Unfortunately, many of us still think of the computer and cyberspace as having a touch of magic or science fiction about it. This is why some of the most useless SEO tips promise some kind of a magic formula to break the SEO system. The first thing to understand here is that there is no magic involved whatsoever. An effective SEO strategy is based on marketing techniques and harnessing the latest in SEO tools. Since the field is changing rapidly, it’s imperative to know exactly what is happening and what the newest trends are.
This brings us to the next important aspect of SEO tips- common sense. Take a look at your website and pretend it isn’t yours. Is it easy to navigate? Does everything look crowded? Do you have to trawl through the entire page to find the links? Remember that if a person lands on your site, you have just a few seconds to make a good impression. If your site is hard to navigate or doesn’t provide the relevant information, potential customers will leave as quickly as they arrive. What’s worse, they’ll tell others that your site has nothing to offer.
Got Quality Content?
If there’s one thing that the search engines love, it’s good content. Unique, relevant and creative content that is updated regularly will guarantee you a place at the very top of the search engines. To be honest, of all the SEO tips this is probably the most time consuming. But it is definitely worth the effort- what’s more, there is no short cut to good content. Spammed or over-stuffed content will get you penalized or even blacklisted by the search engines. Get into the habit of providing new content regularly- best of all, you can archive your old content and still drive traffic to your site.
One of the SEO tips that a lot of people tend to ignore is social networking. Joining communities, online forums and actively blogging will bring you a unique kind of traffic- the kind that might actually translate into sales. Better yet, this kind of networking gives you a great chance to share links with active people, not just a slew of dead link farms. In order for your optimization techniques to succeed, all you really need is to follow these SEO tips along with a good measure of common sense choose any recommended Best Search Engine Optimization software , it will help you archive top rank in major search engines.
The real key successful in home based affiliate business is to build a high quality content-rich affiliate website along with keyword-rich. You'll discover how to build high profitable affiliate website in this article.
READ THIS: If you are truly serious about home based affiliate business and how to build an affiliate website to earn more affiliate commission.
In order for your attempts to optimize your internet marketing search engine placement to be successful, you will need to turn your whole affiliate website into a type of billboard. You have to put keywords in every place they can be used efficiently. This is the most effective way for you to increase your visibility online. The greater the number of people searching for what you sell, the more customers you are apt to get. Keywords aren’t going to do the job alone. If they would, you could simply list every keyword you come up with and people would flock to your affiliate website. But what are they going to see when they arrive at your affiliate website? If it’s just keywords in a list, they’ll leave. That’s why it’s essential that you create an affiliate website that is both noticeable and content-rich.
Top search niche keywords are the key to your success in building high profitable affiliate website. I recommend you to discover many top search niche keywords for your website through several keyword search strategies such as brainstorm, generate keywords via free keyword tools, using various paid keyword search tools and etc. Finding niche keywords is the first step for your success in home based affiliate business online.
In fact, the internet is all about information. Regardless of what else people want, they are searching the web for information of one type or another. With this sense, it is your job as the affiliate marketing entrepreneurs to create an affiliate website full of information that will not only bring customers to your affiliate website, but make them stay there long enough for you to get their business. If information is all you are providing, a content-rich affiliate website is even more important. If the content is lousy, people won’t be back.
The best methods of making your affiliate website content-rich consist of a great deal of writing. Writing articles that will inform and entertain readers is one way. These articles need to be related to your target customer’s interests. The greater the number of short articles you write concerning the many varied aspects of the focus of your affiliate website, the more effective they will be. Adding news information will increase the affiliate website’s content richness. Information concerning some new aspect of the market will increase the value of your affiliate website. Something as simple as an interview, special report, or product descriptions will make your content better.
Everyone loves new, fresh and up-to-date information in what they are interested. All you have to do to earn more affiliate commission and boost your reputation concurrently is to provide unique new, fresh and up-to-date information to your visitors. This will help you increase your sales and profits absolutely!
