Saturday, April 4, 2009

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Many Of The Laughing Cow Cheese Portions Contain Only 35 Calories
April 4, 2009 at 5:51 am

Ann Marier asked:

The Laughing Cow cheese wedges are a product of Bel Brands USA, which in turn is the American subsidiary of Fromageries Bel, S.A. The entire company, and all its branches around the world, holds a strong commitment to quality, variety, and flavorful cheeses. In fact, there are consumers of the cheese brand in more than ninety countries worldwide.

Appreciated for good flavor and packaging, the brand continues to grow. Their popularity is likely due to the consistent quality that has come to be associated with the brand and its products.

The Laughing Cow cheese brand is associated with images of a cartoon cow who is always shown smiling on the packaging, commercials, advertisements and company websites. This image implies the pleasurable experience consumers can expect when they eat cheese products from The Laughing Cow cheese brand.

Products such as wedges, mini “Baby Bel” cheese bites, and “cheese and baguettes” snacks cater to customers in all walks of life and with widely varying needs. The smaller products are excellent for bag lunches and snacks on the move.

Keeping Your Health in Mind

The Laughing Cow cheese brand is vigilant about keeping in tune with today’s marketplace and customers’ changing needs. In an age where many adults are health conscious and watching their weight, the brand remains a step ahead in the industry. Many of their lighter variety cheese wedges contain as little as thirty-five calories per serving, which fits nicely into even the strictest diet.

In addition to the nutrition provided by cheese, such as calcium, the total package is very appealing to customers who are watching what they eat. Appealing to that need is both good marketing and responsible business by the company that produces the product.

Beyond selling their product, The Laughing Cow cheese brand provides customers and fans of their product with further ways to stay healthy. Their website provides a thirty-one day calendar every January, with each day containing a helpful health tip. January is when New Year’s resolutions have many people tuned to health, so it is the time when they are most in need of such advice.

Furthermore, The Laughing Cow cheese brand runs various health promotions. In January, the brand typically offers customers a chance to get a free pass to a local health club that will allow them to try out the facility for a week or two. Provided there is a participating club in their area, and they have the requisite proof of purchase, customers can enjoy their health through eating delicious cheese and getting consistent exercise.

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Can Anyone Learn to be Funny?
April 4, 2009 at 5:44 am

Funny Jokes
Andrew Bates asked:

Probably the single greatest asset which anyone can ever have in conversations is the ability to make other people laugh.

Whether you are asking your boss for a raise, talking to someone who you like, or just trying to be the popular person who everyone wants to be around, you will get light years ahead if only you can make them laugh.

An interesting, but little known fact is that laughter is a response which is a subconscious way of saying to someone else “I want to bond with you”. Is it any wonder that countless surveys have shown that the number one desired characteristic in the opposite sex, for both sexes, is a sense of humour.

But can someone actually learn to be funny? Do you have to be born with a particular natural talent for humour, which if you don’t have, there’s no chance for you? Are some people permanently condemned to a lifetime of boredom and unpopularity, never able to hold their own in a conversation, while the 'natural funny guys’ effortlessly take the approval of everyone present? Is there a secret to being funny?

Many naturally funny people, even most stand-up comedians, will tell you that humour “just comes” and that is the only way it can be ever be produced. If you don’t possess a natural sense of humour, you will never be funny.

But is this true?

Imagine for a moment, being able to make anyone laugh at will. No matter what the situation, just being able to turn anything into a well-crafted, make-everyone-laugh joke. Always be able to insert that killer funny line into any conversation. What could you achieve with this ability which outshines even the 'naturals’? How easy would conversations be from now on? How much would your confidence improve knowing you will always carry around with you the effortless secret of powerful humour?

But is this possible? Can humour actually 'be learnt’?

I want you for a moment to think back to your school days when you had to learn that subject which everyone loved called - mathematics. Now, some people found mathematics quite easy and picked it up quite fast, while others didn’t take to it as good and plodded along kinda slowly. There are 'naturals’ at mathematics too. But in the end, everyone actually learnt to do mathematics. Everyone actually learnt to be able to do addition and subtraction quite easily. The heavier stuff maybe not everyone got, but it soon became obvious that even those who at first had trouble, with a bit of study and a bit of work, it was possible for anyone to be able to develop the ability to 'do mathematics’.

So what exactly is going on here? Well, mathematics is primarily a left-brain activity. Now some people are naturally 'left-brained’ people and so have an advantage at left-brained things like mathematics. However, even those who aren’t 'left-brained’ people can still exercise that part of their brain and develop it to any level they choose. It just takes a little bit more work. The same is true for humour. Humour is primarily a right-brain activity. Some people may not be naturally 'right-brained’ people, but they can still develop this part of their brain. So who then can learn humour?

Anyone who has ever laughed at a joke can learn to be funny!

That’s just about everyone right? Okay, sounds great, but how do I learn to be funny? Well, how did you learn to do mathematics? First you were given a formula, then you practiced using it over and over again. It was hard at first - you really had to think. But after doing heaps of problems, it was easy. You could do it in your sleep. It is the same with humour.

So what is the formula to being funny?

Make yourself comfortable here because I am about to share with you the secret to all humour.

The human brain operates by continuously looking for patterns. It does this so that it can constantly predict the outcome of a situation. When a story is began, the brain immediately finds a familiar pattern to associate it to, so that it can predict where it is going. But when this pattern is disrupted and a connection is suddenly made to an entirely new and unexpected pattern, laughter occurs as this new connection is made.

