the rewards of web site optimization.

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Learn The Secret Keyword Research Tips That Will Increase Your Traffic
April 2, 2009 at 3:32 pm

Keyword tips
Alain Tanguay asked:

The keyword research tips presented here are your building blocks for getting ranked higher in the search engines. Search engine spiders scan a page in a way that makes it important to place your keywords where they will be detected and recognized as a keyword, most importantly in the text, not in the graphics, so that your article will come up when someone searches for that keyword.

What is a Keyword?

A keyword is a word that is going to be placed in your article several times. When a spider sees that you have a word placed several times in an article, it will determine that your page may be useful to users that search for such a keyword.

Over Optimizing Your Articles…not good.

It is important to note that there is also such a thing as over optimizing your articles for particular words, this is known as “keyword stuffing”. Do not overlook this useful keyword research tip. When you put the same keywords in an article too many times, a spider will detect that you are trying to trick it into placing your article high in the search engine results for that word, and will instead penalize your site by banning your site or a particular page.

What is Keyword Density?

Keyword density is how many times your keyword is placed in your article. Most use a percentage to determine how many times they will put a keyword in an article. For instance, if you have a 400 word article and want to achieve a keyword density of 5%, then you will need to have the keyword in your article exactly 20 times. This is way too much in my opinion. 2% is more reasonable. Each webmaster as their own density that they like to achieve based on past results. As long as you don’t over optimize and you are making good profit from your rankings, then you can choose whatever keyword density you like. The best keyword research tip here is to use your keywords in a natural way. You don’t want your readers to stop reading your articles halfway through it because they feel bored by a repetitious litany of the same keyword phrase.

The Right Density

No matter what exact density you choose, it is important to place keywords in a way that they are more prominent in the beginning and the end of your article. Having the right keyword density in your article makes it more likely that your article will rise in the search engine results and be seen by more web surfers.

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Cash Gifting SEO Tips for Your Internet Marketing Success
April 2, 2009 at 12:14 pm

Seo tips
Bill Browne “The Illini Dude” asked:

The role SEO plays in cash gifting programs is often misunderstood.  SEO is a small but very important part of the internet marketing process for generating cash with cash gifting.  Generating thousands of dollars a week with cash gifting is quite possible when all aspects of internet marketing are pursued with consistency.


While considering internet marketing strategies, it is an important SEO tip to always use targeted key words in the title of marketing material.  This is a critical factor in Google algorithms that are used to analyze and rank web pages with Google natural search.  The natural search is crucial in getting results.  Since most people are searching for specific information, they tend to skip the pay per click ads and go directly to search results.

Although the focus of this article is SEO and internet marketing success, the response from properly done offline advertising should never be underestimated.  A definite way to explode a cash gifting activity is to tap into the response received from direct mail and full page ads.  These methods along with other offline techniques can give your financial future a whole new look.

Another important SEO tip is anchor text.  It is always crucial to anchor text a specific URL with the target key words that are being used.  Hyperlinked with anchor text to the desired URL is more beneficial than just putting "click here for cash gifting information".  The anchor text should be as specific as possible when posting your links.  The only downfall is that most social networking sites block your link from search engine rankings, but the SEO benefits certainly outweigh this by a long shot.

The final SEO tip which is important for internet marketing success is do not overdo it.  When it comes to cash gifting SEO, less is definitely more.  Posting your URL all over the first day you start working on optimization will have adverse effects on your cash gifting website.  Google can spot "deliberate" optimization techniques.  Your cash gifting website could be banned for life from search engine rankings if you don't appear natural to Google.

Search engine optimization won't happen overnight, so be patient as it may take at least a week for your efforts to show up.  The key is to be persistent and consistent.  Cash gifting is an extraordinary activity which will allow you to wage war on debt and brighten your financial future.  By applying these SEO tips, you will see results with your cash gifting activity and ultimately achieve internet marketing success. 

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7 Vital Book Promotion Tips
April 2, 2009 at 10:28 am

Promote tips
Dolly Kapil asked:

As a literary publicist I often am asked about publicity tips, tricks, and the magic behind my work. It’s not magic. All you need to know are the basics and from there you will be able to create an effective book promotion. Below I’ve listed the most vital and basic tips to a successful book publicity campaign.

1. ALWAYS Take ‘No’ for an answer It can be frustrating when the media isn’t interested in your book or story idea, but always thank them for their time and move on. If you try and persuade or argue with them you will leave a bad impression of yourself and your chances of working with this particular media in the future are slim. Try back in a couple months if it’s a show or publication that you’re particularly interested. The media changes with the seasons, and trends, so they may love your show or feature idea then, rather than now.

2. Don’t Hound Your Publicist The more time you take up with your book publicist the less time they have to talk with the media. When you first begin your book publicity campaign ask your book publicist when an appropriate time would be to have a weekly chat, and see if they have a number to call in case of a publicity emergency. This will be well received by your book publicist and their efforts will be more successful!

3. Start NOW A book publicity campaign is the most successful within the first 6 months from your book’s publication date (differs for traditionally published authors). This is because the media wants the latest products and they want to be the first to tell their audience about them. It’s best to start publicizing your story to mainstream and industry media prior to your book’s release and reach out to consumers once your book is available to order.

4. Don’t Pitch Your Book Make sure that you’re pitching a concept, show idea, or solution when you begin promoting your book? If you sound more like…. “Hello, I am an author who just published my women’s interest novel…..” rather then, “Hello, is this a good time for you? Great. I’m a relationship expert who has proven that love novels bring couples closer in bed…” The second pitch is more intriguing and will most likely get a few minutes from the person on the receiving end. Your goal with every pitch should be to get their attention, a few minutes of their time and booked or featured as a guest, depending on the type of media.

5. Create a Press Kit Before you begin promoting your book you should have a press kit ready to go. The essentials in most literary kits are a cover letter, press release, author bio, Q&A page, sample interview questions, and articles that make your topic relevant today. You’re publisher should supply you with these materials and if you’re self-published you’ll most likely need to create these materials from scratch and on your own. This can be a daunting task to some, but the internet or library can be helpful when researching the proper formats of these products. Or, find a publicist to create a press kit for you!

6. Know Your Target Audience Who will buy your book? ‘Everybody’ is not the correct answer to this question, although it is a common answer. The more focused you can get with your efforts the better your results will be. If your book is more main stream rather than specialized, then try beginning with a smaller audience and broadening your focus after you’ve saturated this first audience. Just a tip: Authors should always start with their local media, then regional (surrounding areas and states), and finally saturate national media.

7. Have fun! Your enthusiasm, humor, and smile should shine through in every phone pitch, letter, and e-mail. If you’re not excited about getting your work out there, then why should a producer or editor be excited to give you time on their program or space in their publication.

I truly believe that any author can publicize their own book if they have the drive, energy, and time to see it through from beginning to end. Publicity is the most vital within the first six months from its publication date, so authors should hit the ground running. If you need more guidance or would rather hire a professional to handle your book’s publicity then start looking now. There are many publicity companies out there, but you need to find the one that’s right for you and that is as excited about your book as you are.

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