The last thing to keep in mind is that your content must be updated often. The same old information will become boring, so you need to keep adding new information to keep it fresh. Since keywords are what getting the most notice, the more content you have, the more chances you will have to include those essential keywords. When you update your content, be certain to add in as many keywords as possible to that content. It’s all about getting attention and making a profit, and keywords and content are the methods that will help you get where you want to be.
Conclusion, building a content-rich website with keyword-rich is one of the best ways to sell affiliate products like crazy. Remember, people are always looking for information and they will make any purchase from the trustworthy sources. The high quality information you provide on your website will increase your reliability, creditability and reputation in your niche markets. With this sense, you are going to increase your sales and profits online in your home based affiliate business.
Visit http://www.zSiteBuilder.com to learn more how to build highly profitable and successful affiliate website being an outstanding among your competitors on the internet. You'll discover great tips on how to build a high quality & profitable affiliate website, how to get good ranking in search engines and much more you need to know for your website. Also, you will save your time and money in the trail & error.
Get a report now at: http://www.zKeywordTool.com/free-report to discover and learn great keyword search tips for your effectively keyword research. You'll discover many powerful keyword search strategies and keyword search tips. Also, you'll learn how to do you own keywords research effectively step-by-step.
*Reprint Policy: Reprint in full with writer’s name, contact information, active links and brief bio.
The success of your online business is greatly dependent on the amount of exposure your business gets. Smart well planned website promotion strategies will ensure that your online business gets the maximum exposure and continues to remain in the public view. In fact Website promotion is an on-going process to promote your website to bring more visitors to the website. Successful Entrepreneurs have all focused their attention on this aspect with the following strategies.
1. Writing Articles:
Writing quality, authoritative and informative articles and submitting them to Articles Directories, Article Distributors and Article Banks is an excellent method of website promotion. Your articles will grow virally as more webmasters publish your articles and visitors will start streaming in from the embedded links in the resource box.
2. Submitting to Search Engines:
One of the best ways to promote your on-line business is to submit your website to the major Search Engines. Optimize your site content to obtain high search engine placement in the search engines especially Google. This you should do not only for the home page but also for the other pages and your articles.
3. Submitting to Directories:
Submitting your business site to quality web directories is another very important promotional strategy. There are several free directories where you can submit your site. Entrepreneurs searching for businesses similar to their own will be able to identify yours and visit your site.
4. Exchanging Links:
Though One Way Inbound links are considered superior to Reciprocal links, exchanging links with relevant quality websites with high page rank is very much appreciated by the Search Engines. This will improve your online business site’s link popularity and generate targeted traffic to your site.
5. Placing Pay per Click Ads:
Placing Pay per Click Ads. with the search engines is another great way to promote your website. You have to bid for your chosen relevant keywords so that your website can be included in the sponsored links of the search engines. You only pay for the visitors you get to your site. This might be a little expensive for the popular keywords but you can be assured of highly targeted traffic.
6. Building Joint Ventures:
Building Joint Ventures with other online business entrepreneurs are becoming popular website promotion strategies today. This is one of the most powerful and free site promotion methods. By building a partnership with another successful and compatible online entrepreneur you can get vary much more exposure and visibility to you site.
7. Having Excellent Content:
The purpose of visiting a website is to view the content. Having excellent, unique content will make visitors return to your site again and again. Constantly updating your site with fresh content will not only draw the attention of your visitors but that of the search engine spiders as well.
It has also to be remembered that the success of your online business is dependent on not how attractive your site is but how user friendly it is, not how much traffic it gets but how much targeted traffic it gets, not how many page views you generate but how much sales you generate. Implementing these Website Promotion Tips is the best way to boost your online business to the top and achieve your goal.
The success of an Online Business depends on the traffic the website is able to generate. Getting the site noticed by the Search Engines or getting reciprocal links and one-way links are no easy tasks for the Newbie. This is in fact one of the most frustrating periods for the new online entrepreneur.
