Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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Finding The Right Joke To Tell
April 7, 2009 at 10:39 am

Jon Caldwell asked:

Laughter is the best medicine and a great icebreaker for a first date, as a sense of humor is as the number one turn-on for many women. But it’s one thing to have a great sense of humor, it’s quite another to have everyone in stitches.

Well, look no further. Drop the rubber chicken and whoopee cushion, cause it’s time to really be funny.

Ease up on life and yourself; get used to taking things with a grain of salt. See the humor in situations; you’ll see that most situations, even getting a $200 dollar speeding ticket or falling down on a banana peel have humor written all over them — the trick is finding them and being able to laugh at yourself.

You can’t be funny if you don’t have any references or material. The broader your general knowledge is, the funnier the remarks you’ll make. You can’t say a Homer-esque comment if you don’t know who The Simpsons are, and Allllrrriiighttty then! doesn’t have the same effect if you’ve never seen Ace Ventura: Pet Detective .

So the more you know film, TV, music, and everything pop culture, the greater the chance of being funny. Broaden your horizons and stay up-to-date with current events in the news, and you’ll be surprised at how much material will randomly come to you. You may even get to be someone’s lifeline on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? .

The rules of humor are analogous to those of poetry. These common rules are mainly precision, synthesis and rhythm. French philosopher Henri Bergson has said in an essay: “In every wit there is something of a poet.” In this essay Bergson views the essence of humor as the encrustation of the mechanical upon the living. He used as an instance a book by an English humorist, in which an elderly woman who desired a reputation as a philanthropist provided “homes within easy hail of her mansion for the conversion of atheists who have been specially manufactured for her, so to speak, and for a number of honest folk who have been made into drunkards so that she may cure them of their failing, etc.” This idea seems funny because a genuine impulse of charity as a living, vital impulse has become encrusted by a mechanical conception of how it should manifest itself.

The question / answer joke, sometimes posed as a common riddle, has a supposedly straight question and an answer which is twisted for humorous effect; puns are often employed. Of this type are knock-knock joke, light bulb joke, the many variations on “why did the chicken cross the road?”, and the class of “What’s the difference between…” joke, where the punch line is often a pun or a spoonerism linking two apparently entirely unconnected concepts.

Some jokes require a double act, where one respondent (usually the straight man) can be relied on to give the correct response to the person telling the joke. This is more common in performance than informal joke-telling.

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Good Stocks to Buy: you Got a Penny?
April 7, 2009 at 8:02 am

Good Jokes
William Foxx asked:

In my area of work you get many questions just like this one: "Which is a good stock to buy?" And sometimes, depending on the person, I answer back with another question: "You pot a penny?" People always stare at me with a look on their face that says: "Is this guy a joke?" or "Is this guy for real?" Well no, I'm not a joke, and yes I'm for real.

I gotta tell ya, it's how I started out; penny stocks. They're one of the best stocks to buy because of the little cost they represent and the big chances you have to get money out of the deal. With normal stocks you're going to have to invest more than a thousand times more to begin making some real profit out off them. I'm not saying you shouldn't invest in them, by all means do so. The thing is that if you're starting out – even if you're already experienced – going with penny stocks is a wise decision.

But why?

Well, how many people have lost all their money in the stock market? Hey, it's not as unusual as you might think! But those people start off buying stocks from the all popular Apple, IMB, Google, and all the other big boys out there. Do you know how much one stock costs from some of these guys? It goes from $100 - $500, some reaching the +$1,000.

One hundred dollars is ten thousand pennies! Even though a stock penny hardly ever really costs just one penny, I think you can see my point. But coming across a good penny stock to buy isn't that easy. You have to do your research; you're homework. Once you do have a penny stock spotted, then all I can say to you is great job, good luck, and keep it up! Because on your path to success you'll see many riches many could just dream of.

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Jokes by Famous Comedians About the Ironies of Life or Something Like it
April 7, 2009 at 6:56 am

Joel Owens asked:

When life gets too tough to handle, people have different ways of overriding the problems and stress brought about by mountain-high price of gasoline, traffic, annoying neighbors or pesky people at work. Commonly, people freak out, spend impulsively or go to a shrink to cope with problems. But for those who want to change the cycle, instead of pulling their hair, they just sit down and turn on the television to hear some downright funny jokes by famous comedians. In the words of Woody Allen, "life doesn’t imitate art, it imitates bad television".