Okay, that’s a bit heavy. How does it actually work?

Well lets take an example. “Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do, you will be a mile away and have their shoes.”

A bit of an old classic, but it clearly demonstrates what we are talking about. The first part of this line - the setup - creates a mental pattern which makes you think a certain way. If we just left it here, you would be thinking I am trying to tell you to be slow to criticise someone and first try to understand them. Now I haven’t actually said this, but the mental pattern predicts this outcome. However, when I drop the second part - the punch line - all of a sudden this first pattern is interrupted and a connection is made to an entirely new, unexpected pattern. Now I am telling you to make sure you can get away with it and have the advantage. The important thing is though, that there is still a connection between the first part and the second part - it still makes sense. It is just not what you first expected. The first pattern has been disrupted. This is how all humour is created.

So how can I use that to be funny?

First create a setup. You say something which has an implied outcome. “I would love to tell you just what a great job you are doing”

The implied outcome is that I like the job this person is doing and I am complimenting them. But then I slam 'em with the punch line. “But I don’t want to ruin my honest reputation.”

Okay, not quite the outcome expected, but it still makes sense. This is humour.

All this might seem like a complicated process, but this is the formula for making people laugh. Remember the first time you were given a mathematics formula to play around with? It was long and complicated at first, but with a bit of practice it soon became easy. If you use this formula to create lots of jokes, very soon it will be automatic. You will have trained your mind to instantly create humour on command. You will have learnt to be funny.

What I have just shared with you is the basic formula to be funny on command. The number one resource which I recommend to supercharge your humour to incredible heights in as little as seven days is an e-book called “How to be FUNNY!” written by Stanley Lyndon. This not only takes you step by step how to create humour but also gives a wealth of techniques you can instantly use to maximise your humour to gut-tearing proportions! You can get this unbelievable e-book by going here.

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Funny Posters: Bring Home the Fun
April 4, 2009 at 4:59 am

Funny things
Patrick Arden asked:

e basic element of life and it is our right to be happy. But it is also true that the toughest thing is to be happy always. But we can add fun in some of the moments of life and that we can do by funny posters. These posters have cartoon characters, caricatures of famous personalities, places and witty comments. These comments add fun to the poster which spread happiness and it is a well known fact that no emotion can replace the emotion of happiness so if you are bringing home these posters then it means that you are bringing happiness as well as laughter your home.

It is necessary that we need some stuff around us which can make us happy. Otherwise life becomes dry and boring. That is why people buy funny posters. Nowadays various websites are available which sell posters in good varieties. These posters can be placed in homes, hotels, bars, restaurants and these also work as great gifts also. If you are looking for something unconventional, beautiful, witty, unique, and elegant then these posters are ideal. You can buy them for those who like to collect fun stuff as well as those who are looking to redecorate their places.

In addition to being unique and elegant, funny posters focus on different subjects also. For example, you can find a fun-filled poster with the subject being, politics, beer, social issues, entertainment, animals, work, people etc. Whatever appeals to you, respond to that and buy a poster on that subject. If you want to gift one then you can search on different poster websites. With all of the varieties that exist on the online shops, you can be sure to find one poster that would be ideal for someone you know.

Furthermore, with the ability to ready to view posters, compare, order, pay, and have the gift delivered directly to the recipient, shopping for online funny posters is gift giving at its best.

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Cellulite-Natures Cruel Joke on Women Everywhere
April 4, 2009 at 3:38 am

Good Jokes
Linda Moore asked:

Cellulite is perhaps the number one, most problematic beauty issue facing women today. Cellulite is, as all women know, the term that describes fat deposits which are under the skin. These fatty deposits give the skin an orange-peel look, and are most often found in the buttocks, thighs, hips and underarm areas to name a few.

Your genetic make up is one of the predetermining causes of the appearance of cellulite; this is why even thin women develop this issue. There are other causes such as, pregnancy, ageing and the production of certain hormones. All of these factors may be credited for the deterioration of collagen fibers that lead to the appearance of cellulite.

Wherever there are women who worry about their appearance, there is an industry with the technology to help them fight the issues they are facing. Whether it be laugh lines, teeth whitening or cellulite there is help for all that ails women everywhere.

The most widely known treatment for cellulite is liposuction. This is a surgery procedure that utilized a vacuuming technique to rid the body of fatty tissues in the problem areas. The advantage to this is that there is minimal scarring, and it does an effective job removing the appearance of cellulite. However, there are some major disadvantages associated with liposuction. The procedure itself is expensive and can cause issues with the natural circulation and waste processes of the body during the healing process. Even these inconvenient might be worth it, if the cellulite problem was gone for good, but even liposuction cannot stop cellulite forever, it will come back.

For this reason, there are an amazing number of cellulite reduction products on the market today. They promise to reduce cellulite and remove inches from your body with continuous use. Fortunately, for the millions of users the claims of these cellulite treatment creams are basically correct. They will help remove inches as well as diminish the appearance of cellulite. However, the time needed to reach this desired result will depend upon the product being used. What doesn’t change, depending upon the type and brand of anti cellulite treatment used, is that the product only works for the duration of its use when you stop applying the product, it stops working.

So, as a woman today, you can rejoice in the fact that you have the power, the ability to, at least temporarily rid your body of the appearance of cellulite. You can also hope that the public view of beauty changes and that cellulite and wide hips comes back in fashion. Until then, get some cellulite reducing cream and be sure to use it every day.