To solve this problem you have to adopt certain strategies that can bring traffic to your website. The best way to get about is to plan out an offline promotion strategy right from the beginning. Offline Promotion can bring you substantial traffic and help you keep your morale up till you start generating regular traffic from the Search Engines and other online promotion strategies.
Word of mouth:
Word of mouth is considered to be one of the best forms of advertising your business, products and services. Pass the word around about your Online Business to your friends, acquaintances. Unique and quality products and services will soon be taken note of, appreciated and promoted by word of mouth.
Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon.com places great importance to this mode of offline promotion. He says “If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.” He should know!
Business Cards:
Most entrepreneurs who are new to business do not realize the importance and effectiveness of a business card. A business card immediately projects your business image and credibility. Seize the opportunity and exchange cards with friends and acquaintances at parties, seminars, conferences, trade fairs, clubs and other functions. They can be your future customers or they could recommend your business to their friends.
Put your URL on all printed material that goes out of your office such as envelopes, faxes, invoices, labels and letterheads. You could even print special offers on envelopes that you send out. They all add up to a huge number and collectively can promote your business offline.
Distributing Flyers is an inexpensive method of promoting your Online Business. These are cheap to produce and in fact can be produced by you in the computer. Provide all the details of your business as briefly as possible and especially your URL. You can leave them at libraries, community centers, stores and other places where people gather. These can also be distributed door to door.
Brochures are well known promotional tools. A well designed attractive brochure can capture the heart of many a potential customer. The URL should be displayed prominently. This can be handed out to potential customers and also placed in clubs, bars, supermarkets and libraries.
Placing bumper stickers or magnetic signs on your vehicles is an inexpensive way of promoting your online business, Offline. Prominently displaying your URL and phone number to be noticed and remembered by thousands of people everyday is the secret of
Newspapers and Magazines:
Advertising in Newspapers and Magazines are a great way of promoting your business. It could be costly for some of the new entrepreneurs, but you could start off by placing small classified Ads. in the local newspapers. You could move on to the more popular newspapers once you have established your business.
An effective but expensive way of promoting your business is to advertise over the radio. The advantage is that your message will reach millions of people nation wide. The disadvantage is that most new entrepreneurs will find this mode of promotion beyond their means.
Advertising on the TV. is one of the most expensive ways of promoting your business. There are certain local channels that are not very costly. The advantage of TV advertisements is that you can project a powerful image and your potential customers would get the impression straightaway that yours is a successful business.
The success of these Offline promotion strategies depends on how well you plan and implement them. These Offline strategies should be put in place the very moment your business goes Online so that they will collectively generate substantial traffic that will keep you happy till your Online promotion methods start working and thereafter too.
You’re one of the latest casualties. Google just broke up with you- after a yearlong pagerank 7 relationship. Hundreds of thousands are crying in the street. You’re one of the namesless broken hearted.
It’s just temporary of course. So you gather up your strength and hold your chin up high. You’ll have Google chasing you back. After all, you’re armed with some hardcore search engine flirtation tips.
1) Go bold. Just as women love bold suitors, so do search engines. Start highlighting keywords on each page with the B tag to increase search relevance. Search engines are attracted to words contained in the H1 and B tags. Just don’t go wild- two bold words per page is enough.
2) Go Deeper. Having other sites drill deep into your web at various locations tells google that ‘hey, this guy has varied useful content’. It’s poor SEO strategy to acquire links just to link to the homepage. The search engines may ultimately discount those links
3) Go foreign. Why focus on North America? You can take your business to India, Pakistan, UK and Hongkong! Start creating pages for lucrative markets and submit to their local directories. This ensures multiple streams of revenue
4) Fire Up Newsletters. Provide articles to publishers like ezinearticles. The links breathe for many years in their archives and funnel backlinks to your site.