Famous comedians like Woody Allen, Dave Chappelle, Dane Cook Jones, Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld and Sarah Silverman are just some of the bunch of people who have made a living (and some considerable amount of cash to boot) out of making fun of life, and well, other people. They can even make poverty, unemployment or death sound so unbelievably hilarious that you would forget that they are the causes of your misery. We can definitely say that they make the motherloads of motherloads by biting life back with a wide grin on their rich faces through their comedy jokes.

Dave Chappelle once talked about racism and being robbed in one of his shows in Comedy Central. Iironically, he garnered a lot of laughs out of making fun of the often scary and demeaning situation he was in:

"Somebody broke into my house once. This is a good time to call the police, but mm mm, nope. The house was too nice. It was a real nice house, but they’d never believe I lived in it. They’d be like 'He’s still here!' Whack! 'Oh my god. Open and shut case, Johnson. I saw this once when I was a rookie. Apparently this ni**er broke in and put up pictures of his family everywhere.' Dave! Relax! Close your buttcheeks!"  -Dave Chappelle (mustsharejokes.com)

Jerry Seinfeld has been famous for playing himself in the long-running comedy (which already ended) show aptly named, Seinfeld. Now, most television actors could win an Emmy by playing any character but themselves. However, Jerry is no ordinary comedian. He won Emmy's for talking about himself, his friends and of course, making fun of every situation in his life from the most mundane to political correctness. In one of his jokes, he was able to give a more positive view about losing:

"The Olympics is really my favorite sporting event. Although I think I have a problem with that silver medal. ‘Cause when you think about it, you win the gold-you feel good, you win the bronze-you think 'Well, at least I got something.' But when you win that silver it’s like 'Congratulations, you 'almost' won. Of all the losers, you came in first of that group. You’re the number one loser. No one lost ahead of you!” –Jerry Seinfeld. (mustsharejokes.com)

So next time, life hands you crap, just smile, breathe, and start laughing the crap away at comedy jokes. Remember, you're not traversing this wretched world alone. After all, these comedians can't joke about life's problems without having faced them themselves.


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Go Ahead and Laugh.
April 7, 2009 at 2:09 am

Theresa Twogood asked:

Go ahead and laugh that we cling to our religious faith and proudly display religious items throughout our home.

Go ahead and laugh when you say that we don’t seem to live in the ‘real’ world because things aren’t done that way anymore.

Go ahead and laugh as you say, yes it’s good to be religious but my family seems fanatical and a little weird.

Go ahead and laugh as you say just how uncomfortable you are around us because you fear that you might slip up and cuss.

Go ahead and laugh at how strange it is that my wife and I would rather spend time together,instead of with others.

Go ahead and laugh as you declare just how ‘lucky’ we must have been to make it through the tough times and to avoid divorce.

Go ahead and laugh as you say how easy it is to loath my children because they always seem to do just the ‘right thing’.

Go ahead and laugh that my children appear to be happy and they have happy friends-no gloom and doom or dark clouds overhead.

Go ahead and laugh when our children dress up not as demons but rather as Biblical characters for halloween.

Go ahead and laugh at the fact that we have a sacred area of our home that we call our prayer closet.

Go ahead and laugh as you come up with excuses for not having family devotions and prayers together every night.

Go ahead and laugh and say just how silly we look while dinning out, because we pause to say grace aloud and together.

Go ahead and laugh because we strive to have a sit-down, around the table, family meal at least four nights a week.

Go ahead and laugh because we believe that ‘our way’ provides the very comfort and security that children need and want.

Go ahead and laugh because we claim to have discovered the true secret to happiness,and it’s called being a Christian.

Go ahead and laugh because being a Christian isn’t about what we do or don’t do but rather about what Jesus has done for us.

Go ahead and laugh we will still pray that you will want to join in with us someday soon.

Go ahead and laugh for we will worship the Lord our God; because in Him we have all and are in need of nothing.

Go ahead and laugh and say that you think that ‘all this’ is okay for my family, but it wouldn’t work for your family.

Go ahead and laugh it’s okay because we believe that someday soon you will wish for your family to be as ours.

Go ahead and laugh my friend, for laughter is all you may have.

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A Relationship Begging For A Way Out (Humor)
April 6, 2009 at 5:40 pm

Josh Greenberger asked:

At what point is it time to bail out of a relationship?