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Teachers Lighten Up and Laugh More!
April 4, 2009 at 12:57 am

Beth Butler asked:

How many years will this mark for you in the field of education? Are you a first year teacher nervously awaiting the first day, hoping your jitters do not surpass those of your students? Or perhaps you are a veteran teacher counting the years to retirement? And then there are those of us in between, perhaps switching grade levels or assignments within our field of early childhood development or elementary education.

Whatever the case may be it is always a big day when you welcome a new group of students. They lose sleep, we lose sleep and parents rejoice that a routine will soon enter their lives once again! How can we as the educators capture that feeling of rejoicing? I suggest one simple word my friends, and that is laugh!

Yes, you read correctly. Laugh! Did you know that laughing protects your heart? The increase of blood flow that takes place as a result of laughing will help the blood flow which in turn helps to protect your heart. Not enough you might say to convince you? How about the fact that laughing increases your tolerance of pain and boosts the production of infection-fighting antibodies? Now that is really something.

Bottom line is you can stay healthier and happier by simply adding laughter back into your day. And as a teacher, I know there are many opportunities to laugh no matter what grade level you are teaching. Whether it is the preschool aged child who is quick to let the entire group know about the cockroach in his bathroom this morning or the elementary school child who innocently relays information about the teeth he found in a glass that belong to his Grandma! There is always something that we can laugh at; sometimes we just get so darn busy we forget to seize those moments.

And just in case you are still not convinced that you need to lighten up and laugh more, I will be quick to point out that one minute of hearty laughter is equal to the same heart rate after ten minutes on the rowing machine. I am talking that deep belly laugh that children are so great at before society keeps their silliness in check. The laugh that starts at your toes and works its way around your body, making everyone stop and enjoy this deep laughter. I am not one for the gym, so any way I can find a substitute for working out, I am all over it!

These first weeks of school can be stressful, on us as educators and on the children. Try to lighten up the mood of the classroom or your own homeschooling environment and make time for laughing. Make a real effort to set aside time to just enjoy a funny story together or share a few minutes of a silly music video that gets you up moving and laughing together. You will find that everyone benefits from the moments spent laughing and stressing less.

Stress decreases your immune system. Humor boosts the levels of immune cells in your body. This is an easy choice my friends. Choose laughter to live longer and enjoy life more. You will be glad you did!

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What Does Humor Have to do With Health?
April 4, 2009 at 12:17 am

Lynn Powers asked:

With April Fools day the first of the month, it’s no wonder April has been named National Humor month. Personally, I love it. Anything designed to make me laugh is fine with me! I say, bring on the humor!

Research shows that children laugh a whopping 400 times per day while the number of times adults engage in some type of laughter or humorous situation is a mere 15. No wonder Jesus told us to “be like little children.” He wants us to laugh more!

Not only is laughing just plain fun, it’s good for you! There have been many scientific reports on the benefits of laughter, but we don’t need science to tell us that. The Bible has been informing us for thousands of years. As it says in Proverbs 17:22, “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” (NIV)

Here are some ways laughing is beneficial for both physical and mental health:


• It’s good for your Heart - When you laugh, you’re taking your insides for a jog. In fact, some research has shown that a good belly laugh is equivalent to several minutes on a stationary bike or rowing machine. Besides exercising your abdomen and diaphragm, you’re also giving your back and ****** muscles an aerobic workout.

• Lowers Blood Pressure. It seems that many people with high blood pressure are often tense and serious. But lightening up a bit by laughing can lower that number. This isn’t to say you should trade in your blood pressure medication for a stack of comedy DVD’s. But laughing sends oxygen enriched blood and nutrients through your system which will certainly help to bring those numbers down even more.

• Boosts Immune System. Laughter produces antibody-producing cells that help to keep you healthy. Laughing continuously during flu season, then, is a great idea!


• Relaxation. Laughing relaxes all of your muscles, releasing pent-up tension from your body. Try it after a particularly tense-filled day at work or home.

• Distraction from Pain. If you’re experiencing pain, laughter can help to take your mind off your circumstances and provide some temporary relief. In fact, it can even reduce the actual pain because laughing releases endorphins that are just as effective as equivalent doses of morphine!

• Improves Thinking Skills. When you laugh, both sides of your brain are affected. This improves comprehension and your ability to learn, which suggests that kids who laugh a lot will do better in school. Engage your child in a tickling session every evening. It just may be the thing you’re looking for to see your child’s grades improve!

• Reduces Stress. Laughter boosts serotonin which, in turn, can ward off depression and anxiety or simply help to lift your spirits and turn around a bad mood.

So the more you laugh, the healthier you’ll be and the better you’ll feel. The best part is that laughter is contagious. If you have a hard time finding things to laugh about, hang around with funny people or those who you see laughing a lot throughout the day. Soon you’ll find yourself laughing along and reaping the benefits that come with it.

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Laugh and the Work World Laughs With You
April 3, 2009 at 10:01 pm

Craig Harrison asked:

Many of today’s work environments are rife with moody bosses and co-workers, repetitive tasks and unpredictable market pressures. Stress abounds. Managers often tell me they can’t afford the time or cost for my humor workshops; how can they afford not to address workplace stress.

We know clinically that laughter and play have medicinal qualities, offering physical, psychological and physiological benefits as well. In the workplace, humor and fun can increase productivity, encourage creativity, enhance team building, and thus improve esprit de corps.