5) Go Bi. Image links are good, but text links are more appreciated. If your site is full of image links, have your webmaster place the text links first because that’s what google looks for. Subsequent links are often discounted.
6) Multiple Partners. Create different domains on varying IPs that talk about similar subjects. The reason is that Google only lists one domain page per search result. Imagine if you owned ten domains that came up for the same search result? You’ll be seducing more curious searchers. Another tip: search engine consulting firms recommend varying the keywords used on these domains just to minimize looking spammy.
7) Article Exchanges. You’ve heard of reciprocal link exchanges. Text link purchases. One way backlink purchases. Try them, and it’s like getting herpes on the net. Google blacklists you and your worth is downgraded. But article exchanges are different. Whip up an article, upload to Ezinearcticles and before you know it- wham! Dozens of sites publish your article and bring fawning admirers to your door.
Shun Unvaried Anchor Text. If 1000 sites links to you with the appellation “Gimme Money”, Google starts to squint and dig deeper, “Smells like automated filthy spam, methinks.” Avoid the search engine ban by varying the anchor text. Dance under different names and you’ll flirt more grandly with search engines.
9) Expose Your Glory With a Site map. Your visitors reach the honeypot more rapidly when you have a structured sitemap that links to every major page. Keep the map on a location easily accessible so you keep the action flowing. Google bots flirt with sitemaps too and often births detailed search results. So keep it search engine friendly.
You may be wondering what exactly is promotion for search engines. Well it is marketing to put your site in a position that is favorable to search engine spiders. By doing this you gain a more favorable position in search engines that is reflected in your sites ranking and positioning. Many of the online companies that offer this service call it Search Engine Optimization and some of them do it very well. If you have the time and the knowledge you can do it yourself also.
When it comes to marketing web sites, one of the most talked about topics is Search Engine Optimization and here are some great tips on what you need to do to get your site noticed.
The first thing that you should look at is your sites content. It should contain your business information and informative content that is related to the niche that it serves. Pay attention and make sure that you use keywords occasionally throughout your sites content.
Use the right keywords in your content and meta tags to aid search engines in determining your sites content. By using the terms that are more often searched for you let the search engines know to send more traffic that relates to those keyword searches. Also make sure when you use keywords in the meta tags for a page that the content on the page relates to those meta tag keywords. The search engines will read both and when visitors arrive you want them to get the information they expect so they stay around your site longer.
Add new content regularly to your website so the search engine spiders frequently visit to get the latest postings. Keep the content related to the niche you serve with articles, reviews and other information that relates. Search engines absolutely love new and fresh content. Keep the quality of the content high to attract more readers and gain popularity with links and word of mouth. If you treat the spiders right they will return the favor.
Build those links to your site and get as many as you can. The more links you have to your site the more doorways to traffic and spiders to find your site. If you can get links from popular and powerful quality sites it will let the search engines know that your site is also of quality. Otherwise quality authority sites would not be linking to it. Quality web directories are a great way to build these needed links. If will help you gain better ranking in search engine results and by that more traffic.
By building the content your site will gain pages and when you have many, you should build a sitemap. This helps search engine spiders to find all the pages of your website so they don’t miss any of the content.
You can gain some traffic with social networking with your contacts. Give them good online content and tools they can use and reference to give them a reason to keep coming back.
When your building links use use some keywords as the anchor text for the hyperlink without spamming it with keywords. Also vary them up so they are not all the same or it will seem like the linking is not natural and through automation. If you use these methods your search engine rankings will improve to increase the visibility of your site and the traffic that you receive.
If you are into search engine optimization, you should know that the more back links you can get to your site, the highly the search engine ranking for that site. This is because the search engine rank all website based on their popularity and your popularity is calculated based on the number of back links you have to your website.
As article marketing is one of my favorite methods for creating back link to my sites, I understand that it need some time for the articles to be approved before it can be published. However, there are some marketers who are impatient and want to get back links to your website as soon as possible.