We often hear of relationships which start out bad but straighten out in the end. We even hear of relationships which start out good but then turn sour. But when a relationship starts off with all the romantic overtones of a documentary on the Asian flu, develops with the smoothness of an intoxicated chimpanzee doing a waltz on roller skates, then blossoms with the colorful brilliance of a malnourished vegetable, you know something’s wrong. Such was my nine-month relationship with Sally. (Sally was not her real name. But that didn’t come as a terrible shock, since her age and hair color weren’t real either.)

That we were headed for rough times, was somewhat obvious on our first date. We had just seen a Broadway musical. Walking towards the car, I tried starting a conversation somewhere along the lines of “music,” “dance,” “scenery.” How I failed so miserably I’ll never know. Instead, she asked me if I could do her a favor and take her dog to the veterinarian the next day. I said, “But we hardly know each other.”

She said, “So? Does my dog have to suffer because we hardly know each other?”

As we drove to a restaurant, I sensed her attitude turning somewhat hostile. I started feeling guilty about not agreeing to take her dog to the vet. Her dog, I said to myself, probably had two broken hind legs, and Sally probably had to visit a sick aunt in the hospital. How could I be so inconsiderate? But when I found out her dog was going in for his annual chest X-ray, and she had an appointment with her hair dresser, it made me furious. Was her hair more important than her dog’s health? And I couldn’t help wondering how, many packs a day did her dog smoke?

This is when it occurred to me that this date was not on the right track. Here we were between a play and a restaurant, and she was hostile and I was furious. I had a more cordial relationship with my parole officer.

I thought, maybe we ought to go back to her house, start the date over, and see if we can get it right. Then I realized what an unrealistic thought that was. What if her parents moved out while we were out on our date? She could become my responsibility. At least in the restaurant there was a chance she might fall in love with the waiter and I’ll go home alone.

We headed straight for the restaurant.

I had a feeling the hostility did not end in the car. As we looked over the menu, she suggested I order large portions for myself. I asked, “Do I look that hungry?”

She said, “No, you look lean and undernourished.”

I asked, “Why do you say that?”

She said, “Your toupee is loose.”

“I don’t wear a toupee. My hair is just a little messed up from keeping the car window open.”

“Well, my ex-husband wore a toupee and he looked just like that.”

“Like what? Lean?”

“No, messed up.”

“Where did he buy his toupee?” I asked. “In Mop-City?”

She replied, “Who cuts your hair? Jack the Ripper?”

And so, the mood was set for a romantic dinner. I ordered lamb chops, she ordered well-done steak. When we got our orders, she insisted her steak was not well-done and had the waiter take it back. While we waited for her steak, we tried discussing a topic which could not possibly lead to any kind of dispute or resentment — we remained silent.

A couple sitting at the next table looked at us, obviously amused. I said to them, “Would you believe this is our first date?”

As they both laughed, the guy asked, “What would you two do if you were married?”

I replied, “We’d probably shoot Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles at each other.”

When Sally’s steak arrived, I was a little embarrassed when she insisted her steak was still not well-done enough. The waiter looked quite irritated. In an attempt to avoid a scene, I whispered, “Sally, please, don’t give the waiter a hard time.”

She said, “Don’t worry about it. I can handle him.”

I said, “Don’t be silly, he has a day job as a demolition expert for the Parking Violations Bureau. Your car’ll never be safe in this town.”

“I don’t care if he’s a Swat Team coordinator for the B’nai Brith,” she replied angrily. “That steak is not well-done and I want him to take it back.” Sally and the waiter looked at each other like two disgruntled hockey players about to strike each other with a puck. It was not a pretty sight. At that moment, it became painfully clear to me that my chances of going home alone that evening were unfortuntely rather slim.

As the waiter grudgingly took back Sally’s steak once more, I knew I must be strong enough not to let little setbacks turn into major obstacles. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. We were still on good terms with the busboy.

In a short few minutes our waiter returned from the kitchen, carrying a tray with two plates. One plate contained a small stack of ashes, the other plate contained a steak and a blow torch. He leaned over and said to Sally with a smirk, “Which one would you like? This one,” pointing to the plate with ashes, “is already well-done, and this one,” pointing to the other plate, “you have to well-do yourself.”

In disgust, Sally turned to me, “Do you believe this?”

I said, “Take the ashes — the blow torch is extra.”

Our meal up until this point raised some serious questions in my mind: If a date ends between the main course and dessert, does the guy have to pay the entire check? If he does, does this restaurant have a back exit?

