Saturday, April 4, 2009

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Emt Marketing Efficient Marketing Tips
April 4, 2009 at 11:54 am

Pagerank tips
Matt Conway asked:

Search engine optimization can be difficult and confusing. Knowing this we decided to put together

some tips to help you:

Your ultimate strategy

Did you know that, after investing thousands, sometimes hundred of thousands of dollars developing a Web site, businesses often discover that the site is invisible in the major search properties. Failing to take your Web site’s search engine and directory visibility into consideration when making site development decisions is an untimely and very expensive mistake.

Watch the anchor text. Don’t overdo the anchor text. You don’t want all your inbound links looking the same, because that looks like automation - something Google frowns upon. Use your URL sometimes, your company name other times, “Gumbo Pudding Pop” occasionally, “Get gumbo pudding pops” as well, “Gumbo-flavored pudding pops” some other times, etc.

Google updates their index data — including backlines and PageRank all the time. However, they export and publish new backlines and PageRank data approximately every three months. New backlines and PageRank are meaningless — it is not an update

Write 10 articles and submit 5 of these articles to the top 10 article directories online, based on their pagerank number.

Search engines weigh headers (h1, h2, h3 …) higher than other content (p, li …), so it is important that you write good titles that also contains keywords that matches the content. The best thing is to only have 1-2 h1 tags on each page, eg. the blog title and newest blog post

Knowing how many incoming links your competitors have will give you a fantastic edge. Of course, you still have to discover your competitors before you can analyze them.

Connect Your Blog to Your Site - Connect Article Page - Connect Different Rss Feeds to Your Site & Blog

Deep linking. Make sure you have links coming in to as many pages as possible.

Site map. A big site needs a site map, which should be linked to from every page on the site.

There is a lot more to search engine optimization please log to for more free Tips

Emt Marketing

Emt Efficient Marketing Tools.

Enjoy the Difference.

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Here Are The Top 5 Tips Help You Became A Proper Internet Marketer
April 4, 2009 at 10:23 am

Backlinks tips
Watson Fru N asked:

Being a successful internet marketer is extremely tough, particularly considering that there are hundreds of thousands of other marketers competing against you. Below are the top 5 tips to better improve your achievement as an internet marketer.

#1- You should never undervalue the power of link exchanges. While having up to twenty links to other websites may look untidy, they endow you with a valuable boost in the search engine rankings (ultimately resulting in more traffic) and can send the odd visitor or two. You should only take part in link exchanges if you are on a low or non-existing budget — paid advertising and links are much more powerful.

#2 - AdWords is Not Your Enemy!

Google AdWords is, without doubt, the best Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising program. While it can show to be costly, it is the only true way to make sure that you are getting targeted visitors. Providing that you conduct a proper keyword research, you will continuously receive a healthy conversion rate.

#3 - Create an affiliate program

If you are promoting a product, one of the best methods to get it selling is to build an affiliate program. Offering affiliates a charitable commission of your product's sale price (usually between 50%-75%) will persuade them to promote it.

#4 - Build a blog Around Your Chosen Niche

Creating a blog around your product and writing content related to what you're selling will significantly improve your website's search engine ranking.

#5 - Advertise in forums that are related to your Niche

Advertising in forums is a great free technique of building quality backlinks to your website and also attracting traffic (depending on the popularity of the forum). The most efficient area to advertise in is your signature file — remember to make the link outstanding to entice other users to click it.

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Simple Ways To Increase Website Traffic
April 4, 2009 at 7:13 am

Traffic tips
Douglas Taylor asked:

Once you have that first website under your belt you may think it is pretty easy to build but you may find getting traffic to it may prove to be somewhat harder. If you spend any time on the Internet you will find plenty of advice that may help you increase website traffic. Choose your source carefully as some of the information you find will be good while some of it could be junk.

We are going to look at a couple of simple ways to help increase the number of visitors that come to your site. These simple tips should also help your pages rank better in the search engines such as Google, Msn and Yahoo.