Therefore I will like to share with you the 8 fastest way you can get more back links to your site.
1) Forum Signature Links
2) Create a Hubpage
3) Create a Squidoo Lens
4) Create a blog for your contents
5) Write a press release
6) Create Youtube Videos
7) Create Podcasts
Comment on relevant blogs and forum
These are all the fastest methods you can use to create more back links to your website as they usually do not need to pass through screening before it can published.
However you should also strive to provide good information with these methods despite the lack of screening as it can help to build your credibility.
If you are into search engine optimization, you can consider trying out some of these methods and stick to the one you like most.
Now put this into practice and you will see the result soon
Get Your FREE 5 Days Mini Audio Course on “How To Develop Web Traffic To Your Site” by Internet Success Tips Newsletter here: 5 Days Mini Course
Optimizing your website so you will obtain a high search engine results position is what SEO Techniques are all about. It is reported that 65% of all websites visited start with a search from a search engine.
What is Organic Search Engine Optimization? Simply put, it is designing each page to not only be pleasing for the users to read but also pleasing for the spiders. Always keep in mind that a good measure of a site's importance is the usefulness of the information to the users.
There is no need to go to some overpriced firm to get your site ranked well in the search engines as most of theses techniques can be accomplished by anyone with a basic knowledge of HTML. Organic Search Engine Optimization will help your page rank well and drive traffic to your site without the expense of using PPC programs or placing banners all over your site as well.
There are no tricks here, just a bit of work and some time. So let’s get started by reading the following list of Organic Search Engine Optimization Techniques!
1. Domain & File Names:
Choose your site domain name that contains words from your primary keyword phrase. Your domain name should also be easy to spell and easy to remember. You can also try to use your keyword or keyword phrase as the name for the actual filename of the page you are creating as well.
2. Keyword Phrases:
Use keywords that are being searched for. You can check your keyword phrases with either the Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool or the Overture Keyword Popularity Tool to find out how often they are being searched and then incorporate these phrases into your content. You can also look at Google AdWords Keyword Suggestions for suggestions for different keyword phrases.
3. Keyword Density:
Keyword density is a very important part of search engine optimization. Keyword density is the percent that your keyword or keyword phrase are of your web page text. You may want to look that your competition to see what keyword density they are using. Too high of a keyword density will be considered search engine spam and can get you blacklisted. A good measure of keyword density is between 3 and 7 percent. Your keywords should be toward the top of your page and your keyword phrase can be in either every paragraph or every second paragraph depending on your paragraph length.
4. Bad Techniques:
Bad search engine optimization techniques can get you blacklisted from a search engine. Some techniques that are considered spam are cloaking, invisible text, tiny text, identical pages, doorway pages, refresh tags, link farms, filling comment tags with keyword phrases only, keyword phrases in the author tag, keyword density to high, mirror pages and mirror sites.
5. Title & Meta Description Tag:
Construction of your title tag is one of the most important things you need to do. Each page should have a different title with 2 or 3 of your keyword phrases at the beginning. When search engine results are displayed the title is the first thing people see. Below the title is a description which will be either be taken from your meta name description content=”Description phrase” or from the first sentence on that page. Your description should also have 2 or 3 of your keyword phrases at the beginning as should your first sentence. You should have a different title, description and first sentence on each page. You many also what to try shorter titles with only one keyword or keyword phrase as this will raise you keyword relevance.
6. Meta Keywords Tag:
The meta keywords tag is not as relevant as it used to be and some say Google doesn’t ever look at it anymore, but put it in anyway.
7. Author & Robots Tags:
The Author Tag should contain the name of the company that owns the site. This tag will help you get a #1 position for your company’s name.
Use a generic Robots Tag on all pages that you want indexed. This instructs the robots to crawl the page. The following is the generic robots tag.
8. Quality Content:
Quality content will bring people back and as people always want to tell others about a good thing it will get you forward links from other sites. Your content should be written with your keyword phrases in mind
9. Quantity Content:
The more the better. Just remember your content will need to be both quantity and quality.