When I finally did pay the check at the end of the meal, I got this strange feeling that the owner wanted us as far away from his restaurant as possible — I got my change in Mexican currency.

Believe it or not, this date had a happy ending. I finally took Sally home — and her parents were there! I was never so happy to see a girl’s parents wait up for her. And I didn’t even mind hearing her father, who was apparently used to her coming home earlier, say, “You should’ve been home an hour ago.”

I was tempted to add, We should’ve been home four hours ago.

Strangely, I called her again only a week later. Despite all the things our first date left to be desired, one thing it was not — dull. And that ain’t small potatoes.

Three months later, we were still trying to get that first date right. Depending on how you look at it, things got a lot worse or very exciting. Agreeing on what to do on a night out always turned into something between a legal litigation and the Jerry Spriger Show.

On one particular rainy Saturday night I decided, rather than make the first suggestion as to where we should go, and start an argument, I’d leave everything up to Sally. The moment I stepped into her house, I said, “Tonight we go anywhere you want to go.”

She asked, “Anywhere?”

I said, “Anywhere.”

She shocked me with, “I want to go wherever you want to go.”

I said, “Look, if you’re not feeling well we can stay home and watch TV.”

“No, I’m feeling okay. Anywhere you want to go is fine.”

“Okay, let’s go bowling.”

She gave me a funny look, “Bowling?”

“Yes, tonight’s a good night for bowling.”

“You’re in a mood to go bowling?”

“I thought you want to go wherever I want to go.”

“I do. I just want to make sure that that’s where you want to go?”

“Yes,” I replied, “that’s where I want to go.”

“On a night like this?!” she screamed. “It’s raining and disgusting out there!”

“Bowling is indoors!”

After several moments of silence, she said, “Why don’t we go to a movie?”

Sarcastically, I said, “We can’t go to a movie. My dentist says I shouldn’t eat popcorn.”

“Who says you have to eat popcorn? Why don’t you **** a toasted marshmallow?”

By the time we finally left her house, half the night was gone and we were no closer to a decision as to where to go. The only reason we left was because we couldn’t even agree on which room to argue in.

Driving while engaged in a heated debate and having no idea where you’re going is next to impossible. You begin seeing every corner as a logistical dilemma. Do you turn left, right, or go straight ahead? It doesn’t really matter. But it could if you eventually decide where to go. Do you jump yellow lights? You don’t even know if you’re in a rush.

We finally reached a big intersection. No matter which way you looked there were about six choices — main roads, divided roads, service roads, dirt roads, etc. It drove me crazy. I pulled the car over and, in a rather loud tone, said, “That’s it! I’ve had it! We can’t go on like this! We make one wrong turn here and we wind up in Yukon. You know what’s in Yukon? Nothing! No movies, no bowling, no restaurants, absolutely nothing — just more roads! You want to wind up in Yukon?!”

A little shook up, she took a deep breath and said, “Hey, calm down. What are you getting so excited about?”

I said, “We have to make a decision now, before we enter that intersection.”

She said, “I already said I wanted to see a movie.”

“We can’t see a movie anymore — it’s too late. No movies start at one-thirty in the morning.”

“Okay, then let’s go bowling.”

“Are you sure?” I asked. “Let’s not rush into things. There are still plenty of options open. We can go to the park and watch the dew settle on the leaves. We can take the Times Square Shuttle back and forth sixty-eight times and pretend we went cross-country. We can even go upstate to a farm and watch the hens crow at the full moon.”

She said, “Hens don’t crow.”

I said, “After listening to us for a few minutes there’s no telling what they’ll do.”

“And there’s no full moon out.”

“By the time we make a decision there will be!”

Some friends of mine were getting together in a nearby bowling alley that night. We headed in that direction. We arrived only to find out that my friends had already left and the entire bowling alley had been taken over by a group of Japanese tourists having a tournament. We were informed that the only way we could play is if we joined one of their teams.

Ever get the feeling “this is your last chance?” Well, I had a terrible feeling that this tournament was the last thing going on in the entire city that night. I decided we’re not taking any chances — we played.

The only one on our team who spoke english was the captain. And he had laryngitis. This was the first time in my life I bowled and played “charade” at the same time.

Although they were all a bunch of nice people, the disappointment of expecting to spend an evening with old friends in a local bowling alley and winding up in Japan, took its toll. My bowling was not quite up to par. In the first game, while Sally got five strikes, I got eleven gutter balls. Sally asked, “Didn’t you once tell me you were a good bowler?”

