Everyone needs a laugh from time to time and what a great way to get the crowd laughing by telling some hilarious call center jokes. If you are searching for great jokes to tell the crowd at the call center to lighten the mood when times get stressful, the Internet is a great source where you can find many funny stories to make everyone laugh. You do have to be careful that you do not tell off-color jokes that may insult your coworkers. You also have to careful of those that are clearly gender biased and those that display racial prejudice. This is because many call centers are now located in different countries of the world. For example, one of the major Canadian airlines has its call center located in Bombay, India.
Some jokes related to call centers are actual conversations that took place between the customers and the agents. These stories may seem like they have been made up, but with so many people not having a good understanding of technology, when call centers first became popular, the conversations actually did take place. There are stories specific to a particular industry, which is why there are so many different ones available.
Examples of actual conversations that took place between call center agents and their customers include:
* Agent: Madam, can you tell me what is on your desktop right now?
Customer: I have the keyboard and a pen and some paper.
Agent: No, madam, your desktop is your computer screen. What is showing on the screen on your computer?
Customer: Nothing. I haven turned on the computer yet today.
* Agent: Mrs. Smith, I am calling today about your cell phone bill. Are you aware that your account is overdue?
Mrs. Smith: Oh, what a nice young man you are? Your Momma must be so proud of you to have such a good job.
Agent: Yes, Ma'm. However, we are going to have to cut off your cell phone service if you don't pay the amount owing on your bill.
Mrs. Smith: Young man, do you ever borrow money from your Momma?
Agent: That is not what we are talking about here, Mrs. Smith. We are talking about the money you owe for making telephone calls on your cell phone.
Mrs. Smith: What is a cell phone?
Agent: it's the small telephone you carry in your purse.
Mrs. Smith: Really. I did'n know that. So that a telephone. My how times have changed!
Agent: Are you going to pay your bill, Mrs. Smith?
Mrs. Smith: Well, first I have to find my purse. I can remember where I put it. Then I can look
for my cell phone.
Agent: I am calling you on your cell phone, Mrs. Smith.
Mrs. Smith. Well I'll be! I have to hang up now young man, but it was nice talking to you. Why don't you call me again when you want to have another chat?
As you can see from these conversations, work is sometimes very frustrating for call center workers, so humor is essential in this line of work.
Tucson was originally an Indian village which was called Stook-zone which means water at the foot of black mountain. It has a rich culture that is boarded around Native American, Mexicans, Spanish and Anglo Americans. If you are Tucson dating you will definitely not run out of fun activities that you and your mate can do. Its good to keep your romantic life interesting and one that you will always look back and say you had fun and even if it is finally over you have no regrets and that you did everything right. Its hard to enjoy life if you are not doing any fun activities with your mate. You and your date should give each other a reason to smile through out the day. Tucson dating should also give you a reason to go back and relive the joy and thrill you had there with your date.
In Tucson dating you and your date can have a lot of things you can do together as a couple that does not involve getting out of the house. You can order food by the phone and dress up. You can then talk about everything you can, serious things about your lives and funny things you saw or read during the day. You can also share the funny things you did when you were young that got you in trouble. Talk about everything. Staying indoors is a good way of having fun because you do not have people interfering with your train of thoughts. You can share intimate details and not worry that someone will over hear your conversation. This will help you connect in an even deeper level because you share things you probably never told any other person.
You can go to a movie that you have watched countless times before. That way, you wont have to watch the movie till the end. Its a perfect excuse for the two of you to make out and show each other that you still love each other. If you don’t want to go to a movie you can go watch a play or have a quiet dinner in a romantic hotel. You should have a lot of fun with Tucson dating. You should also be willing to do some of the activities your date is coming up. If you don’t like them you can always suggest something you can do for fun together.
You can also hold a surprise party for the two of you. In this party you can do everything people in parties do except here there will be only the two of you. You can buy the most expensive wine or Champaign. You can then drink and toss to something like to your love and the future. While in this party you should try to concentrate on your partner more. Look them in the eye and sometimes leave the eye to say more than the words. The eyes are our windows to our soul and someone can look at them and know what you are feeling as long as you let them. Tucson dating should be fun.
Ask the question “what makes for a good marriage?” and you’re likely to get as many answers as there are ice cream flavors. It’s a very subjective topic and those who have good marriages will rattle off the ingredients that they believe have made their union happy and successful; on the other hand, those who are trapped in bad marriages will rattle off ingredients that they WISHED they had.