Tip 1-It is very important to set some realistic goals when planning how much traffic you want your website to get. This goal should be a number that is within reach and not a number you have no hope of reaching. Once you decide how much you want to increase website traffic you can put together a plan to achieve this goal.

Having a particular goal will also help with you being able to measure just how well you are performing and it will determine whether you are succeeding at what you set out to do. Plus having a goal in mind also helps you to decide if you need to change the approach you are using in order for you to direct more traffic to your website or not.

The more specific your goal is the better off you will be. It needs to be able to be measured and it should be a number you think you can attain. These numbers should be realistic and it would be wise to put a time limit on it. An example would be if you now have 10 visitors coming to your site in a day you could set your traffic goals as follows: -

1. Month one will bring 100 visitors 2. Month two the number of visitors will increase to 150 3. Month three will have 250 unique visitors to your site.

Remember this is not an easy task when you are first getting started trying to increase website traffic.

Tip 2-It is important to have as much unique content on your site as possible. You should also update your site daily if you can. This may seem like a lot of hard work but it can pay off in the end.

The more often that you update your site the more often the search engine spiders will come visit your site. This has worked for some time and will help increase website traffic and keep your visitor coming back to see what is new.

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Search Engine Tips for Budding Web Designers
April 4, 2009 at 3:31 am

Pagerank tips
IC asked:

Find the right keyword

Keywords – the words you think people will use to find your website and in turn buy your products. That's what it's all about! It all starts with finding the right keywords.

Find the best keywords using tools such as Wordtracker. You are looking for keywords / phrases that carry the most traffic (volume) and yet are still viable targets (KEI). In a nutshell, the words people use a lot and we can still get good results for.

KEI or Keyword Effectiveness Index is a measure of a keywords performance. It is a mathematical equation that compares the popularity of a keyword against it's competition. The higher the value the higher your chances of getting a result.

KEI of less than 0.1 is not really viable. You would need to throw everything at this keyword to get results.

Competitors to that keyword?

Use a backlinks tool (there are loads on the internet to choose from) to research their link popularity. Gives some indication as to how many links are needed to get results.

No1 competitor HTML

Check their website code for keyword density, H1, H2, H3, Title tags etc, basically looking for any area we can improve.

2. Improve your HTML

Improve your HTML to be w3c valid, semantic mark-up, correct use of keyword rich tags; Title, H1,H2,H3 etc. Very importantly, take the time to write your own text content for your pages – don't copy / paste your way to full content.

Search engines know if it's found the exact text content elsewhere and may put your webpage in to it's supplemental index as a result. Try getting pages out of there! Better to write your own good content to start with and get a friend to proof read it for typos etc.

Some HTML tips with SEO in mind:

Write a good meta tag description – put phone numbers at the end of this. Google uses this tag as the text for your listing IF you do not have a listing in DMOZ, in that case it takes the description from there.

Some people pick up the phone and dial numbers straight form the search results pages. You may not have had the click but you have had a customer call you.

Title tag - Write a keyword rich title tag, most important keywords first. 60 characters max.

Keywords tag – things have changed since the bad old days of spam SEOing. If you include a keywords tag it is good practice to only include words that appear in your body content. This tag is all but redundant now.

Write clean code. Link to external stylesheets and Javascript files. Use semantic mark-up. Your first few lines of code after the tag should be a H1 tag (with your chosen keywords of course!) Why not follow this up with a sub heading H2 with even more keywords in?

Write good copy that reads well to a human and includes keywords for the search engines. Do not shoe horn keywords in or overdo it. The search engines are always looking for pages that work well for humans – NOT search engine robots. Maybe bold or italicise a paragraph (with keywords) this places a little more importance on those words.

If you have to have flash files or lots of images, use CSS positioning to place those div elements at the bottom of your code. Your code should be HTML light and text content heavy for best results. Good content as near to the top of your code as possible.

Navigation – Use text links, get a keyword in if you can but it's not always possible. Always use absolute links with a title and not relative links.

Links to your homepage should always be to the domain name itself and not /index.html. If you don't, the search engines will think you have two homepages – one at the domain name and one at This will result in watered down pagerank for your homepage at the very least.