While we may not be able to control everything that happens to us in our jobs and work environments, we do have control over how we choose to react. I coach others how to create an environment which is safe and friendly, and use humor to help maintain a healthy balance between the pressure and seriousness which comes from high stakes jobs and a competitive marketplace. Remember that humor starts from within. Being able to laugh at your own foibles goes a long way toward creating a healthy work climate in which to flourish.

The following are activities and strategies for you as individuals, workgroups and managers. Be creative and use these ideas to stimulate your own remedies to workplace stress.

- Adorn your work area with cartoons, headlines or funny photos which bring a smile to your face and visiting co-workers’. Whether you’re surrounded by your favorite Pez dispensers childhood, or wry cartoons that speak to your tastes, let your work area comfort and humor you while taking some of the edge off the standard office decor.

- Tap a co-worker to be your humor-partner. Bring a daily joke to share. Commiserate about funny workplace events. Keep each other buoyed with good cheer. When the chips are down your humor partner can chip away at your depression, and vice versa.

- Don’t think cubicles limit your humor options. I’ve seen shower curtains, umbrellas and other devices used effectively to set a light or semi-serious tone. For some, creativity flourishes behind their cubicle’s shower curtain. People tampering with your work area? Don’t get angry…protect it with yellow “Crime Scene” tape!

- Subscribe to a humor website to be e-mailed a free daily or weekly humorous story, joke and anecdote. Sites such as or are two examples.

Are You Laughin’ At Me? One manager, known for his moodiness, acknowledged it with a “Mood-O-Meter” outside his door. Both he and his employees took turns forecasting his mood: from fire-breathing to variable clouds to periodic eruptions…proceed at your own risk. Don’t underestimate the power of self-effacing humor for making yourself more accessible and liked.

Room for Laughter. Some companies designate a room, work area or corner of their office as a romper room, where frolicking and silliness is allowed. Whether yours has a punching bag, games, a dartboard or foosball, it’s a room for letting off steam and taking a break from the grind.

Whine Not. Everyone loathes whiners yet we all need to blow off steam periodically. One group of creative trainers and their manager decreed Thursdays to be effective whining days. They self-policed themselves the rest of the week, making sure not to whine. Yet even their Thursday gripes had a departmental sanction and somehow seemed healthier. After all, they belly ached together. A ripple effect actually improved the morale of departments adjacent to theirs!

Meting Out Humor. Many professionals approach meetings with trepidation. A dash of humor can make a difference. For regular meetings earmark one or two minutes each meeting for a humorous interlude. In one workgroup a “humor hand” rotates from meeting to meeting. Employees take turns setting a lighter tone to the meeting, insuring everybody is engaged. An anecdote, verbal or physical activity focuses the group on the task at hand and brings colleagues together in a spirit of fun.

When not to use Humor. Not all humor is good humor. Humor that hurts, ostracizes or is cruel will have a detrimental effect on others and you. Strive for humor that is inclusive, creative and captures our human essence. By now you know that sexist, racist, ageist jokes and crude humor are not only inappropriate, but can lead to sanctions, termination or even lawsuits. Be sensitive when telling jokes involving terminations, reductions in force (RIFs) and personal tragedies. Their hurt can linger long after the fact. . When in doubt…leave it out!

Appropriate humor can make hard tasks easier, collaborations fun and certainly make workdays go faster. Laugh, and the work world laughs with you!

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Funny and Novelty Valentine's Gift Ideas. Add Some Fun to your Valentine's Day
April 3, 2009 at 9:22 pm

Funny Humor
Alice Duong asked:

When we think of valentine’s gifts we tend to think of romantic dinners, flowers, chocolates and gifts of love and so forth. If you have showered your partner with these gifts every year, why not be different this year and give him or her something unexpected and funny which is sure to make them laugh and remember for many years to come. The gifts I would like to recommend are inexpensive and can be enjoyed by both men and women.

Valentine’s Day Love-O-Meter

This is a fun little gadget that both you and your partner can have fun playing together. Press your fingers on the buttons and the Love-o-meter will dig into the depths of your heart and reveal your feelings. Of course this is no fortune teller, but it is an entertaining gizmo.

Body Pens

If you are planning on a romantic dinner, why not have some ‘desert’ with body pens afterwards. The pens come in chocolate and strawberry flavors and are a sensual way to indulge your sweet tooth! Express your love by creating fun messages that are for your partner's eyes only.

T-Equalizer Shirts

If you plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day with some music and dancing, the T-equalizer shirts are a great way to get noticed. Available in both male and female styles, these electro-luminescent design T-shirts have an EQ panel connected to a battery pack and is sound activated.

Candy Bra and Candy G-String

Who would have thought that those delicious necklace sweets that we all used to love as kids would come back to haunt us in the most irresistible way! Your boyfriend or husband will enjoy eating away these childhood favorite candy sweets. The irresistible, edible, candy underwear is the perfect way to end a romantic candlelight dinner.

Personal Newspaper Headlines and Personalized Book Cover

If you want to give something truly personal, this is the perfect gift. There’s simply nothing like a personalized gift that says, “This was made just for me.” Personal Newspaper Headlines provide exactly that - your own words, unique and personalized, printed by hand onto authentic newsprint on an antique printing press. Your personalized gift newspaper is printed on both sides, filled with fun articles and pictures everyone can enjoy. The idea is to make your personal headline funny. Alternatively, you can create a funny personalized book cover with one of the following 2 titles "Everything I Know About……." Or "How I Became the World’s Greatest……."

The book cover also includes blank pages which your partner can use as a note book or diary.