Sometimes you don’t need words to describe what makes for a good marriage. Actions speak louder than words and unless the husband and wife used to be theatrical actors, you could tell, just by sheer gut instinct, if the marriage is happy or not.
A prerequisite for a solid marriage is happiness. Needless to say, if the union isn’t happy, the marriage will be iffy at best. Rocky. Tense. But happiness is such an abstract term. What makes one couple happy may make another couple miserable.
Remember success guru Jack Canfield? He was the co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul - that famous running bestseller. Don’t worry, we’re not going to recommend that you make chicken soup a staple in your diet to have a good marriage. We don’t claim to be experts at quackery. Chicken soup, humbug!
Actually, Jack Canfield wrote another book called The Success Principles (2005) and in the chapter on human relationships, he cites the words of Dan Sullivan, co-founder and president of The Strategic Coach, Inc: “In every society, there are ‘human benchmarks’ - certain individuals whose behavior becomes a model for everyone else - shining examples that others admire and emulate. We call these individuals ‘class acts.’
What Makes for a Good Marriage? - A Series of Class Acts
According to Jack Canfield, Sullivan describes the qualities of a class act that can serve as a guide not only in different areas of your professional life but in your own marriage as well. Given that these class acts always involve human relationships, making our marriages happy and not short of honesty and integrity would depend on -
Living by our highest standards - this needs no explanation. The higest standards of conduct are found in the marriage vows we recited in front of hundreds of witnesses. Loyalty and fidelity are commodities not to be taken lightly. They form the foundation of a good marriage. Just because you go through a boring phase in your relationship doesn’t mean you can go around and carry on extra-marital affairs
Maintaining dignity and grace under pressure - marriage is not a walk in the park - not by a long shot. There will be problems, the traditional ups and downs, arguments over the most domestic of domestic issues. This can add to the pressure of the union. If we can deal with emotional chaos intelligently we become a class act. One partner has to remain calm to give the other person hope that things will be all right. As this complementary role becomes a habit, it is easier to do in the later years.
Focusing and improving the behavior of the other - by being a role model, your spouse will naturally follow your example and as Canfield says, your spouse will begin acting at a level that surprises both themselves and others.
Operating from a larger, inclusive perspective - it’s not the credit card bill or the utility bill that is the culprit. Bills are just the outcomes of lifestyles. If one spouse is a big spender and the other is not, this is good reason for some dialoguing. Our spouses have certain traits that repeatedly annoy us. Instead of walking away in frustration, we take on a class act and open the door of opportunity for some honest communication.
Increasing the quality of every experience - a class act is said to have occurred when husbands and wives have the ability to transform insignificant situations into enjoyable, stimulating and memorable ones. It’s the “stirring the oatmeal” principle all over again. We make the effort to find delight in the ordinariness of life - it’s the only way we learn to appreciate what we have instead of trying to emulate the exciting lifestyles of others.
Avoiding meanness, pettiness and vulgarity - the saying “familiarity breeds contempt” is best illustrated in a marriage. As we get to know our partners more, we are sometimes tempted to belittle them, forgetting that feelings are fragile, and the wrong words could leave a permanent sting. Class acts have no room for pettiness or vulgarity.
What Makes for a Good Marriage - Back to Basics
We often find enchantment in new concepts and fanciful words coined by marriage counselors and psychologists. The arena of marriage is brimming with advice and tips and how-to manuals. Yet, the answer to the question of what makes for a good marriage is often the old-fashioned one, the true and tested. By going back to the basics, we realize that men and women simply need to reinforce their commitment to each other through little gestures that count.
Ingredients for a good marriage run the slew of having a good humor, maintaining ties with the community, mutual encouragement, consistent planning for the future, and a natural curiosity in life. It is true that children and bills could make us somewhat jaded, but if we put that all aside and look to the future with enthusiasm, we turn into pillars of a good marriage.
It may sound awfully corny if we said that we’d have more good marriages than bad if couples loved more, shared more, and communicated more. These are the old fashioned paradigms that we should live by. Bringing out the best in our spouse is a sure recipe for a successful marriage. One spouse cannot overdo the other. The euphoria of accomplishment must be equally shared and not suffocate the other.
