Worried about not come enough visitors to your site? Do you want to improve your presence in net? One answer to all these questions! Your site needs SEO services.
SEO (search engine optimization) means optimization of a website to increase the visibility and usability to search engines such as Google. SEO services help in generating more visitors to your site which means that more interested customers, which translates to increased sales for your company.
A SEO consultant would you about what should be done to enable a higher placement in a search engine. We, a search engine optimization British company, offer a complete solution for all your SEO services.
The main advantages of SEO services can be summarized as follows. Read on to find out why you need search engine optimization.
Increase in traffic - search engines do better than any other media in motivating visitors to a site. Since approximately 85% of Internet users prefer search engines as the crucial method to start the search or visit Traffic from search engines is the most important traffic, since it consists of experienced visitors. These are the people actively looking for a product, service or information solution. So, your partner SEO will make certain that you can transport.
Improved Competitive Edge - opportunities to find out if your website are more, it means that your competitors are less likely to find. It means that directly if you have more customers, the more online market distribute you get. This is where we, UK SEO consultants help you reduce your competitors, so that your profits are higher.
Increased customer base - SEO consultants can help you the best search terms targeted not only more visitors to your site, but will ensure that visitors are more likely to be strong potential customers for your company. Millions of searches on each day; websites appear at the top of search results will undoubtedly free web site promotion. In this way, your online market expands. The escalating your online market place your products and services to more motivate and interested customers.
Excellent return on investment - SEO an affordable package has been proven that accept a higher return on investment with a view to generating more visitors to your site, qualified sales leads and customer acquisitions. It offers a very low cost of Internet advertising with a probable high return or go on which guarantees a high return on investment. It works non - stop - SEO your partner works for you non-stop 24 / 7 It saves time and effort. After your site, it will continue to be crawled and indexed by search engines and is maintained with minimal effort.
The fact is an effective online marketing tool - they are also cheaper. High-level SEO services also enable online marketing of the site. For a SEO program that can help you the most targeted search term more visitors, the strong potential customers for your goods and services, you must look for a partner SEO, SEO offers premium services with their own originality.
In simple words, SEO services make a website to generate traffic from relevant search term queries. SEO an affordable package deals with aspects such as effective search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), Internet marketing strategies and implementation to bring persistent visitor traffic to your site. Our British SEO consultants ensure correct implementation of search engine optimization, causing a marked influence on where your site is positioned against your competitors.
When it comes to getting good rankings, or even semi-good rankings, in the search engines one of the most underutilized strategies is that of getting backlinks to your site or blog. The sad thing about that is, getting links to your site is perhaps one of the most important things that you can do to raise your position in the search engines and to benefit from the traffic that will provide.
It’s long been known that getting these backlinks, particularly those of only a one way variety, is the key to many people’s success in the search engines and there are very good reasons it is.
The backlinks to your site, for one, tell the search engines how popular your site is. The more sites linking to you, the more popular you are. It’s almost like the cliques in high school.
The next thing is that search engines look at when it comes to backlinks is what types of sites are linking to you. If you’re pounding away links on sites that are of low quality, filled with spam and spammed with links you’ll still get credit for a link back to your site but that value of that link will be degraded. So, these links not only tell search engines how popular your site or blog is but they also tell search engines about your quality.
Search engines will also gauge how relevant your site is based on how the links to your site are actually linking to you. Are they linking to you of their own accord, without a reciprocal link? Are they linking to you with a few other links, like a blogroll? Or, are they linking to you within the context of the content on their page?
If they’re linking to you without a reciprocal, it stands to reason your site is fairly relevant to the content on your page. If they’re linking to you contextually, within the text on their page that isn’t filled with spam and without a reciprocal link - then in the eyes of the search engines it’s quite likely that the anchor text being used to link to your site is extremely relevant.
Remember, when you’re out on the search to get backlinks to your site, try to take into account how and where that link to your site is being placed and you’ll be doing your SEO a great service.
