Saturday, April 4, 2009

4/4 ThingsThings

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Singles Dating: Building Relationships
April 4, 2009 at 1:31 pm

Single Things
Jacob Marshal asked:

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The Anatomy Of A Joke… How To Write A Great Joke
April 4, 2009 at 8:44 am

Jan McInnis asked:

Please add a few jokes to your written next? No problem. As a comedienne and producer standing professionals who stays afloat by selling volumes of jokes each month (Clinton 's buffonerie to pay my mortgage and Bush isn' t too bad that one or the other), I 'il ll pass on some tips that 'writing for entertainment, and ll forward it in the right direction. Because? there? "conventional rules" for writing to joke, I 'the VE has composed on my own. The jokes involve a development with the purpose and the facts and a punch line that highlights the irony twists the joke in another sense, or? result.RULE an abusive 1: Use the familiarity?, associations of speech and common assumptions. We know that Strom Thurmond? old (right, failure, but these examples Gradica, so games below), Liz Taylor? chubby, etc.. What? Take your list of phrases and the subject, synonyms, stereotypes, sayings, people, places and things on it. If you do that when he wrote this a joke of et? for example and want to describe someone as old, and then just list the words that you associate with old

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Things to Do in Oklahoma City
April 4, 2009 at 8:43 am

Every Things
Shane Wauhob asked:

There is a list of endless things to do in Oklahoma City. From the theater and the arts to food and wine, there is so much to experience in this popular destination. The fans of the film can be expected to interfere in a whiplash at the scene of Warren. It offers a great atmosphere with a spray of objects from the collection of films, the advanced sound system and giant screens. But the real attraction is the balcony of the option available on two screens each week. It is open to adults 21 years or above and the deal includes refreshments from the bar as meals even while the film is going on. Â Â if you want to enjoy the films? art of t? the arena and quality too keen on the hit, the theater should satisfy noble. Located within the Art Museum of the City of Oklahoma, you can watch some great films that are hard to obtain. The short films, foreign films, classics, candidate of the premium, they are all listed here. The purchase is always a king size of Oklahoma City, with major shopping malls around to provide the atmosphere perfect. The shopping center square of Penn Avenue in the Pennsylvania highway on the north-west has a sensitivity of expensive though it? t of? of ISNA for maximum heel. Consisting of two levels and multiple wings, featuring all your favorite stores and a food court. The urban environment of Oklahoma City also caters to lovers of the great nature and mainly through the spectacular & the zoo the condition dell'Oklahoma; amps; Botanical Garden and many botanical gardens. The last is a function from 17 acres featuring more than 1,000 different species from six different continents. This is where the life of the stain really exotic plants, stunning landscapes and surreal and beautiful tropical land. The main attractions are the area of tropical rainforest and tropical dry Zone.These are just some of the countless things to do in Oklahoma City. There are also major hotels give it the perfect relaxation experience. Also organize the services to commuters in major positions of Oklahoma City. There is never a moment to spare!

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Mostly Long Jokes Last for Only Some Minute of Laughter
April 4, 2009 at 7:02 am

Good Jokes
Rahul Roy asked:

Good jokes don 't forward is often all that is because, when they must handle with care. Sometimes I ask the people if they heard any good jokes lately? And knowing meet often, "Oh, I can not ever remember the jokes! "In fact, you could tell me the same joke repeatedly? of d? AI do not remember ever punch line until arrivaste. At least I got more than a laugh from it. Mainly long jokes last for only some minute of laughter and went on. Whereas the short jokes are funny and always remember if anyone asks him to tell funny jokes then start it. I also had a big problem for ever remember one joke. So also in some meetings with my friends and family, I was forced to remain silent because I did not have any funny material to crake it out. I felt a little left out. I wanted to tell jokes too. The jokes are a way of manufacturing the smile of the person. Sense of? S.A. of? Itâ in partnership with each other. If you tell a good joke, of the ll? of? they reminded him of with a smile. Then I found a very good recall any short funny jokes and crake them within a few meetings with my friends and families. It was really easy to remember the short jokes, and can even be made better with your own version. Here are some short jokes fun to enjoy: A shuttle stop a drunk man and asks: Where you going? Replies: "? m. of? IA going to listen to the conference about the damage dell'ubriachezza and alcoholism. "The cop says:" At night? And who will give a lecture? "? of? â my wife and the mother-in-law! the? of? â meets the man drunk. ———————– Sam: The punireste for something I didn 't do? Teacher: No, of course not. Sam: Good, because I didn 't is my job. ———————– Teacher: What are some of the Antilles? Learner: I don 't know. Teacher: Of course you do. Where did you get the sugar? Student: I take borrowed from our neighbor. ———————– These were some short funny jokes. There are many websites that provide short funny jokes on the web. You can read some and crake them in your friends and families.