I like to add a keyword link at the very bottom of the HTML code too.

If you are targeting many keywords, write new pages with the above methods for each keyword page. No one page fix exists for all desired keywords.

SEO, search engine optimisation search engines, HTML and SEO, on page optinisation, off page optimisation

Search engine optimisation is a huge and complicated subject. This article is written to help those with an interest in the subject to understand a little more. There is also a few tips for the more practiced Search engine optimisation specialists.

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Advanced SEO Services Exposed
April 4, 2009 at 1:35 am

Anirban Bhattacharya asked:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of methodologies aimed at improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines via organic search results for targeted keywords with careful planning and implementation by advanced SEO services. Professional advanced SEO services helps you to come in the top list of the organic search results to attract traffic, rather on the most targeted traffic, as they only constitute 10-20% traffic of all search engines. Moreover, the visitors of organic results will be keen to buy products and advanced SEO services will prove themselves to be helpful in your business.

Many debate over "ethical" and "unethical" SEO techniques or, as it is often put, "white hat SEO" and "black hat SEO" techniques. You might be scratching your head to find an answer to what makes a SEO technique ethical/ white hat or unethical/ black hat? If we talk about the views of many SEO experts they'll say that search engines don't want SEO to exist at all and would consider all search engine optimization as unethical but they also contradict their words by saying that "many SEOs provide useful services for website owners." However, to put in simple terms an unethical SEO company tries to trick search engines or represent your pages differently to the search engines thus bluffing the visitor.

To differentiate we can say that an ethical search engine optimization/ "white hat" technique conforms to the search engines' guidelines and involves no deception. Whereas, unethical / "Black hat" SEO technique tries to improve rankings that are disapproved by the search engines and/or involve trickery.

Many SEO companies in India as well as aboard work to offer various SEO services like search engine optimization (SEO) service, linking building, SEO content copywriting, internet marketing solutions, etc. In an ocean of so many SEO agencies or companies it gets difficult for a client to fish the best professional SEO company.

When searching for a SEO company for yourself you'll get a never ending list of SEO companies in India, but you have to be patient to pick the best SEO company for your business. Check the work experience, portfolio, authenticity, quality of work, and of course price of your choice SEO company before you hire them for your web site's promotion.


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Tips For Making Website Submissions to Yahoo
April 3, 2009 at 10:21 pm

Pagerank tips
T. Pierce asked:

A lot has been said about getting higher rankings in Google, and virtual space is literally overflowing with information detailing how you should make website submissions to Google, get a higher Pagerank and higher Google rankings ad infinitum. However, in the bargain of submitting to Google, many webmasters forget the second most important search engine on the internet-Yahoo. When it comes to people looking for certain information and products, then Yahoo also has a dedicated clientele that cannot be ignored when making search engine submissions. A small yet comprehensive guide about getting listed in Yahoo is as follows:

• The first thing that you need to do before you submit to Yahoo is to analyze whether your webpage actually has original and valuable content. Pages that focus on human beings rather than search engines are appreciated by Yahoo and as a result, you will rank higher if you provide good content interspersed with useful hyperlinks and accurate meta tags.

• The key to getting higher rankings in Yahoo search results is to submit your webpage to the most apt category available. When making website submissions to Yahoo, make it a point to locate the correct category for your website, since this would help in getting your site listed quickly and easily.

• When making web site submissions to Yahoo or even when making other search engine submissions, make it a point to adhere to all their rules and regulations. Search engines can afford to be quite pricey and ignoring a small rule or by rule can get your site blacklisted.

• A particular idiosyncrasy related to Yahoo is that the search engine condemns the use of promotional copy on websites. As a result, you might face problems getting your site listed if it is full of promotional words like best, cheapest and unrivalled when making web site submissions to Yahoo.

• Most search engine bots have become quite savvy and are undoubtedly becoming savvier by the day. Avoid keyword stuffing on your site since this will only create problems for getting your sites listed with search engines. Make sure that you have a low keyword density and that your text makes sense to human beings before making search engine submissions.