You’ve heard of keyword research, and you’ve heard that it is crucial to getting a higher search engine rank for your Web site, but you’re not so sure it’s worth the cost. Some services charge you hundreds of dollars a year, and there is no guarantee that you’ll get that money back in increased traffic on your Web site.
So how can you be sure? Is there a way to test whether keyword research even does any good as part of your internet marketing strategy without first laying out your hard-earned money?
Yes, there is!
But before you get too excited about this, remember that you get what you pay for. I’m not saying that these no-cost keyword research tools and techniques enable you to ignore the paid services. I’m saying that you should use the no-cost techniques to prove to yourself that keyword research is indeed valuable. Once you see the value, you can decide for yourself whether it’s worth paying for.
Just keep the limitations of the free tools in mind. You wouldn’t make a pinwheel and decide there’s no future in wind power because a pinwheel can’t power your toaster. Use the free keyword research tools to see that there is value in well-researched keywords, and then decide whether a faster, more comprehensive, easier research tool would provide enough additional value that it’s worth paying for.
Now, where can you do keyword research without paying for it, and how? Two main places:
1. Many of the best professional keyword research tools offer a free version with limited functionality.
2. The major search engines offer some free keyword research tools in their advertising services.
First, let’s talk about free versions of professional keyword research tools. Why would they give it away for free when they obviously want you to pay for their full product? They’re betting that once you see the power and value of the free version, you’ll want the full power of the paid version.
(Incidentally, that’s pretty much the point of this article, because I believe it, too: Once you see what a little bit of keyword research done the hard way can do for you, you’ll want a lot of keyword research, and you’ll want to do it the fast, easy way.)
So go to the Web sites of the major keyword research vendors - Wordtracker, The Dowser, and others that you can find on Google - and you’ll almost certainly find a "free trial" version. Use it to find keywords that you can use right away, and use them!
These free versions are limited in a few different ways. Common limitations are:
- The return only a limited number of matching keywords rather than the full set.
- They do not provide the full analysis and automated drill-down capabilities of the professional version.
Returning only the top so-many results might not seem like a real limitation. You’re not interested in the bottom results, are you? Well, yes, sometimes you are. The less-used keywords can be valuable to you in at least three ways:
1. Even though a keyword is not used very often in searches, it might be one of those keywords with very low competition, offering you a great opportunity to succeed.
2. Keywords not used often might be the "long tail" keywords used only by people who are ready to buy, and these are also highly valuable.
3. Keywords at the bottom of the list might be the very ones that would stimulate new ideas for you, feeding the brainstorming aspect of keyword research.
The other main limitation - lack of automated analysis and drill-down - might also seem like something you can live without, but be careful. Yes, you can perform the analysis manually, but it will take considerable time to calculate the ratio of use to results for each of dozens of keywords. Yes, you can simply re-enter one of the keywords on the list to begin a new search, but that also costs you time. These burdens of time, which might seem small, add up to a lot of time. Even if you have more time than cash, the real cost of this time is that it takes away the immediacy of keyword research that fuels brainstorming. It gets to be so tedious that the ideas just can’t flow.
But if you keep these limitations in mind, and make proper allowance for them, you will begin to see that keyword research really is valuable in generating ideas for the right words and phrases you need to use.
Now, what about the keyword research offered by the advertising services of the search engines? Services like Google’s AdWords want you to pay them to display your site on a list of ads each time a user searches for a particular keyword. In order to encourage you to bid on these keywords, they show you what keywords people are searching for the most often.
So, look for those keywords, even if you have no intention of paying for the advertising! Of course, you will not get the benefit of having your site listed among the paid results, but your site will still appear fairly high in the natural list if you are making good use of those keywords.
Search on Google for "Google AdWords: Keyword Tool" and you’ll see the tool. Go ahead and enter a few keywords to see what results you get, but you don’t have to enter a bid on those results.
Tools like this are also severely limited, even more so than the free versions of professional keyword research tools. Often, they don’t even give you numerical results, but just a bar graph representation of how often each keyword is used in searches.