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Doing Things Related To Your Personal Goals.
April 4, 2009 at 6:15 am

Person Things
Tomas Labas asked:

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Love Bingo - the Heart of Online Bingo - Try Today for Free!
April 4, 2009 at 3:43 am

Leo the Love Bingo Cupid asked:

Bingo love - the heart of the online Bingo BingoLove aims to be the heart of Bingo Online. committed to deliver a fresh and innovative brand of online bingo that will generate? vibrant and dynamic place for a game based communities. The love of Bingo? backed by significant industry experience and has all the possibilities? needed to carry the best package online bingo players. Love Online offers a fun packed game of Bingo with the bingo raised enormous and unique bingo prizes. You can try the site for FREE and redouble your first deposit up to £ 125. With the latest technology for online security, you can be reassuring that your personal details and winnings will be well protected and set. There are 24 / 7 customer service, a wide variety? of grooves and games scratch card and lots of exciting information about the winners, new promotions and pi?. Join the fun and love make today your lucky day. The Bingo BlogYou love pu? hours daily to keep updated with the pi? Bingo delayed in love with the new blog of love Bingo! For information about news, promotions, winners and everyone else around all in one place, it? the place to be. When you subscribe to the blog of love Bingo, you have the option to obtain updates transported via the email in your news reader or inbox (RSS) (such as Google reader, etc.). Why? you should subscribe? Well, the? s? of it? completely free and will keep it informed of pi? big discounts on new, so if we are giving away gifts or us? out of the voluminous mail that comes up, it might be in your interest to know about this. If you subscribe via email or news reader, each time we publish a new article on the blog, then will? transported automatically to your inbox (or your news reader) so that? read your leisure.ThanksLeo of the Bingo Cupid xXxLove the love of Bingo | The Heart of Online Bingo

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How to Enjoy Single Life to the Maximum Part 1
April 4, 2009 at 2:34 am

Single Things
Ade D’Almeida asked:

 Because I woke up this morning I was filled with such joy so overwhelming.  my reason was simply because I was alive.  Only a week ago a friend had died in tragic circumstances.  when people next to you dies you begin to estimate the life more.  which also began to examine and reflect on your own life,  that is the question how? of? â if I die today, what people were saying about me? ? of? â we are often too focused on what we have achieved what we now want or what we have yet to receive.  So much so we can not consider all that we currently have in our lives. If we could just do this and have a heart full of thanksgiving for all God has done things in our lives, all the sadness that we believe can only be transformed into joy.  After all our lives are in the hands? s? of Goda and while our heavenly father, He wants only the best for.  My friend who died living life fully in spite of having to go with a serious illness all other challenges.  There has never protested.  There has never let that stop the manufacture of most of life or from being a blessing.  He made every minute count of his life.  Now it is gone but has left a mark set upon this earth.  He has installed a foundation before they die and her work had spent a number after her.  What an amazing life he lived.  The story make this story just stopping for a moment to estimate the life you have.  no matter what your external condition can be a cause of Christ that dwells in you, you can overcome.  You do not have to allow the controlling circumstance.  the word of God tells us that we have dominion (Genesis 1:26 in).  So if we apply to this uniqueness, it follows that the domain can be achieved in this zone.  There is a song that says that counting your blessings name them one by one.  Counts your blessings see what God has done Count your blessings name them one by one and surprise him what the Lord has done. Why not do it now to take some time and not to make a small tutorial dell'ogni story of blessing you.  You'll be amazed about how truly blessed you.  And second, how many things we take for granted for example in my case, my health!  I hope that has given the topic of discussion.  I would like lo take this action and think of all the opportunities that you as an individual.  occasions that some married people are envious of. 1.a        On? staff? â freedom of the ability to? of? as the? of? and â? of? of the goa? of? â freely without having to explain to another person  The freedom to do what you want, anytime! This is one of the most important gifts that a single person has at their disposal, but is so often abused. Tend to realize the value of freedom that you only when it is removed from you or when the yield. The union does not mean lack of freedom. Just means that you are responsible for your husband. Consequently, it is an important product for a single person.  there is power and potential because you do not have to explain to anyone unless you choose a. 2.a      Time and space to determine who are discovering their? of? of? raison de vivreâ of? â that is what determines their life  The positive and healthy relationships are based on two people coming together who are complete in themselves.  accordingly, to have a fulfilling relationship that you should know your reason and purpose for living.  there is power in this knowledge as it helps keep the fire and not get discouraged by the inevitable trials of life. 3.a      The potential for spiritual development, learning, training and development to choosing continually discover their identity, values, beliefs and philosophy in life.  can also study the word and sincere pursuit of their goals for. 4.a      It's the season to determine where their life draws. Where they want to go and what they want to be  As individuals, we must find the right way and the means for achieving the objectives.  it is important that as a single person, you have a vision and a way of fulfilling research in achieving your goals. 5.A      The opportunity to raise the car? s? worthy of oneâ choose the most often have the ability to give their all to their choices and aspirations in this way of life to their full potential in life. 6.a      The freedom to travel, cultures and discover ways of doing things to choose are free to pursue interests such as crop, which broadens global awareness and improves the prospect editions of the world. 7.a       The ability without restriction to be a blessing to other  As an individual, you can increase your chance of reaching out to people and not simply focus on the commitments and responsibilities that they have married people face. 8.a      The great opportunity to network and develop business and social relationships  The single people have the opportunity and freedom to form a wide range of relationships as a result of connecting and meeting people like that. 9.A      The ability to live one? made of fire? â the power of life to focus on their vision, career, business and dreams  When there are no distractions, you can sincere focus on your career vision and dreams. Do not you have to convince anyone except you when you undertake this.    10.a Flexibility in terms of? of? â motion career a single person can make their career development in overdrive to choose have the flexibility to explore opportunities for travel to achieve the goals of his career, if necessary. Be sincere nell'inseguimento of their careers is an addition. The sky is the limit because there are few commitments.  The list is far for us is comprehensive countless other ways that one person can enjoy the power and potential of their individual condition. However, what this does is to give a snapshot of the senses in which one person can enjoy their uniqueness recognized the location is convenient because inside are not married. The sky is the limit for each person who understands that with God in their lives, can do all things and in their individual condition, has the freedom of choice to aim better.  there is no need for a single person entering the valley of disappointment, discouragement to visit, perform or sit under the tree? of? the MEA? of? â poor. But rather to recognize who they are, face the facts, and sfidili Cambil to be the god who ordained them to be: triumphant in every sphere of their lives.  Let me know your views by visiting  Â

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Whole Life Insurance - Things you Need to Know
April 3, 2009 at 11:16 pm

Life Things
Donald Lusan asked:

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Tips On What Really Is The Best Thing For Aging Skin
April 3, 2009 at 9:55 pm

Best Things
Tara Mathews asked:

Lots of people are making the application, what really is the best thing to skin aging. The best thing is to learn the right ingredients that really work. I am sure that you are informed that not all products skin care work as advertised a. Some of them even contain harmful ingredients that are not good for your skin at all. If you do not understand the causes of skin aging, or what kinds of natural ingredients will help reverse the signs of aging, continuously to waste your money on products that do not work. Our skin contains two vital skin protein called collagen and elastin. These proteins are responsible for giving the skin on the ductility, texture and hydration. When we are young, we have an abundance of these proteins. As we age, however, our bodies produce less of these proteins. This leads to lines, wrinkles, age points and skin dell'incurvatura to develop. Another important part of your skin is hyaluronic acid. This substance is nell'abbondanza in healthy skin and is replaced daily through proper nutrition. Your skin also requires antioxidants that help combat the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are chemical molecules that move around the body and damage your epithelial cells. So, to answer the question, what really is the best thing to skin aging, are using a product of skin care that contains specific natural ingredients that help to amplify the production of collagen and dell'elastina in your body. Avoid a product that claims to contain one or other of these proteins. The molecules are too large to be absorbed into your skin, so this particular product would be useless skin. One of these natural substances called wakame is specific to phytessence. It is derived from a specific type of Japanese sea kelp. The unique properties of this substance leads to increase our levels of hyaluronic acid. Another amazing natural ingredient found in the best products for skin care is Cynergy TK. It helps to amplify the production of collagen and dell'elastina in your body. If Gradica more information about what really is the best thing to skin aging, so please visit today our Web site for more information.

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Birthday Cards - Free, Funny, And Happy
April 3, 2009 at 9:24 pm

Funny Jokes
Anna Hart asked:

Most people enjoy receiving the cards for your birthday. When those cards are fun, can put a big smile in the recipient 's Day When they are free, can put a big smile in the sender 's day! Birthday cards free, fun, good on the Internet are abundant. Some sites provide free cards as a reason to convince them to stay healthy a member for payment. Others simply provide the cards free at any cost. If you are thinking to send a birthday card for free, fun, good, consider these tips. Tip # 1 - Consider the Recipient 's the sense of the HumorFree, birthday cards and good fun is not always seen as "funny" by the recipient. Not everyone has the same idea of what is funny and what is not. While you may think that a birthday card to date is extremely fun, you should think about the arrest and recipient before sending it. It can not be funny to him or her. It may even be offensive. If the card is for your grandmother, think of the things that make her laugh. Riderebbe the birthday card that was about to pass? It is the mood you style, or is irritable and brazen even for your generation? The birthday card should be funny to the recipient. Tip # 2 - Consider the Recipient 's InterestsFree cards, birthday fun and good, but it's fun to the recipient, can not appeal to their interests. The goal in sending birthday cards is to make the recipient happy. If the birthday card is a funny joke about ballet dancers, a wrestler may wish that you have chosen something more in line with its interests. Requires time to think about the person who was sending a birthday card and the things that affect that person more. Tip # 3 - Consider the Recipient 's aging SensitivityIn other words, if those free birthday card, funny, mock the good old age of a person who is unhappy about getting older, it is neither funny nor happy. A woman who uses the day and night cream anti-wrinkle will not have a birthday card that you remember to increase crumpled. A man who gets to Botox injections every 5 months will not appreciate a birthday card that shows a face furrowed. Some people spread gracefully old. Some do not. Know the recipient feels about aging and choose a funny birthday card that does not offended those sensibilities. Tip # 4 - Consider your people ReputationSome send birthday cards funny anonymous embarrassed because it would make people know they were sending the sconcezza. Stop and consider your reputation. If you are embarrassed to sign your name, you should not send that birthday card. If you are embarrassed to learn that the recipient came to you, choose another card. Obviously believe that it is not suitable. Have the courage to do what you know you are right. Tip # 5 - Consider Your Friendship 's value there is nothing wrong with the sending of birthday cards that are free. You can not afford anything more. If you can afford more, though, think of why choosing a free birthday card. Worry enough to spend the little money? Appreciate that person - and valued their friendship or their place in the family enough to invest in helping them enjoy the day? The set of members to a Web site of the greeting card is not expensive and access to the best of cards when invested. Consider your friend or loved. Is that person worthy of a birthday card that cost anything? Tip # 6 - Consider how SeriousFinally, think about whether the recipient has had quite a birthday card serious and caring. Many people are afraid to send birthday cards that are serious. It is frightened to express their true sensitivity toward others. Become uncomfortable with anything that is not fun. A hardship and lack of security in itself, is on the cards for birthday fun. The recipient, however, might appreciate a birthday card that expresses your francamente sensitivity. What birthday card you choose to submit, rendagli such that the person who celebrates a birthday perceive that you requested time to think him or her.