• When making search engine submissions to Yahoo, you will need to provide them with correct information since the provision of any kind of misinformation regarding your business; its policies and procedures will be taken as fraud. So be doubly careful while filling out search engine submission forms and double check the information that you provide to prevent any future problems.

• Yahoo requires that you provide them with a physical business address, instead of just a mailing one. This is a good thing too since it keeps scammers out.

• Remember that your site will not be looked upon favorably if you have links on link farms and if you have resorted to paid linking. The same case applies if you have your back links on sites that are blacklisted. Excessive keyword stuffing and content duplication will also lead you nowhere when you are making search engine submissions. Apart from these, you should also avoid using any cloaking techniques or methods that will temporarily inflate your search engine rankings, and hopefully, you will be able to make search engine submissions that get you high search engine rankings in Yahoo.

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What is the Exact Google Pagerank / External Link Relationship?
April 3, 2009 at 9:19 pm

Andrew Antaro asked:


Soon after publishing my ”A Beginner's Introduction to the Google Pagerank” article at the ArticlesBase, many intrigued people sent me an email to ask, “How many links are required to get a particular Google PageRank?”  This follow-up article will answer this popular and important Search Engine Optimization question.


To get accurate research, I decided to pick an industry and get the Google PageRank (PR) and number of non-duplicated Inbound Links from a random sample of fifty websites in that market.  A month after the New Year's Eve celebration, I found myself pretty quite, so I picked popular beverages, mostly focusing on energy drinks, sports drinks, and soft drinks.

All the data below was collected during the first week of January 2009.  This was an optimal time for this information because Google updated every site's PageRank within the past week.  All data is sorted in descending order, first, by PageRank, then, by Inbound Links.


PR 08 & 2570 LINKS (

PR 07 & 1820 LINKS (

PR 07 & 1180 LINKS (

PR 06 & 0633 LINKS (

PR 06 & 0544 LINKS (

PR 06 & 0396 LINKS (

PR 06 & 0373 LINKS (

PR 06 & 0350 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0581 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0447 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0413 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0337 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0318 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0304 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0293 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0268 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0237 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0178 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0173 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0154 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0136 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0135 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0123 LINKS (

PR 05 & 0121 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0116 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0107 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0098 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0071 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0069 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0065 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0063 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0058 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0058 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0051 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0047 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0045 LINKS (

PR 04 & 0042 LINKS (

PR 03 & 0065 LINKS (

PR 03 & 0064 LINKS (

PR 03 & 0061 LINKS (

PR 03 & 0054 LINKS (

PR 03 & 0050 LINKS (

PR 03 & 0050 LINKS (

PR 03 & 0041 LINKS (

PR 03 & 0041 LINKS (

PR 02 & 0042 LINKS (

PR 02 & 0036 LINKS (

PR 02 & 0020 LINKS (

PR 02 & 0015 LINKS (

PR 00 & 0011 LINKS (


On the whole, the Google PageRank to Inbound Links relationship is quite consistent, and we can draw definite conclusions about how many links are needed for a particular PageRank.  There are some noteworthy variances, however, as two sites both have 42 External Links, yet one has a good PR4 while the other a poor PR2. 

As explained in my previously published PageRank article at the ArticlesBase, Google does not value all Inbound Links equally.  The two main factors Google uses to assess the value of an External Link are:

(1) The PageRank of the site linking to you (the higher the PR, the great its value);

(2) The similarity between the keywords of the site linking to you and your site's keywords (the higher the "Relevance," the greater its value);

These two factors account for most of the divergences between quantity of External Links and resulting PageRank.


You will require less QUANTITY of External Links to earn particular Google PageRank if they are a higher QUALITY, and vice-versa.  That being stated, these are the results you can "reasonably" expect:

PR 01 requires 10 Inbound Links

PR 02 requires 25 Inbound Links

PR 03 requires 50 Inbound Links

PR 04 requires 100 Inbound Links

PR 05 requires 200 Inbound Links

PR 06 requires 400 Inbound Links

PR 07 requires 800 Inbound Links

PR 08 requires 1600 Inbound Links

PR 09 requires 3200 Inbound Links

I hope these guidelines help you set and reach your SEO goals.  Best of luck with your link-building campaign and with increasing your website's Google PageRank and total traffic!