Digital Photo Frame and Digital Photo Keyring

These gifts per ser are not considered funny. However, you can make this fun and meaningful by downloading a collection of humorous photos before giving the gift to your partner. This is a great way to cheer your loved up when he or she is having a stressful or bad day at work. A browse through these pictures is enough to make anyone smile.

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Where Can I Get T-shirt Humor Coupons? How Can I Use T-shirt Humor Coupon Codes?
April 3, 2009 at 8:36 pm

vijaya asked:

About t-shirt Humor

All the designs we sell are exclusive to and all the products are produced at t-shirt Humor Austin, Texas facility by a dedicated staff of employees. Tshirt The Funny T-Shirt Store. The funniest t-shirts on the internet.

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Mammograms Are No Joke - They Can Save Lives
April 3, 2009 at 3:16 pm

Lynn Roodbol asked:

are so many jokes about mammograms! Have you heard the one about the fridge door - or the bookends - or the garage floor? Thanks to all the jokes, “Mammogram” has become a household word, and it’s not that I don’t have a sense of humor, but as a mammography technologist, I’ve heard the jokes many times. I think the jokes are embarrassing for women and demeaning with regard to their physical bodies. Many women say, “If men had to do this, there would be a better solution” - this may or may not be true. Most people agree that mammograms are not perfect, but until there is a better solution, I think it’s time to look at mammograms in a different light.

In May of 1985 and 1986 I asked my doctor to order a mammogram for me and he refused both times saying I was too young. There were no screening mammography centers to which I could refer myself, so that was that. In December of 1986 at the age of 42 I felt a lump in my ****** and had a mammogram the same day. It turned out to be Stage II ****** cancer with 4 positive lymph nodes. I had a lumpectomy, a mastectomy and chemotherapy but chose not to have radiation. I obviously wasn’t too young to have cancer.

In May 1985 a mammogram cost less than $60.00 and would have resulted in my having minor surgery to deal with a small lump. Delaying the diagnosis until December 1986 raised the cost of the medical care I received both in dollars and the amount of human suffering we faced. I say “we” because a diagnosis of cancer affects the family, friends and community of the person with the disease. A timely mammogram would have saved us all a lot of grief.

The common perception is that having a mammogram is a negative experience; I think this is a bad rap. Mammograms are quick and easy ****** X-Rays; which usually means two views of each ****** - one from the top and one from the side. They are performed by friendly, knowledgeable technologists who do their best to help women feel at ease. The technologists’ goal is to get the best films possible and also to make the experience as quick and painless as possible.

When people go for a mammogram the most important thing to know is that relaxation of the upper body is the key to a positive experience. I know it’s hard to relax when you’re apprehensive, but this is why I believe we need to lessen the public apprehension of this test. It is easy to relax by taking some deep breaths before you have the test. By relaxing your muscles you will be much more comfortable through the test than if you are tense. An added bonus is that the films will be of higher quality, as it is easier to image the back of the ****** close to the chest wall if the pectoralis muscles are relaxed. When it’s done, you may hear yourself saying, “That wasn’t bad at all!”

Some women are embarrassed to have a mammogram because they don’t want anyone other than their partner to see and touch their *******. The mammogram jokes add to their fear of pain and embarrassment making it harder for them to manage, and I know of some women who avoid having a mammogram for this reason. The test is done in privacy; no one but a female technologist will be present. Technologists, for the most part, are sensitive people who will do the test as quickly and professionally as they can. Many women who have resisted the test for a long time are amazed at how simple and painless it can be.

Mammograms include compression of the ****** with a plastic plate to produce a high quality image with the least amount of radiation. ****** compression is meant to be tight, but it should not be painful and it only lasts for a few seconds. If you think about looking at a bunch of grapes - it’s hard to see them all from one spot. If you spread the grapes out, you can see more grapes. Similarly with the use of compression, more ****** tissue is visible when the ****** is spread out. With a flatter, thinner layer of tissue the amount of radiation required is less than if the ****** is not compressed. The amount of radiation you get is as low as can be achieved if adequate compression is used, and also if good quality control is maintained at the mammogram facility.

In the U.S.A. the cost of a mammogram runs between $50 and $150.00. There is financial help available from insurance companies, state and local programs, and from some employers. Please do not let the cost deter you from having a mammogram as the cost of not having a mammogram can be much higher both financially and emotionally. Check for information on the internet.

In most places in Canada, women can book their own appointment for a free screening mammogram; a doctor’s referral is not required. In places without a screening program, mammography is available with a doctor’s referral and is covered by health insurance. Approximately 7% of women will be asked to have further testing.  Most of the time, follow up testing involves an additional mammogram with a different view to separate the ****** tissue in a particular area to get a better image.  In my analogy of the bunch of grapes, it’s like having a few grapes on top of each other and separating them out in a different way in order to see them better.

There is controversy about the age bracket for women to have a mammogram. On a mammogram film, normal ****** tissue in young women usually appears to be dense; normal ****** tissue in older women usually turns to fat and appears less dense. Reading mammograms on young women is like looking through a tree which is full of leaves in summer. Reading mammograms on older women can be compared to looking through a tree in winter. You can see why reading mammograms on young women is more complex than reading films on older women and this is the main reason why screening mammography is more effective as women mature.