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What Makes For A Good Marriage
April 3, 2009 at 3:52 pm

Good Jokes
David Beart asked:

Ask the application; what leads to a good union? 'and you' re likely to get as many answers as l? are flavors of ice cream. It 'a very subjective subject and those of SA that has shocked unions out good ingredients that they believe made their union happy and successful, on the one hand, those who? stuck in bad marriages shocked out ingredients They wished they had. Sometimes you don 'need words t describe what leads to a good union. Actions speak more? Top of the words and unless the husband and wife use it for theater actors, you might say, just by pure instinct of the intestine, where the union? happy or not. A prerequisite for solid union? felicit?. Needless to say, if the union isn 't happy, the union will? iffy at best. Rocky. Time. But felicit? ? cos? abstract term. What makes a happy couple can? lle make other couples miserable. Remember the guru Jack Canfield Success? He was the co-creator of Chicken soup for the soul - which is famous bestseller. Don 'worry, we' re not going to suggest that to make chicken soup a staple in your diet to have a good union. We don 't claim to be experts on quackery. Chicken soup, falsit? Actually, Jack Canfield has written another book called the principles of success (2005) and in the chapter on human relations, quoting the words of Dan Sullivan, co-founder and president of Strategic vettura, inc: "In any society? There are 'benchmarks' human - individuals sure that your behavior becomes a model for everyone else - shining examples that others admire and emulate. We call these individuals' class acts'. What leads to a good union? - A series of class ActsAccording to Jack Canfield, Sullivan describes the quality? of a class that can serve as a guide not only in different areas of your life but in your own union as well. Because? classify these acts always involve human relationships, making our unions happy and not the cup of honesty? and dell'integrit? depend on -? of? that most of our lives? high levels - this needs no explanation. The pi? high levels of behavior are found in the votes of union recited in front of hundreds of witnesses. The loyalty? and loyalty? are not taken lightly. Form the foundation of good union. Just because? passed with a boring phase in your relationship doesn 't mean that you can turn around and continue to dignity? maintenance and tolerance? of extramarital affairs? under pressure - not the union? a walk in the park - not a possibility? remote. There will be problems, the ups and downs traditional discussions on the most? household domestic issues. Ci? pu? add to the pressure of the union. If we can intelligently deal of emotional chaos we become a class act. A member must remain calm to give anyone hope that things will be all right. Because? this role becomes a habit? pi? easy to do during the years more? late. ? of? that focuses on and improves the behavior of others - to be a model, your spouse seguir? of course, your example and as Canfield says, your husband will start? to behave at a level that surprises both themselves and others. Operation of? of? from a pi? including large, - it 's not the bill by credit card or invoice that practice? the culprit. The bills are just the results of lifestyles. If a husband? a great spendaccione and the other is not, it? good reason for a dialogue. Our spouses have certain characteristics that infastidicono them repeatedly. Instead of walking away in frustration, take a class and open the door opportunity for some honest communication. ? of? which increases the quality? of every experience - a class act? said to occur when husbands and wives have the capacity? to transform situations insignificant in fun, a stimulating and memorable. It 's the "mixing of oatmeal" beginning again. We make the effort to find pleasure in the ordinariness of life - it 's the only way we learn to appreciate what we have rather than try to emulate the lifestyles of other exciting. ? of? that avoids meanness, pettiness and volgarit? - The "this, the familiarity? the breeding contempt? explained the most well in a union. As we familiarize our members conare most, sometimes we are tempted to belittle, forgetting that the sensitivity? are fragile and misspelled words may leave a permanent puncture. The acts of the class have no room for pettiness or volgarit?. What often leads to a good union - back to marvelous BasicsWe in the discovery of new concepts and words coined by the wonderful counselors and psychologists from the union. The arena of brimming with advice and tips and how-to manuals. However, the answer to the question of what leads to a good union? often the old, the tried and true. Going back to the basic principles, understand that men and women should simply reinforce each other their commitment with small gestures that count. The ingredients for a good union run the quagmire of having a good mood, performing the ties with the communities, promoting mutual understanding, the design of the future and constant a cam? natural in life. ? bring the kids and the bills might make them somewhat exhausted, but if we put that all aside and look to the future with enthusiasm, we become the pillars of good union. Pu? minced play much today if we say that we 'd have the best union that if the Evil couples love most, shared most and communicated to the most. These are the old paradigms that we should live by. Highlighting the best in our spouse? a recipe for a successful union. One spouse can not? than the other. The euphoria of achievement must be shared equally and not smother each other. Husband: Jill? always been an ambitious person, anxious to learn new things and explore the world. When we got married he told the I wouldn 't stand in the way of her aspirations and that the would support wholeheartedly. I allowed her to develop and develop on its own and why? have this freedom?, she doesn 't invade in my own playing field. We do our own thing and at the end of the day we come home and talk about how our day? gone. I guess not having kids helped me to keep that promise non-interference. Spouse: Lawrence has done once a underestimation of about my hobby and business. We 'the VE has found a comfortable area where everyone can develop and develop. I am responsible for my business, I deal with him his own. I didn 't think I could be so? relationship easy and low maintenance with Lawrence. With our policy of non-intervention in our own hopes and dreams, we 'the VE has in fact strengthened the hands of our union above! If you 're really curious about what leads to a good union, don' t conduct an investigation, while looking around you and feel the smell of coffee?. Look out for that spark in their eyes when they 'Re with you. Watching how they play with each other 'in the ear monitors if their spontaneit? when they 'Re on the other. Their smiles are pregnant with meaning? You laugh at 's of jokes? Quanta Note admiration to the other turns around? You are the judge!