Whichever approach you use - and I strongly suggest you use both - take the results and use them. Use these keywords in your domain name(s), if you don’t have one already. Enter these keywords in your Web pages, in the title, description, and body. Use them in the promotional articles and press releases you produce for your site. Then you will see the real value in improved search engine placement and more visitors to your Web site.
And then maybe you will decide that it’s worth paying for a professional keyword research tool to get even better results even more quickly.
1, Submit your website to Quality Niche Related web directories, both free and paid.
2, Register your website with the Better Business Bureau.
3, Submit your website links to your local government resources and the local library.
4, Submit your website link to the local chamber of commerce.
5, Submit press releases to Press release sites giving the latest information with prominent links that lead back to your website.
6, Syndicate Unique articles to article directories again making sure that your link is displayed.
7, Post in forums and blogs making sure that your link is present in the resource box.
8,Post in social networking websites, using viral videos perhaps to drive targeted traffic and to build links.
9, Post in Yahoo Answers, Google Groups and other such sites.
10,Another of the link building tips is to use social bookmarking websites such as Digg or Del.icio.us to promote your website and build inbound links.
11,Create and distribute free e-books, newsletters, ezines and articles that can be reproduced as long as your name and the link to your website stay intact and Use Pay Per Click campaigns.
12,Build links by exchanging links with other businesses that sell products complimentary to your products.
13,Use affiliate marketing to build more links than you ever imagined possible.
14,Exchange links with your business partners if any.
15,Advertise in online classifieds with links that lead back to your website.
16,Create a profile of your product/firm in Wikipedia, squidoo etc.
17,Write testimonials for other businesses that you have solicited and have been well pleased with. Most often they will display your name and keep a link that will lead back to your website.
18,Sponsor some cause that you believe in, not only will you be doing a service to the community but most often charities display links of their sponsors prominently on their webpages.
19,Offer freebies such as originally designed templates, icons, with links leading back to your website.
20,Analyze your Website Ranking with Any Recommended Search Engine Optimization Software Example:outranksmart search engine optimization software
These are only some of the link building tips that can help establish your website, improve online visibility and drive targeted traffic to your website. If you use these methods to build links, your search engine ranking will also improve and your reach potential will get better considerably. The end result will be heavy targeted traffic that will be driven to your website improving sales.
Keyword research is an important way to build authority for your site, as well as the best way to drive targeted ongoing free traffic. If you are aren’t using keyword research, you should be. If you don’t know how, this article will help you learn how to find good keywords.
What are good keywords?
Everyone throws around the term keyword research, and find good keywords, the problem is most beginning marketers and online entrepreneurs don’t know what those terms mean, or how to do them! At the most basic keyword research is the process of finding words or phrases that are relevant to your site that you can rank well in the search engines for.
A good keyword is a word or phrase that people are actually using in the search engines to find information. You also want to make sure your word or phrase is competitive, but not so much so that you can not beat the other sites competing for this keyword.
Where do I find good keywords?
Finding good keywords is a process. It starts out with brainstorming. You can start with looking at your site. What does your site offer? What do you want your site to be known for? You can do some thinking on these topics before you even start a site and will be ahead of the game.
If you are looking for profitable things to write about you can also check at Amazon, see what the popular things are there. You can also use their categories to start some keyword research and find some tight niches to write about.
Another brainstorming technique, if you are starting out, and don’t have a website it to just look around. Niches are everywhere. Write down every little thing you can see from right where you are. You should be able to build a list at least a page long by doing this.
Once you have some keyword ideas from this brainstorming you are going to take them to the next step which is evaluating these options to see if they are good keywords.
How do I know I have chosen good keywords?
This is a two step process. You want to evaluate both search volume and competition. To evaluate search volume (the amount of people actually using your chosen keyword in search engines) you will need some tools. These tools will show you how many people are searching, and depending on the tool you choose a lot more. You can get started at the source itself, Google. Google now provides search volume on it’s Adwords Keyword Tool.