The fear of being diagnosed with ****** cancer will often prevent a woman from having a mammogram. My personal experience is that it is much better to be diagnosed earlier rather than when the cancer has had chance to spread. The amount of fear, pain, embarrassment, and emotional anguish from having a mammogram does not even come close to that of being diagnosed with an advanced cancer. A mammogram takes about 10 minutes; an early cancer can be dealt with in a reasonable amount of time, while an advanced cancer is much more of a time commitment. The amount of fear that comes with a cancer diagnosis is astronomical compared to that of a screening mammogram.

It is often recommended that women have a screening mammogram every two years, but many people believe it is better to have mammograms on an annual basis. It is probably best if women can consult their doctors and make the decision on an individual basis. A number of factors affect the decision such as age, family history, general health, and previous ****** problems. Between appointments, whether you choose to have a mammogram every year or every two years, it is important to be aware of any ****** problems. If you notice anything unusual it is wise to contact your doctor.  This applies even if your mammogram was negative because there are a certain percentage of cancers that do not show on a mammogram.

The Canadian ****** Cancer Foundation promotes a three-prong approach to ****** health:
* annual clinical ****** exam by a doctor or trained health professional
* screening mammogram
* monthly ****** self exam

Breast self-exam can be a controversial issue. Many people do not recommend monthly self-exams, yet many women have found their own ****** cancers this way. The important thing to remember is if you choose to do self exam, to do it right:
* learn the proper method from a doctor or trained health professional
* be disciplined and practice it regularly
* pick the same time of your menstrual cycle or the same date each month
* get to know your normal ****** “architecture”
* make notes of your findings, draw pictures and record dates
* make detailed notes of unusual findings including dates
* check with your doctor if you find anything worrisome

Following these steps will give you confidence and put you in charge of your ****** health. Some health professionals are concerned that women will be unnecessarily alarmed if they find a problem with their *******. I believe that an educated approach to ****** care will reduce the fear that many women live with, and they can consult their doctors in a more rational manner. Most ****** lumps are benign, but early detection of ****** cancer is worth the extra cost of investigating lumps and other unusual findings.

Mammography is a peculiar test in some ways. However, it is the gold standard at present and until there is a better method of screening which is also cost effective it makes good sense to have regular mammograms. Finding cancer in the early stages before it has a chance to spread makes the treatment much easier and the cure rate much higher. Having a mammogram is not meant to be funny, or even fun; but a few minutes of discomfort rewards us with knowing we aretaking action to help protect our ****** health.

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How To Send Fun Greeting Cards
April 3, 2009 at 2:59 pm

Francis Githinji asked:

We all like to have fun and, there are very many ways of doing this. One popular way to have fun is through fun greeting cards. This is where you take time to send your friends and family fun greeting cards just for the sake of it. With fun cards, you can send them no matter the season. Therefore, with or without holidays, it does not matter. Fun cards will ensure that you are kept tantalized by the people you love. Fun cards for greetings are mainly comic and humorous; they depict the lighter side of life. They are mainly designed to uplift the spirits of recipients and to remind them not to take life too seriously. There are fun cards for all occasions and even holidays. They have been used for a long time to bring joy to people who would otherwise be stressed and bogged down with issues of life. When looking for such cards, you will find those that are animated and so on. Take time to really think of what your friend would appreciate.

There are several things that you must consider before sending fun greeting cards. The first thing is your reason or purpose to send the card. There might be no special occasion but, you will still have a reason. For example, you might be hoping to remind them to keep in touch, to cheer them up and so on. Therefore, look for fun greeting cards that will best serve your purpose. Know the kind of personalities your friends have. This is because you will have a chance to personalize the cards just for them. For example, you need to know their favorite colors for fun cards in order for cards to make an impression. If they are into certain animals, use them to show your heartfelt concern. Keep in mind that you want to send cards that have a light touch to them. It is all about fun after all. To choose cards, you will need special inspiration and, you have to look for displays of fun cards. Online, you will be overwhelmed by the collection you find. You will not just find them brilliant but, you will draw different ideas.

The easiest way to do things is to send the fun greeting cards electronically. If you have access to a computer with an Internet connection, you will be in a position to send as many fun cards as you want. Online, there are many sites that offer free cards. On top of this, you get an opportunity to make the cards as you desire. You can customize it to personalize it for the friends you are sending to. This is a very dynamic way of doing things and, you will need to look at all the instructions provided so that you can produce something good. It is fun to choose backgrounds and colors online for your cards. You can also read articles that are dedicated to providing you with information on how to create your own handmade fun cards.

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Humor: Best Simpson's Remark
April 3, 2009 at 1:22 pm

nicaine asked:

Humor is one of the best known remarks of The Simpsons.The Simpson’s is an American animated comedy sitcom by FOX production major characterized by the Simpson Family.A typical family who live in Springfield living in an American culture , fictional characters have bulky eyes and wide mouths and yellow color bodies with different hair colors. Each of the family members have different but interesting characters that provide laughter and amusement to viewers.

Characters of the story are important to viewers.

Father Homer voiced by Dan Castellaneta including Homer’s father Abe. He is rude, overweight, incompetent,inconsistent, clumsy, mindless, alcoholic, and lazy. But despite his dysfunctional behavior he became the most popular and influential character in The Simpson’s series.Number of remarkable experiences he had that possesses integrity and bravery to protect his family that most viewers can relate to. A surprisingly caring father to his children and a husband to his wife.