Feel free to email us or visit our website if you have any Search Engine Optimization, or Internet advertising questions at Marketing Marksman ( headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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SEO Tips for Increased Website Traffic
April 3, 2009 at 8:23 pm

Seo tips
TJ Philpott asked:

Every online business owner should be aware of a few simple seo tips that they themselves can implement to increase their search engine ranking. Often times in haste to improve any off or online business people will rush to hire an (overpriced) consultant.

Without question search engine optimization is important for any person or entity wanting to increase their ranking with the search engines. Of equal importance however is developing a basic understanding of how seo works and why.

By quickly introducing outside consultants to address this need for us we tend to sidestep this learning process ourselves. This ends up costing us both a valuable education and money. Let’s have a look at a few basic seo techniques we ourselves can implement that should improve both our search engine ranking and our budget.


As trite as this step may seem to many in the process of setting up their online business it is really a critical step. The name selected should, if possible, reflect what the site or business is about. As a rule the more specific you can be the better chances you’ll have to get your site indexed quicker. Also it is wise to keep your domain as short as possible.

The temptation to get too ‘cute’ with a catchy name should be avoided at this stage unless it is directly related to your site, business, or perhaps one of your products.


This lets the search engines know what your site is about. This is the first thing a search engine will see and it will be judged upon the relevancy it has to the content of your website. It is highly recommended to insure your most important keywords are located in the title tag to increase the relevancy between the site and title. 


The keywords you select should all be relevant to the content of your site itself. Your choice of keywords is critical so be sure there is a DIRECT relationship between these words and your sites intent.

Close attention should also be paid to the way the words are used within the site content and the frequency of their use. Be sure your selected words are used naturally as would be the case in a casual conversation and take note NOT to use them too frequently.

Overuse could get your penalized by the search engines thereby lowering your search engine rankings. If the need to frequently use some words due to their relevance arises, have a list of synonyms available for substitution.

A keyword density of between 2 and 5 percent is a suggestion margin to target to both accurately reflect your sites content and keep you in ‘good graces’ with search engines.


Links that come from external sites reflect to search engines how popular, relevant, or important your site is. The more links you have (within reason – don’t go overboard) the higher regard search engines tend to have for your site. This usually results in a higher ranking for your site.

When leaving a link back to your site at other sites you’re visiting it is recommended to use keywords from your site in the anchor text. 

These simple seo tips we’ve discussed here today should greatly improve the optimization of your site if this techniques haven’t already been implemented. Paying attention to the content of your site and how you use your keywords will definitely enhance your standings in any search engine rankings.

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Web Promotion Tips for Commercial Site
April 3, 2009 at 5:23 pm

Promote tips
Dr. Anuj Gupta asked:


Web-promotion is one of the most important marketing strategies for each site. Today, 90% of visitors to the site comes from search engines like Goggle, Yahoo and MSN. In this way seo, you can increase your website visitors. It brings your site before the people who are really on the lookout for these services. It is a great help for all types of companies either small or large.

Web Promotion help you with the top ranking in the search engines. SEO services helps to increase brand value from your site maximum exposure and visibility. Visibility and the site is a high-function when in online marketing because until your site, it can not do online business. If you think your brand promotion seo is the cheapest way to promote your product or services. Some steps are necessary to identify, before continuing on SEO. What is your target group, what is your goal?

Some times you need different types of web-promotion strategy for the various types of sites such as insurance, lawyer's web site, portal or a personal website. This web-promotion tricks that work perfectly for all types of sites. It does not matter; it is static or dynamic website.

1) Back Link: - None of the quality back link help improve the site ranking. It will help good Page Rank in Google search engine. Back Link is one of the important parts of web promotion.

2) Title: - title is very important for the entire website. It will insist that customers to your site.

3) Content: - Content is king, he is at the heart of any website. The entire search engine is indexing the site of the relevance of site content. Freshness of site content is useful for the good ranking in the search engines.