Take the ideas you’ve come up with and enter them in the search box within the keyword tool. The results will come back, not only for your keyword, but many other suggestions Google will find for you. You want to find keywords with at least 50 searches a day, and of course more searches is fine.
Make sure you take a note of the keywords you find with a good search volume. We’ll take those to the second stage of this process, which is the level of competition.
How much is too much competition?
Competition in keywords is a funny thing. You definitely want some competition. It means people are making money on that keyword. You don’t want too much competition though, or you won’t be able to beat them in the search engine rankings.
So take a look at your keywords in Google. You want to see how many competing pages there are (with your keyword in quotes) you also want to check the page rank of the top listed sites. Another variable you want to measure is the number of links the top sites have. These are the elements you will be competing with these sites on, so you want to make sure you can beat them.
As you can see finding good keywords is a process. It seems complicated and can be overwhelming, but doing good keyword research is the best way to get organic search traffic from the major search engines. Once you know how to do keyword research you can use the information in every aspect of your business, whether it’s building websites, writing posts on blog, writing articles. You name it, and you can use keyword research to increase your business.
A couple of years ago, getting ranked really well in the search engines was a pretty easy task. I’m talking rankings in the top 10 for almost any keyword phrase you wanted.
All it took was a little research and effort, and within about a month or so, you could find your website listed in the top 10 rankings for just about any term you could want.
But, times have changed and it’s getting really difficult to get good rankings for all but the least used keyword phrases.
I know people are now teaching others to use what are called “long-tail” keyword phrases, but let’s face it– what good is it going to really do your website to be ranked #1 for a phrase like “why does my dog get fleas and how do I get rid of them?” if it’s only searched for once a year?
Why The New Search Algorithms Came About…
It wasn’t to long ago when you could simply trade links with other “like-minded” websites and webmasters, and this would really help your websites rankings.
Problem is– so many people started using very poor linking scripts, and everyone’s link directories all started looking the same. It got so bad in fact, that these scripts would even do automatic links between websites who were using the same linking script!
After you start getting 3 million websites all linking together, and linking to the exact same things and websites, well it can really kill the results in the search engines, so something had to change.
What Really Matters In Backlinks Today?
After much testing and research, what seems to make the biggest impact in your sites rankings today is what are called “One-Way” backlinks.
These are simply links that are pointing to your website without any returning links pointing back from your website to the other website.
Another very important thing about backlinking that seems to really help is making sure that the linked text pointing to your website DOES NOT always use the exact same keyword phrase for every backlink!
In other words, if your main keyword phrase you like to have pointing to your website from other websites is “dog behavior training”, DO NOT use that keyword phrase all of the time, otherwise it can be looked on as spamming by the search engines.
It’s better to use a 60%, 30%, 10% strategy for backlinked keyword phrases. For example, you might use “dog behavior training” 60% of the time, “dog obedience training” 30% of the time, and “stop dog chewing” only 10% of the time.
This way, you won’t have a problem of being dropped from a search engines index for spamming reasons.
Summary: Today, it’s best to have a combination of links pointing to your websites, with One-Way Backlinks being the most important.
Use a 60%, 30%, 10% keyword phrase backlink strategy to get the best performance from your efforts.
Now get out there and start hunting down websites that will give you one-way backlinks, and watch your rankings start to climb again!
Bringing well targeted traffic to your website is the goal of keywords. Not every page on your site has to be targeted at the same keywords; mix it up a bit. On each page you should do 1-2 primary phrases and 2-3 secondary phrases.
Overlapping Keyword Phrases
It is a good idea to use the same keywords in different phrases on a page. For example, a page that ranks well for “search engine advertising” should also be able to rank well for “search engine marketing” or “professional search engine advertising.”