Husband: Jill has always been an ambitious person, anxious to learn new things and explore the world. When we got married I told her I wouldn’t stand in the way of her aspirations and that I would support her wholeheartedly. I have allowed her to grow and develop on her own, and because she has this freedom, she doesn’t encroach in my own playing field. We do our own thing and at the end of the day we come home and talk about how our day went. I guess not having children helped me to keep that promise of non-interference.
Wife: Lawrence has not once made a disparaging remark about my hobbies and undertakings. We’ve found a comfortable zone where we each could grow and develop. I mind my business, he minds his. I didn’t think I could have such an easy, low maintenance relationship with Lawrence. Through our hands-off policy in our own hopes and dreams, we’ve in fact strengthened our marriage hands on!
If you’re really curious about what makes for a good marriage, don’t conduct a survey; instead look around you and smell the coffee. Watch out for that sparkle in their eyes when they’re with you. Observe how they play with each other’s ear, and monitor their spontaneity when they’re in the company of others.
Are their smiles pregnant with meaning? Do they laugh at each other’s jokes? Do you notice how much admiration for the other goes around?
Striking up a good conversation with your date can be as challenging as coming up with real good sensible questions to ask her. Common questions like “where do you live” or “what do you work as” are really typical and boring.
Others try to be a little bit cheeky and try asking joke-like questions instead. Some leaves a good impression on their date, but others are immediately struck off the dating list. Learn to be the smart AND cheeky one, and ask funny dating questions, instead of the mundane ones that bore your dates to death.
“Funny” can mean two different things. Funny hilarious or Funny weird.
The idea here is not to be funny hilarious. Funny dating questions can be pretty lame or sometimes when there is too much jokes around, it just spoils the whole dating mood. Dating questions like…
You: Did you know that Elvis died …
Her: Yeah.
You:.. his hair! (quickly)
Some guys can be pretty good with these kind of tricky cheeky questions, so if you think that you are one of them, then you should give it a try. Otherwise, if you think you are not the kind of person who can ***** good jokes, then stay away from such questions at all costs.
Next you have the Funny weird kind of dating questions. These are the kind of questions that your date would not expect you to ask. This is pretty good so that you are able to analyze for yourself what kind of a person your date is.
Is she humorous? Is she shy but ticklish? Or is she a person that you shouldn’t mess with?
If you are looking for funny weird dating questions to ask, then check out the list below:
1)What’s your favorite domestic animal?
2)If you were alone in a forest, how would you feel?
3)If you were in a white room surrounded by people dressed in white, what kind of emotions do you feel?
These questions are not any kind of questions. These questions are meant to make you understand her and her life better. Like for question 1, her favorite domestic animal is how she thinks other people views her. For question 2, her emotions will tell you how she feels about death and for question 3, her emotions will tell you how she views marriage.
And the 4th question, which many of us would consider it as the most important question:
4)What’s your favorite food? Give three reasons why?
Her answer to this question will tell you of her views on ***. Interesting isn’t it?
This is just one of the few ways which you can use funny weird dating questions to check out the inner thoughts on how your date views life So, indirectly, you will get to know so much more about her without her even feeling interrogated by you.
As a guide, try to mix these weird questions around the conversation instead of bombarding her with weird questions all at one go. You definitely would not want to sound like a weirdo, would you?
When asked the top traits desired in a relationship, most people are likely to list humor as one. Humor is something that seems to speak to the human soul. People use humor in many different ways, including to help nurture and maintain relationships. Everyone has encountered someone in their life who can make them laugh and they cherish the person and the relationship for that. Humor in relationships is a really good factor that can help make a relationship last.
There are many reasons why humor is important to relationships. The following explains a bit about how humor affects a relationship and the benefits it has.
- Humor can create a bond. Humor when used correctly can bring people together. It can make people like each other. People love having a good time and laughing is associated with a good time. The body reacts to humor in a way that people associate a humorous person with good feelings. That is why funny people always seem to have a lot of friends.
- Humor can open up communication. Just as humor creates a bond between people it also creates a feeling of kinship or trust. People feel it is easier to talk to someone who is humorous or uses humor often. Humor used in a constructive manner can really be a great way to improve upon communication in a relationship.
- Humor can change a situation. Most people have used humor to cover up something embarrassing. It is common because humor has a way of being able to shift the focus and change the situation.