10. Changing Content:
You can do this by hand or with a script. For example you can have a php script that draws five paragraphs from a pool of twenty paragraphs when the content is different each time the php page is accessed. By creating dynamic pages with a script randomly drawing different content from a database, you can get several different home pages indexed by Google and optimize for several different keyword phrases.
11. Avoid Dynamic URLs:
Are your pages served via php, asp, or cf? Some search engines may have a problem indexing them. Try to create static pages whenever possible. Avoid symbols in your URLs like the “?” that you will often find in php, asp or cf pages.
12. Frames:
Many search engines can’t follow frame links. Make sure you provide an alternative method for the search engines to enter and index your site.
13. Site Map:
A good menu system is really a site map. A well constructed menu system that is on each page and contains a link to every page on the website is all you need.
14. Site Themes:
All of the top 3 search engines look for site themes or a common topic when they crawl a website. If your site is about one specific topic you will rank better than if you have more than one theme or topic on your site. By using similar keyword phrases in each page the search engines will detect a theme this will be to your advantage.
15. Site Design:
You may think, "what does site design have to do with organic search engine optimization"? Well if your website has a bad color scheme that is hard to read, is not organized, is a cheesy looking site, then all of your site optimization has been a waste of time. Make your site attractive to the viewer, make things easy to find, have you graphic header and menu bar the same place on each page. These things will keep your visitors on the site and bring them back. A well optimized site with a high search engine results position that is ugly and is hard find information on, will not keep the visitors your optimization has brought to the site. Use W3C Link Checker to make sure all your page links are good. If you have broken links on your site this can effect the ranking you are given. Put a proper doctype on each page. If you don’t have a proper doctype on each page Internet Explorer will go into quirks mode and display it different. Use The W3C Markup Validate Service to verify that your pages are Validate HTML or XHTML code. The W3C validation will verify that your HTML or XHTML is not broken. This validation shows you any broken code that could keep your webpages from displaying properly in all the different browsers and browser versions.
16. Separate Content & Presentation:
Put all your presentation code into Cascading Styles Sheets (CSS). This separates the presentation from the content and makes your html files up to 50% smaller. It is reported that the search engine bots prefer this and the more content you have compared to presentation in your file, the better you get rated. Read why tables for markup are stupid for an overview.
17. Robots.txt File:
While this file is not really required it should be included so that the search engine bots don’t get 404 errors when they look for it. Just include the following 2 lines and drop it in the root.
User-agent: *
For more help with Organic Search Engine Optimization, please visit Help My Pagerank
In every bloggers life comes a special day - the day they first launch a new blog. Now unless you went out and purchased someone else’’s blog chances are your blog launched with only one very loyal reader - you. Maybe a few days later you received a few hits when you told your sister, father, girlfriend and best friend about your new blog but that’’s about as far you went when it comes to finding readers.
Here are the top 10 techniques new bloggers can use to find readers. These are tips specifically for new bloggers, those people who have next-to-no audience at the moment and want to get the ball rolling.
It helps if you work on this list from top to bottom as each technique builds on the previous step to help you create momentum. Eventually once you establish enough momentum you gain what is called “traction”, which is a large enough audience base (about 500 readers a day is good) that you no longer have to work too hard on finding new readers. Instead your current loyal readers do the work for you through word of mouth.
Top 10 Tips
10. Write at least five major “pillar” articles. A pillar article is a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are longer than 500 words and have lots of very practical tips or advice. This article you are currently reading could be considered a pillar article since it is very practical and a good “how-to” lesson. This style of article has long term appeal, stays current (it isn't news or time dependent) and offers real value and insight. The more pillars you have on your blog the better.