Only Use a Few Keywords Per Page
DO NOT try and optimize a page for 20 different keywords. As more keywords are added, the keyword density of your page decreases. It can seem as if a robot has written the page. The main disadvantage of too many keywords is that no one will want to purchase your goods, visit your site, or link your pages if the content is rubbish.
Misspelled Keywords
Although it is unprofessional to use misspelled keywords in your body copy or page title, it can however help you to add misspelled keywords to the meta keywords tag (which is explained in further detail in the Meta Tag Guide).
A useful tip for misspelled keywords is to create “Did you mean _____?” pages which focus the title and heading tag on the misspelled version of the keyword and underneath saying “Often at times Internet searchers searching for xxxxx misspell the word as _____. If you are looking for xxx you are in the right place. Learn more about our bla bla bla.”
Misspelled keywords are a great idea for throwaway domains. They can give extra, easy traffic with little work. Community sites and forums often show up in search engines for misspelled keywords because of the amount of authors and members who use incorrect spelling in posts.
Plural Keyword Versions
In most cases, the singular and plural versions of keyword phrases are considered different (such as “car” and “cars”), however some search engines do use stemming. It is recommended that you optimize for common versions of your popular keywords.
Capitalized Keywords
As search engines are NOT case sensitive, you do not have to include the capitalized version of a keyword. For example, “Dog” is the same as “dog.”
Localized Keyword Research
If you are targeting your site at a specific country, make sure that you are using the correct keywords for that country. For example, the word “thong” in Australia relates to a type of summer footwear, whereas in America it is a type of women’’s underwear so BE CAREFUL.
Common Keyword Problems
- Do not use your internal corporate catch phrases as keywords, use phrases that people will actually search for. For example, if your company catch phrase is “Enjoy Life” and you are selling soft drinks, do not use the catch phrase as your targeted keyword phrase. “Enjoy Life” has almost no relation to soft drinks and no one will search for it. A better keyword phrase to use would be “soft drinks” or “refreshing drinks.”
- Sometimes words have a more commonly used different meaning which elevates the estimated traffic and competition level without actually bringing in any more sales. This especially holds true for acronyms (examples: pics, cams).
- Do not base choose generic words of which your site is not relevant to at all and are very competitive. An example of this could be attempting to optimize my site for the keyword phrase “win free stuff”; my site is not relevant to that phrase at all, and it has a lot of competition.
Keyword Selection is a Balancing Act
When selecting keywords, you should think of words that are descriptive enough for you to qualify the person and describe your product, as well as being general enough to be something that is frequently searched for. Sales usually are far more important than just the quantity of traffic you get. The power of keywords is in their targeting. Most good keywords are between 2 to 5 words long.
Use your home page to target your primary keyword and use the other pages to target other keyword phrases.
Bloggerwave is moving mountains in the blog world. Being approximately 4 months in the blog market, it can pride itself for having more than 3000 bloggers, which indeed is a commendable figure achieved in a short span of time.
Business houses or individuals who own a website or product can use Bloggerwave as an excellent marketing tool. Bloggerwave is not only cost effective, but it also helps companies gain more visibility. And how is this achieved, one might ask? It's simple! "Opportunities" are created by advertisers, that is, the company that wishes to advertise its products and services. These are provided to bloggers, who then take up these opportunities. In other words, they create content around the opportunity, providing to the company an impartial feedback regarding the company's products and services. Companies in turn gain tremendous coverage. Bloggers the world over can now read about the company on several blogs, and may even visit the company website. Now looking at the bigger picture, we realize that the company gets a higher Google PageRank or for that matter ranks exceedingly well on any search engine, owing to the increased traffic on its website. Companies simply need to contact Bloggerwave or purchase Bloggerwave promotions in order to gain more visibility.
Bloggerwave is interested in partnerships with international advertising bureaus. At present, it has entered into partnerships with a number of advertising bureaus that offer Bloggerwave services to their customers.
