Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday's Daily Brief

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Jeffrey Sachs: The Geithner-Summers Plan is Even Worse Than We Thought


AP/Ron Edmonds

Jeffrey Sachs: Insiders can easily game the system created by Geithner and Summers to cost up to a trillion dollars or more to the taxpayers. Cynics believe that the Geithner-Summers Plan is exactly what it seems: a naked grab of taxpayer money for Wall Street interests. Geithner and Summers argue that it's the least bad approach to a messy situation, in which we need to restore banking functions but don't have any perfect ways to do that. If they are serious about their justification, let them come forward to confront their critics and to explain to the American people why the other proposals are not being pursued. Let them explain the hidden and not-so-hidden risks to the American taxpayer of the plan that they have put forward. Click here to read more.

Nathan Gardels: Obama in Istanbul: Test for the West

The new Obama administration has assigned such pivotal importance to Turkey because it is the great experiment in the world today of both non-Western and post-secular modernity.

Steve Clemons: Obama Needs to be Nuanced in North Korea Response

In engineering one of the first global crises designed to test the new administration, North Korea seems to be demanding that it not fall too far down the Obama priority list.

Nathaniel Frank: The Road to Gays in the Military Runs through Iowa

The last remaining argument for the military's gay ban -- that young men in the nation's heartland could never accept serving alongside gays -- has been totally dismantled.

Robert Reich: Will Geithner Fire Corporate America?

Geithner's new tough line is mostly designed to reassure a public that's lost all faith in the wisdom of bailing out Wall Street.

Cenk Uygur: Have We Reached the Tipping Point on Guns?

How many shootings do there have to be in the news before we wonder about the wisdom of allowing just about anyone to get a gun in America? Our gun culture is completely out of control.

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