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Website Traffic: Getting the Better Backlink
April 3, 2009 at 1:46 pm

Karen Kirby asked:

Everyone agrees that getting backlinks, or links from other people’s sites, is important to helping your website get good page rank and thus visitors. However, did you know that not all backlinks are created equal?

For example, a common way of getting backlinks is exchanging links with other people’s sites — that’s called “reciprocal linking.” However, a much more valuable link in the search engine’s eyes is a one-way link from someone else’s website to your own.

Furthermore, the best one-way backlinks are from sites that are about a topic that is the same or similar to yours. So, for example, if your site is about fishing, then getting a link from another site about fishing is the best type of link you can get. The search engines call this “relevance” and relevant backlinks are always better than links from websites that have nothing to do with the subject of your website.

One of the best ways to get one-way, relevant backlinks is by submitting your site to directories, which is usually a free service, but some directories do charge a nominal fee. You can find a plethora of directories by going to Google and typing “search engine friendly directories” in the search bar.

When you visit one of these directories, you will see that a directory is a categorized index of websites. You will see main categories, such as Arts & Entertainment, Business, Computers, etc. Under each main category, you will find subcategories.

To submit your website to a directory, go to that directory and click on “Add URL” or a similarly named link, and then add your website to the appropriate category and subcategory. For example, if you are submitting your fishing website, look for the “Recreation” category (or something similar) and then the subcategory “Fishing.”

You will need to enter your website URL, the title of your website, a short description, a list of keywords, and an email address. It’s best to provide an email address related to your website. So if your website domain is then you would want to use an email address like

If your submission is accepted by the directory, then a link to your website will be published on a page that is only about fishing, thereby giving you a great one-way and relevant backlink. As a side note, you do not have provide a reciprocal link, although most directories will offer that option …

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Unique and Original Articles - 7 Traffic Tips
April 3, 2009 at 12:08 pm

Traffic tips
Charles Chua C K asked:

How do you take advantage of your unique and original articles that you have written to send traffic to your site? Here are the 7 traffic tips:

1. Blog Posts: You write your unique and original articles and post it to your own site. And from your blog you let the search engines search your site by the key words that you have used in your articles. More than 50 % of surfers look for information on the Net by keying in certain search words. When the key words in your article match their searches your article is listed among others by the search engine.

2. Article Distribution: You select from you articles and submit your popular ones to article directories. For each article that you submit you add, at the end of the article, the URL of your site and also the URL of the original article.When you do these, you comply with Google’s advise so that the crawler will know where the original article is and also there is no duplication of content. Secondly, you build two backlinks to your site. One is directly linking to your front page and another one is linking to the article page.

3. Social Bookmarking: This is another excellent way to build traffic to your site. When your article is bookmarked, readers will have to click the link at the bookmarking site in order to go to your site to read the full story. You can bookmark you articles at many places: Mixx, Furl, Digg. Reddit, Propeller, Faves and many more.

4. Join Blog Carnivals: This is by far the best way to bring traffic to your site. You can join blog carnivals at When your article is selected, your article link and your blog link can be found in the organizer’s article at his site. It is actually a wonderful one-way backlink to improve your Page Rank and Traffic Rank. Check this carnival that I joined recently at

5. Submit Your Blog to Blog Directories: By joining blog directories you are also encouraging traffic from other members of the directories to visit your blog. For some directories your articles are listed and linked to your site. Bloglines, Blogarama, Blogdigger, Blogflux and Bloggernity are some of the many directories that you can join and direct traffic to your site.

6. Forums: Participation in forums discussing about subjects relating to your blog posts is also a good way to send traffic to your site because you provide a URL link to your site at your signature panel.

7. Comments: Just like forums when you make comments on other sites you also leave a one-way backlink to your site. When you share a common interest with the site that you have commented you are also prompting the blog owner to visit your site.

These are the activities that you need to do every day. As for joining carnivals and submitting to blog directories you can do it once a month. You get more traffic when you post and link daily.

These are the activities that you need to do every day. As for joining carnivals and submitting to blog directories you can do it once a month. You get more traffic when you post and link daily.

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