9. Write one new blog post per day minimum. Not every post has to be a pillar, but you should work on getting those five pillars done at the same time as you keep your blog fresh with a daily news or short article style post. The important thing here is to demonstrate to first time visitors that your blog is updated all the time so they feel that if they come back tomorrow they will likely find something new. This causes them to bookmark your site or subscribe to your blog feed.
You don”t have to produce one post per day all the time but it is important you do when your blog is brand new. Once you get traction you still need to keep the fresh content coming but your loyal audience will be more forgiving if you slow down to a few per week instead. The first few months are critical so the more content you can produce at this time the better.
8. Use a proper domain name. If you are serious about blogging be serious about what you call your blog. In order for people to easily spread the word about your blog you need a easily rememberable domain name. People often talk about blogs they like when they are speaking to friends in the real world (that’’s the offline world, you remember that place right?) so you need to make it easy for them to spread the word and pass on your URL. Try and get a .com if you can and focus on small easy to remember domains rather than worry about having the correct keywords (of course if you can get great keywords and easy to remember then you've done a good job!).
7. Start commenting on other blogs. Once you have your pillar articles and your daily fresh smaller articles your blog is ready to be exposed to the world. One of the best ways to find the right type of reader for your blog is to comment on other people's blogs. You should aim to comment on blogs focused on a similar niche topic to yours since the readers there will be more likely to be interested in your blog.
Most blog commenting systems allow you to have your name/title linked to your blog when you leave a comment. This is how people find your blog. If you are a prolific commentor and always have something valuable to say then people will be interested to read more of your work and hence click through to visit your blog.
6. Trackback and link to other blogs in your blog posts. A trackback is sort of like a blog conversation. When you write a new article to your blog and it links or references another blogger’’s article you can do a trackback to their entry. What this does is leave a truncated summary of your blog post on their blog entry - it’’s sort of like your blog telling someone else's blog that you wrote an article mentioning them. Trackbacks often appear like comments.
This is a good technique because like leaving comments a trackback leaves a link from another blog back to yours for readers to follow, but it also does something very important - it gets the attention of another blogger. The other blogger will likely come and read your post eager to see what you wrote about them. They may then become a loyal reader of yours or at least monitor you and if you are lucky some time down the road they may do a post linking to your blog bringing in more new readers.
5. Encourage comments on your own blog. One of the most powerful ways to convince someone to become a loyal reader is to show there are other loyal readers already following your work. If they see people commenting on your blog then they infer that your content must be good since you have readers so they should stick around and see what all the fuss is about. To encourage comments you can simply pose a question in a blog post. Be sure to always respond to comments as well so you can keep the conversation going.
4. Submit your latest pillar article to a blog carnival. A blog carnival is a post in a blog that summarizes a collection of articles from many different blogs on a specific topic. The idea is to collect some of the best content on a topic in a given week. Often many other blogs link back to a carnival host and as such the people that have articles featured in the carnival often enjoy a spike in new readers.
To find the right blog carnival for your blog, do a search at blogcarnival.com.
3. Submit your blog to blogtopsites.com. To be honest this tip is not going to bring in a flood of new readers but it’’s so easy to do and only takes five minutes so it’’s worth the effort. Go to Blog Top Sites, find the appropriate category for your blog and submit it. You have to copy and paste a couple of lines of code on to your blog so you can rank and then sit back and watch the traffic come in. You will probably only get 1-10 incoming readers per day with this technique but over time it can build up as you climb the rankings. It all helps!
2. Submit your articles to EzineArticles.com. This is another tip that doesn't bring in hundreds of new visitors immediately (although it can if you keep doing it) but it’’s worthwhile because you simply leverage what you already have - your pillar articles. Once a week or so take one of your pillar articles and submit it to Ezine Articles. Your article then becomes available to other people who can republish your article on their website or in their newsletter.
How you benefit is through what is called your “Resource Box”. You create your own resource box which is like a signature file where you include one to two sentences and link back to your website (or blog in this case). Anyone who publishes your article has to include your resource box so you get incoming links. If someone with a large newsletter publishes your article you can get a lot of new readers at once.