About Bloggerwave
Bloggerwave™, which is an IQ Division Company, founded 2006, brings forth to the blogging world an entirely new concept, wherein bloggers, agencies, as well as advertisers profit immensely. We all have to wait in bated breath for the future as Bloggerwave sure has more marketing strategies up its sleeve. It targets to become leaders in SEO and Internet Marketing.
IQ Division Ltd. is a leading Interactive Media & Marketing company that operates from Denmark, Germany, UK, and India, covering international clients from all Europe.
Article marketing is an excellent way to create one-way backlinks to your site. By submitting your articles to article directories your site will benefit in two ways. First, you will get an immediate backlink to your site which will drive targeted traffic to your offers/products. Second, by generating one-way backlinks to your site, you site will be ranked higher in the search results.
The best strategy to adopt is to submit your articles to as many article sites as possible, but this can be time consuming. That is why I use ways to automate this process and save myself hours of cutting and pasting. You could do it manually and save yourself a few bucks, but I found that spending a little saved me a lot and was more effective.
If you search for article submission software, you are likely to find many. Some are even available for free. The problem with most of these software is that they are only semi-automatic and still require you to do a lot of the work. Refer to the author bio below for a link to the best article submitters.
Another pitfall to take into account is the duplicate content penalty. This only affects the value of each backlink when it come to search engine ranking. For example, if you were to submit 1 article to 500 sites, the search engines would quickly recognize this as automated submission and discount the backlinks down to just a few. The exact number is kept secret, but you can be sure that it is nowhere close to 500.
To avoid this situation, you should consider making each copy of the article unique. Doing this manually is much too time consuming and there are other options. The easiest way to do this is to use article spinning. There are many article spinners out there and honestly most of them are garbage and generate unreadable text. For a free article spinner that really works, click on the link in the bio.
Writing and publishing articles can be a very cost-effective way to generate huge amounts of traffic for you site. This is compounded by the viral aspect of article directories. Webmasters and ezine publishers can use your articles for free and this can replicate your articles all over the internet. Each time creating a new backlink to your site.
An important part of any online business is doing keyword research and rounding up a list of important keywords to attract surfers to your site (think SEO). Whether it is for your pay-per-click campaigns or for creating content pages for your site, these keyword research tips will help you find targeted keywords.
Step 1 - Brainstorm You should make a list of all the obvious keywords that come to mind. Don’t limit yourself and get all the related terms in on big list. For example, if I was doing a weight loss site, I would start with the obvious ones like;
weight loss diet-losing fat-exercise-healthy eating
Step 2 - Check the competition. With the list I just made, I would try each of them in search engines and notice the top ten sites that come up in the results. I would then check the keyword meta tag in the HTML source code. I would note every keyword and write them on my list. This is an important keyword research tip. Your are taking notice of your competition in order to beat them right?
Step 3 - Keyword list drill down. You now have a list to work with. It is now time to expand your search. Check out http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com/ and use this tool to see how many searches every day there are for your keywords and note every related keywords that get at least 10 searches a day. You can also use Google keyword research tool. List every misspelled keywords also. Some people use “web site” while others type “website”. Remember that hyphens are treated as space by search engines.
Step 4 - Sizing up the competition. You should have hundreds if not thousands of keywords on your list by now. Make sure you clean up your list for non-related terms. For example, If my weight loss site doesn’t have anything to do with Atkins diet, ditch any keywords that include “Atkins”. Use Google to see how many competing sites you have for your keywords. Just use quotes around your keywords to see how many phrase match you get. Notice how many competing results you get.
Step 5 - Prioritizing Your should now concentrate on using the keywords with less than 15000 competing results. Use those in your articles, content web pages, etc.
Using software for keyword research will save you a lot of time. some have an added feature that list the number of pay-per-click campaigns for those keywords. This is very useful when you want to see how much it will cost you for competing in this area.
Use every keyword that will bring you the most targeted visitors. You will find it is much easier to get on the first page of search engines with keyword phrases that have at least 3 or 4 terms.
After all this work, your keyword research tips will put you ahead in the search engines ranking.
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