I said, “‘Good’ is relative. The people I normally bowl with get quite a bit of gutter balls — in other people’s lanes!” She didn’t buy my definition of ‘good.’ So I tried convincing her that in Japan gutter balls are worth more points than strikes. She didn’t buy that either. I felt crushed.

As the night wore on, I racked up so many gutter balls, I was sure the bowling alley was on a slant. But I said nothing. I knew the guy who built the place and I didn’t want to get him into trouble.

As I drove sally home, I couldn’t help thinking how the prospects of my becoming a professional athlete in Japan got shot right out of the water tonight. But I didn’t let it bother me. In Brooklyn, Pac Man still carried some weight.

By the time I walked Sally to her front door, I had almost forgotten that the night started in anger and hostility. It’s amazing what frustration can do to you.

As she searched through her pocketbook for her keys, she looked up and said, “You know, I had a rotten time tonight.”

I said, “Thank you. So did I.”

She said, “I don’t think I want to see you again.”

“I wasn’t about to ask.” I turned and walked towards my car. As I opened the car door, I looked back “What time you want me to pick you up tomorrow night?”

She said, “Eight o’clock.” We tried not to smile. I got in my car and drove off.

And this is how the relationship lasted nine months. Such relationships get too involved to end quickly. And they’re far too strife-ridden to last forever.

by Josh Greenberger from shopndrop.com

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Good Email Advertising
April 6, 2009 at 2:17 pm

Good Jokes
Lance Brown asked:

I thought it might be good to talk about a few of my likes and dislikes about email advertising.I have picked up a few good pointers over the years.Even though a lot of these may be known or said before they are worth repeating.

After all the whole idea is get people to read your emails( not DELETE) in the hope that they will sign up or buy whatever you are promoting.

1)One of the first things you are going to want to do is make sure you don’t go across in your email more than 65 characters a line.There are 2 reasons for this and the first is what is known as “eye fatigue”.What this means is if the person reading has to go across too far to the right the reader loses interest.The second reason is some email clients have what is called line wrapping which means your message will come out all garbled if it is over 65 characters.

2)Next thing is avoid using all capitals.When a person uses all capitals on the internet it is considered shouting and nobody likes shouting all the time.Gilbert Godfrey shouts all the time and at first it is funny but then you come to expect it and eventually he’s not funny anymore.So be creative.The odd CAPITALIZED word can add variety however, and can make a product or benefit stand out in your email.

3)The next thing is one of my personal pet peeves.

I can’t stand emails that are full of bad grammar.Bad spelling doesn’t hurt your professional image it flat out DESTROYS it.It makes me think the guy on the other end can’t be bothered to proof read his emails.

4)The next thing you are going to want to do on a regular basis is put your link to your site in your email no less than 3 times.You know the old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”.Chances are your website has all the interesting pictures or videos you’ll need to capture your prospect’s interest so make that the goal.Space them out evenly through your email and make sure they work by sending yourself one of your emails.Then CLICK on it to see if it works.I can’t tell you how many people have sent me links that don’t work.

5)For goodness sake don’t be long winded.A little info..then your link..a little more info..then your link..well you get it.What I want to know is who are these people who babble on and on.yama yama.. yama.. bla.. bla..little do they know is I went to the kitchen to get a fork so I can stab MYSELF in th EYE rather than read anymore.Short and sweet or KISS(keep it simple stupid) is the KEY.

6)The next thing is don’t use uncommon fonts or really loud colors in an attempt to dress up your email.I must confess I used to do this just because I liked the all the fun tools,colors,and smiley’s in my email arsenal.All it did was make me look gimmicky and silly along with my program.Remember you are trying to build trust and integrity on the net.Using Ariel, Times New Roman, or Courier as a font style is professional looking enough.

7)When it comes to your subject line this is where you want to grab them.If you follow the rich jerk’s advice he recommends you can even say something shocking like “YOUR UGLY” or “HEY STUPID” however, one must be careful here.Trial and error here and one’s own personality to make you look unique as compared to all those other emails will get people opening your emails.I do confess that I have clicked on “HEY UGLY” just out of curiosity.I don’t know if I want to be in business with someone that obnoxious though.I guess it depends on whether you are building long term relationships or just looking for the fast sale.

8)You may want to tell the odd clean joke in your emails.Especially if you are loading then into an auto responder.You’ll find people will look forward to your emails just because they can get a chuckle out of them.

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