1. Write more pillar articles. Everything you do above will help you to find blog readers however all of the techniques I've listed only work when you have strong pillars in place. Without them if you do everything above you may bring in readers but they won't stay or bother to come back. Aim for one solid pillar article per week and by the end of the year you will have a database of over 50 fantastic feature articles that will work hard for you to bring in more and more readers.
I hope you enjoyed my list of traffic tips. Everything listed above are techniques I've put into place myself for my blogs and have worked for me, however it’’s certainly not a comprehensive list. There are many more things you can do. Finding readers is all about testing to see what works best for you and your audience and I have no doubt if you put your mind to it you will find a balance that works for you.
This article was by Yaro Starak, a professional blogger and my blog mentor. He is the leader of the Blog Mastermind mentoring program designed to teach bloggers how to earn a full time income blogging part time.
To get more information about Blog Mastermind click this link:
PageRank is that magic number between 1 and 10 that Google assigns to every website. It is a number that is computed using the link structure of the World Wide Web and it measures the relative importance of all pages. It is an important number that partially allows Google to return the best results to a user’s query.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) gurus spend much of their time trying to improve a site’s PageRank because the larger this number the larger the traffic driven to the site via organic search results. Even though the algorithm for computing a page’s PageRank was published by Google’s founders in 1995, the algorithm has since been modified to scale up to the web’s enormous size as possible and also to circumvent being exploited by SEO experts. These continuous changes to the algorithm are not published and SEO engineers often find themselves trying to understand how the algorithm works by monitoring Google’s behavior.
It is widely believed that the larger a page’s PageRank the higher it will appear on Google’s homepage and the more traffic it will receive. As a result, many webmasters lose a lot of sleep over improving their site’s PageRank. Since the value of PageRank depends on the number and quality of incoming links, webmasters often pay a premium to have a high PageRank site link to theirs. In addition, webmasters can monetize their site by selling links to others; if they manage to get their PageRank to a value larger than 5 then they can sell these links at a high cost. All these have created an entire economy around Google’s magic number.
Matt Cutts is a Google engineer who maintains his own blog often talking about Google’s competition, marketing strategy and technology. Occasionally, Matt talks about the calculation and significance of PageRank. Needless to say, many SEO gurus study his blog trying to read between the lines and figure out how PageRank is computed and used. Recently, Matt wrote to answer some frequently asked questions about PageRank. In this posting, he reveals that PageRank is not an integer between 1 and 10 but instead a floating point number in the same range allowing Google a high degree of precision. In addition, he tells us that the number actually exported and shown on Google’s toolbar is in fact only an integer value. In addition, he points out that Google continuously calculates this number and only exports it to the toolbar once every a few months. People often notice that PageRank numbers are changing on the toolbar every 3 months and mistakenly assume that those are the only times that the numbers are actually computed.
Finally, I would like to point out that Matt specifically says that PageRank is considered by Google when a user performs a search. Matt says, “By the time you see newer PageRanks in the toolbar, those values have already been incorporated in how we score/rank our search results.” Some people have questioned as to whether Google still uses PageRank in their search engine algorithm. They claim that it only exists to sidetrack SEO experts with malicious intent. Matt’s sentence claims that Google still uses PageRank in ranking search results reinforcing the belief that it is still relevant; the actual importance of PageRank, however, is hard to establish and as Google has said in the past, the results presented to users are the product of a very complex algorithm with many parameters including PageRank.
My advice to webmasters is to have a link strategy and try to gain a healthy PageRank value. I would not recommend that people obsess over PageRank and instead focus on content. Good content will force other websites to link to yours helping you improve its PageRank. Be very careful of SEO companies that promise you many riches if you are willing to pay them a hefty sum of money to improve your site’s PageRank. Increasing this one number by itself is not likely to have such a large effect. Original, fresh and keyword content is still the best way to achieving success online.
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