Humor is not just a fun weekend night out activity. Humor can be found in everyday life. A person who can find humor in anything is someone who is likely to be well liked. People prefer someone who is happy to someone who is grumpy and funny people just tend to be happy people.
Humor can be used negatively, though. Negative humor can destroy relationships. It can create tension and it can be very destructive. Humor should never be used to belittle someone or to embarrass someone. Humor should always be upbeat and keep that crazy, funny edge to it.
Humor in relationships is a great stepping stone. Many times, though, people find a relationship that is only built on humor fades quickly. Humor alone cannot sustain a relationship. A relationship needs other factors in order to grow and last. Humor in relationships, though, is a great addition and is always welcomed. Everyone loves a good laugh and by using humor in relationships a person is likely to find they are generally more happy and their relationships are longer lasting then people who leave humor out of their relationships.
Dating can be one of the most challenging tasks in a person’s life, so having a few funny questions to ask your next date can certainly break the ice.
Why is Dating so Hard?
Dating is horribly painful for a very large majority of the population. Those who have found a partner, or have gone on to get married, swear that they **never** want to have to enter the “dating scene” ever again. Why is it so painful?
It is painful because most people are terribly self-conscious, and they find it extremely difficult to come up with topics to talk about with a perfect stranger. Throw in the fact that the perfect stranger might actually be so handsome, or so beautiful, that you are caught off guard - and your nerves may get the best of you. This kind of situation can turn a potentially wonderful dating opportunity into a disaster that you could regret for the rest of your life.
Funny Questions On a Date
Yes, dating is a time when you are informally “interviewing” someone about their life, their desires, and their life goals. You are hoping to find a decent match with your own life goals and dreams. But this process of “interviewing” someone doesn’t have to be a nightmare. In fact, learning about someone new in an intimate way can be wonderfully exciting and fun, especially when a little bit of humor is throw into the mix.
The following are some questions that you can toss into the conversation, in a light-hearted and joking way, that can serve to break the ice and help both of you realize that you don’t have to take this “dating game” so seriously.
Have you ever been arrested?
Now, you should never ask your date if they’ve ever been arrested at the very start of the date. But this question is best asked after a few serious questions. It will interject a tone of humor into an otherwise serious discussion, and will hopefully get your date laughing and will set you both at ease. The conversation would go something like this.
You: “So what do you do for work?”
Date: “Oh…I’m a beautician, I cut hair, and I also do makeup.”
You: “Oh that’s great! You must enjoy talking to people then.”
Date: “Absolutely, I love people - I’m totally a social butterfly.”
You: “I love it! I am too..and do you have a big family, brothers..sisters?”
Date: “No…I’m an only child. My parents pretty much ignored me..that’s why I’m so independent now.”
You: “I’m an only child too! Wow, we have so much in common…we’re both social, we’re both the ‘only child’…have you ever been arrested?”
As she looks at you with a raised eyebrow and a quizzical look, you should wait a few seconds and then laugh…”I am SO joking…”
The question immediately breaks up the monotony of a question and answer session, and prevents it from feeling like a formal job interview. As she laughs, it will help her reflect on the fact that this isn’t a job interview - and that you are willing to take matters lightly. You will immediately notice her relax.
Other Funny Questions for a Date
Some other odd questions to toss out in order to lighten up the mood includes:
What’s your favorite midnight snack?
What is the one, single food that you would never give up?
What is your weirdest “quirk”?
Do you have any relatives in jail?
Have you ever gone cow-tipping?
What’s your worst pet peeve?
The important thing is to come up with a question that would catch someone off guard, but you should also avoid being vulgar or rude. The question should be light-hearted, and just odd enough (and asked with the right inflection or tone of voice), so that your date can’t help but chuckle.
Humor is the ultimate ice-breaker, and used the right way, it can change an ordinary date into one for the record books.
Visit www.questionsthatmakeyouthink.com for books, quotes, information and resources about questions that make you think.
Everybody loves a clown. A person who knows how to laugh in the midst of various circumstances is more likely to be appreciated by others, compared to the person who always sulks and keeps complaining about the things that happen to him or her. Crowds naturally flock to positive stimuli. If you practice a good, well-timed sense of humor wherever you are, people will eventually gravitate toward you and want to be in your company.
How do you benefit from having a great sense of humor?