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The Funniest Spiritual Joke of All Time
April 3, 2009 at 12:14 pm

Julie Sarah Powell asked:

I have news for some, it truly is good news. But before starting the levarmi wanted in the foot? ?. So the up?, Levando been standing? Ensures that there is a bit of space around you. Now, shake the body all over like a big wet dog. Spreads all, who heads shaken free to leave all four of your cheeks. Make the big noise of wet dog in depth in your throat and the shock Gradica never before. I want to hear the creaking of the bones and muscles that close in on release. I'm receiving some cobwebs that have begun to form and with you? well past time to shake off the curse. Unfortunately seem to develop overnight, so as to shake off every morning would un'grande idea. ? cos? easy to get all morose and serious in life while you are fighting your way through it, but truly I'm about to tell him the most? great joke in the universe. Not serious?. But absolutely completely allinilo?. Please take what I say about literally enough about your life. Not sure how you are going to grab these great news, what? I 'm. just going blurt out. Levando been standing in a room full of smoke and mirrors. Bear with me right? ?. There the now? ? only you in this place and flailing around like a mad hatter. You are fighting shadows and your own thoughts as if your life depends on it. The car (mine, I, I)? a phantom, a creation that ghost? all smoke and mirrors. The bad part? that we identify and fight with it, react and respond to it and treat as if it un'entit? Living breathing. None of that changes the fact that? all smoke and mirrors. The planet? crazy like a house without the nurses and far too much medication. Once your eyes open to it you will be truly amazed. Until then continue to fight the demons in the smoke instead of walking away and turn your back on the mirrors and let the sun shine in its place. Can 't believe the continued fighting? I know you can. You become so intorpidetto away with it because? cos you're fighting? busy and you don 't see that you are completely alone. ? only you. Everything that happens in this place, from top to bottom and edge to edge? absolutely all your creation. The contents of each moment of your everyday life entirely? generated by you. Honestly, it 's true. There exhausted in your attempt to 'win' the fight of life, but? ? adversary. ? you literally fight with her. Protest that you don 't want to fight the most, what you are tired of the constant abuse dam that is coming your way, but? you just always do that to you. Not sometimes, but always. We do not? never any other, regardless of internal or external appearance of life. ? it all smoke and mirrors. Now here? where to get really fun

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Bad Credit Rating - a Good Thing?
April 3, 2009 at 10:32 am

Good Things
Steve Gillman asked:

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