Mother Marjorie “Marge” Simpson voiced by Julie Kavner and also does the voices of Marge’s mother Jacqueline and sisters Patty and Selma. Amazingly patient wife of Homer Simpson and was once a good police officer in Springfield.Her most noticeable feature is her blue hair, styled like a big long beehive.Her attitude portrays portrayed as naive but optimistic,and an excellent cook.She puts up with a lot from her family.

Bartholomew “Bart” J. Simpson, the eldest among the children of Homer and Marge Simpson. He is voiced by Nancy Cartwright. Hi is rebellious,disrespectful for authority but with a sharp wit. Although he usually gets into lots of troubles and can be sadistic and selfish, Bart also exhibits many qualities of high integrity. Bart’s character proves to be one of the most well-known characters in the history of American television animation.

Lisa Marie Simpson, middle child of Homer and Marge Simpson. Lisa is very intelligent 8 year old girl and became the Student Council President, one of the most intelligent characters on the show. She loves to play saxophone and a truly vegetarian. Her too much intellectual capability can be not-so-right” sometimes” but she is loyal to her family.

Margaret “Maggie” Simpson, the youngest of the five main family members and is often times seen as a baby . But at the early age, she is a keen observer. Aware of her surrounding’s. And there are some scenes where she has stepped in to save her family’s life.

The Simpson’s became part of our childhood and as we grow old we still loved to watch them.Years passed by but still “The Simpson’s” is aired world wide.Only minimal physical changes occurs just as what they look and they did decades ago.Awarded many times for best television series and longest running TV show series of all time.

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Funny Business: Starting a Humor Business in Israel
April 3, 2009 at 12:14 pm

Debbie Iancu-Haddad asked:

The story of my business - Meetings with humor: How Not to take work seriously  


Have you laughed today?


My name is Debbie Iancu Haddad (32), I’m a mother of two darling children, a phd student at BGU and I am a lecturer on humor and laugh yoga instructor.


I was born in Israel to a British mother & Romanian father who met in the immigration center (mercaz klitah) in Beer-Sheva. When I was 10 months old the family returned to England for six years, and re-emigrated in 1981.

Growing up bilingual in Israel was a huge help and has seen me through a BA, an MA and a third of a Phd. Even though I take studying seriously (almost no one who knows me would say too seriously) - my research interests focus on humor. My MA was an exploration of Diet humor and my doctorate research is about humor as a communication tool used by managers and head masters. If that isn’t enough I’m also a laugh yoga instructor. You may ask "don’t I take anything seriously?" Well the answer is: "No. But thank you for asking". 

I opened my business in 2006 when I was unemployed following the birth of my 2 nd child. I had just been accepted into the BGU department of education as a phd student but was not granted a scholarship because my grade point average was 2.5 points below the cutoff (some would call that funny…). I needed to find work that would on the one hand keep the mortgage payments going out and on the other hand give me enough time to study. My friends in the department used to joke that we would never make any money from anthropology… but there was one guy who gave lectures to schools on his MA subject. Since my MA subject was Diet Humor, and since almost everyone diets I thought there might be some people interested.

Now Dieting is a heavy issue, not to be taken lightly… (Pun intended). Most of us diet religiously - we eat what we want and pray that we won’t gain weight. In my lecture I tell my own story - In my life I’ve gained and lost hundreds of pounds (by all rights I should be hanging from a charm bracelet), I’ve been a member of weight watchers going on five years and worked there for the past three years. I wrote my thesis on Diet humor used by participants in a local Weight Watchers ® group. My secret to successful dieting - eating chocolate! … And no, I’m not joking. 

I give funny examples, diet humor and actual weight loss tips based on my research, my experience, and my training as a public health instructor.  Let’s face it - I’ve lost 50 pounds in the past three years - I must know something. So I started out with teaching people how to eat your cake and leave the calories on the plate.

At first I thought I would give workshops to private customers, especially women on maternity leave, but soon I realized that the real demand for workshops and lectures was by companies looking for fun activities and enriching lectures for their employees. After a while I started offering more general lectures on "A humorous approach to life" and "Humor in the workplace". At first I got work by word of mouth and walk of foot (going in places and telling them what I did). I lectured for free, anywhere that would take me and gradually started getting more experience. I also took a business class for running small businesses at BGU business school. For the firs six months I made almost no money – but I learned a lot and had a good time. I felt better about myself – it’s a really different feeling – "I’m not unemployed – I’m self employed" (though still penniless). A significant turning point in my career was learning to be a laugh yoga instructor. What can I say - I believe in laughing…


What is Laughter Yoga?

 The unique concept of Laughter Yoga and Laughter Club is the brain child of Dr. Madan Kataria, a physician from Mumbai, India. Any one can laugh in a group for 15-20 minutes without depending upon great sense of humor, jokes or comedy. Laughter Yoga combines simple laughter exercises (simulated laughter) and gentle yoga breathing, which turns into real laughter when practiced in a group. At present there are more than 5000 laughter clubs world wide.  

Laugh yoga is up and coming in Israel. Although it sounds kind of strange, what it boils down to is a really fun time.

After receiving my certificate I opened a free laughter club at Ben-Gurion University. I was really nervous; I was worried no one would come. At my first workshop at the university there were over 60 people. There was no room to move, but we laughed long and loud and people had a great time. Soon I started to get calls from people who had participated in my workshop inviting me to their workplaces, parties and other activities. People saw the ad about the group in the student newsletter (which goes out to the 17,000 students at BGU and is great free advertising). I created a free web site and got flyers, and requests started coming in.