First, a sense of humor is a non-intrusive way of introducing yourself to others. Cracking a joke at the start of the conversation often breaks a greater ice barrier than simply saying, “It’s a sunny day, isn’t it?” While most self-help books will tell you that talking about the weather is a good start to a conversation, a sense of humor (coupled with a light joke) will not only get you introduced, it will also make a more positive impression.
Humor is also often regarded as a means of escape from tense situations. If you’ve been poring over a pile of work for the past few hours, you will find that a sense of humor comes in handy and will help you cope better. If you’re working with a group, it can also lighten the atmosphere and even motivate your workmates to do better.
Appreciating the ridiculous is often what makes a tough situation more digestible. If you know how to laugh at the situation and at yourself, the people around you will follow suit. The next thing you know, you’re all getting the job done in a more positive and cheerful way, much to the delight of your boss who will discover that you have actually performed better that way.
It is important to note, however, that a sense of humor does not always work for any situation. There is a time to joke around; there is a time to be serious. To make this more concrete, you can’t really afford to ***** a joke if you’re in a funeral. It’s simply unethical to force people to laugh at a time they choose to grieve. Timing is key, then.
You should also be wary of what you say, because sometimes humor can be hurtful. While several people might be laughing at your joke, there might be someone who is affected by it and does not appreciate it at all.
Thus, you have to be sensitive and time your jokes according to the nature of the people you are talking to. Hurtful humor generates distance and pain. It drives a wedge between relationships and is often difficult to rectify with “hey, I was just kidding”.
So how do you ensure that your jokes are not offensive? Pace yourself. In a delicate situation, take cue to inject your humor after somebody else already has. This is a safe way to insert a joke by first making sure that it doesn’t hurt others. Also, if you really have to make a joke, aim it toward yourself, so that nobody gets offended. Poke fun at general situations, too, instead of at other people.
Having a great sense of humor requires also a great amount of foresight and timing on your part. Again, there is a time for everything. If you feel that your sense of humor is something that people around you will benefit from, then go for it. Everybody deserves a good laugh, after all.
I am not exactly a fan of funny clothing, at least not until I stumbled upon a site called Recklessts.com. The site greeted me with samples of really funny shirts that I practically laughed my heart out. Calling these funny t-shirts is an understatement, hilarious tees will be a more suited name for the amazing hilarious t-shirts. I found the aspect of wearing these humorous t-shirts around town really exciting.
Aside from carrying the funny tees around, I am also considering making some bucks out of the stuff. I noticed that funny shirts are a growing trend in our town and it would be a good business to sell original funny t-shirts. Recklessts.com is truly a good source for unique funny tees. So it is a wonderful thing that the site actually offers price cuts for wholesale orders. I am planning to open a retail shop that offers all types of funny clothing. I think my target market will bite the idea.
Other good news for the business minded is that Recklessts.com offers custom screen printing in Tempe Arizona. Now you can accept bulk orders from sororities and fraternities based in your locality. If you do your own screen printing, you can check out the site's BLANK TEES PAGE. Yes, you got it right. The site also sells blank shirts of all colors and sizes. If you are wondering about the quality of the shirts, you will find the following information useful. Recklessts uses the standard 6.1 ounce Gildan Heavyweight 100% cotton. This spells high quality cotton, practically the best in the market.
Recklessts.com is owned and managed by three alumni from the Arizona State University who claim to truly love their jobs. I hope to say the same thing about my job someday. I am counting on the retail shop I am planning to open to grant me my wish.
As for Recklessts.com, the site speaks of a promising future. What with its really customer-friendly service. Its Return Policy gives a money back guarantee for unsatisfied customers. The only requirement is that you return them unwashed and unworn within 30 days of your purchase. And if you are worried about the information you will be giving out, the site's Privacy Police should ease you of your worries. The Site works hand in hand with PayPal to ensure that your financial information is well guarded from identity thieves.
Now if you have some really great ideas for funny t-shirt prints, Recklessts.com will be happy to hear from you. I find one published suggestion really interesting. The idea is that a sign saying "This way to paradise" be printed at the front of the shirt with an arrow pointing towards the crotch. Now this is good stuff for men. As for girls who don't shave, you'll find one idea interesting. It's suggesting a print that says "this way to the jungle." Now you'll have people thinking.
A good news for people who like to wear hats—Recklessts.com now offers a whole new range of funny hats. Why not set a new trend in town? The funny t-shirts clicked, I'm sure these funny hats will follow suit.
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