In the past year and a half I’ve given over 100 laugh sessions and lectures to a wide variety of clients – I’ve worked with hospitals, high-tech companies, government agencies and private groups. I also volunteer workshops with senior citizens, special interest groups (such as single parents, the bereaved of road accidents, mental health projects and youth workers).

Based on clients’ requests I gradually expanded my selection of lectures. I have a lecture for teachers on how to use humor in their classroom; I have a lecture for businesses on the benefits of humor at work. I also worked in a workshop with my greatest love – chocolate. A combination of my two favorite things: chocolate and laughing. A hilarious chocolate party that begins with understanding why chocolate is perfect for losing weight (your whole daily calories in one handy bar), continues with funny games and an analysis of the participants’ chocolate personality. We have chocolate fondue and top off the evening with a competition of sculpting with chocolate dough. (Yes, we also eat the chocolate…).  

I love my work because I get to make people happy and laugh. The best moment in every meeting is seeing frozen expressions thaw and a smile beginning to break through. I also get to see people at happy times. Brides before their weddings (getting in some last chocolate before taking their vows) uptight office workers at their company party, even doctors (I gave a workshop for the staff of the pathological unit in Soroka hospital – talk about stiffs… well I couldn’t).

My work schedule is very crazy. I’m available 24/7. I’ve given a session that started at midnight, some at 8 am and every hour in between. I go wherever I’m invited. Only yesterday I gave a session in the middle of the dessert by the Dead Sea. I live in the Negev and love it here, but about 75% of my business comes from other areas of the country. In the past month I’ve given workshops in Faran in the Arava, Kiryat Biyalik north of Haifa, at the Dead Sea, in Tel Aviv and at my daughter’s kindergarten. Sometimes these trips are day after day. There was one day I gave two chocolate parties, one starting at six pm on the beach in Caesarea, the next starting nine thirty pm in Mishmeret (about half an hour south of there). The upside to all this traveling is that I only work 6-7 days a month, an hour or two at a time (not counting the traveling). Which means that most mornings I’m free. Of course I have to return calls to clients, check my website etc, but I can always find time for a cup of coffee with friends or a trip to the mall.

Since I am not yet a full time worker I don’t have much trouble with the tax authorities. The most annoying part is the fact that because my husband once opened a business file with the IRS all the documents are in his name. I requested a change and was told it could take up to two years to get my name on my business documents (at the moment the only thing hinting of me are the first two letters of my name, that appear after my spouses’ first middle and last name).

The only thing I **** is the payment system in Israel. Working with government and education agencies mean that I get paid current date + 30, 60, or 90 days, that means that I may have to wait three months for the check to come. Sometimes three months go by and no money comes. Then I call up and discover there was a snag in the bureaucracy, some document got misplaced and that needs to be sent again, and then another wait. There is one lecture I gave last march that I still haven’t been paid for - going on seven months. It really takes all my sense of humor not to go ballistic over the phone and start killing people (which is bad for business).

There are people who call up and want to book a workshop today, tomorrow or in two days time. On the other hand there are those who schedule months in advance (these are usually the ones with the most bureaucracy – there was one company where I spoke to at least six different people, who each handled one aspect of the three hour meeting – so I spent at least six hours on the phone).   

All in all I can’t complain, I make a good living doing something I enjoy that pays well and makes other people happy.

Below is a list of the lectures and workshops I give in order to spread humor in the world. I also give lectures and laugh yoga sessions in English. My clients choose from one of my six current subjects or talk to me about creating a special humor lecture to suit their needs.


**Debbie Iancu-Haddad Phd student - Dep. of education Ben-Gurion University. Humor researcher - Humor in  organizations and education.

**MA in Anthropology - Ben-Gurion University. MA in diet humor and women’s studies.

**BA in Communications and sociology-Anthropology - Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

**Public Health instructor - Ben-Gurion University, Health Sciences Dep.


My Subjects:


Humor in teaching

Humor inspires students to learn. It reduces teacher burnout and stress.  Humor generates camaraderie in the classroom. Students develop a group identity by laughing together. Their attention is  diverted from the heavy task of "learning" and they focus on enjoying themselves while supporting each other. Students who laugh during class quickly become committed to paying attention. Once they are relaxed and invested in the learning process you can take them anywhere you want to go.  In my lecture I talk about the advantages and pitfalls of humor in teaching… and yes - my lecture is also fun and funny. (This lecture is based on the course I will be giving at Ben Gurion University - Spring Semester 2007)



Humor at Work

Do you realize that you spend more hours at work every day than you do with your significant other, your kids or anyone else for that matter? So, if you spend all those hours with people at work, wouldn’t you like it to be a more fun, uplifting , satisfying experience? Remember the saying, "Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone?" Are you spending your day laughing or are you spending your day crying?

It might be hard to believe but employees who spend even a small part of their day laughing will function at peak performance. Happy employees are more productive employees, and a workplace that encourages humor instead of suppresses it encourages employee loyalty, commitment and involvement. Learn how to incorporate humor into your organization, and start laughing today!


Introduce humor into your life

There are days when you really need a good laugh. Is today one of them?

Come learn how to see a lighter side of life, even when problems are weighing down on you. People who use their sense of humor to brighten up their day ease their own tension and the tension around them. Laughing improves your health and your wealth. Studies show that people who laugh daily are healthier and more popular. They are also promoted faster.

We are all born with a sense of humor - but some of us never use it. The good news is - you can learn to lighten up and be funnier, all it takes is practice and a big smile. So come and get in touch with your lighter side - yes, everyone has one.. even you!  


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