Thursday, April 2, 2009

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Selling Online, Tips for Beginners and Semi-beginners
April 2, 2009 at 4:26 am

Good money tips
Todd A Fritsch asked:

Just about everyone wants to do better, have better, and live better. One problem with obtaining a better live is that it requires work and it is hard to fight the urge to cut corners. So what make sense is to find away to make money from home. The obvious choice for most people is to work online.

Finding a job or a business that you can do online should be easy, right? It is, if you know what to look for and who to trust. As much as I **** to admit it there are all kinds of scams and/or miss leading sites on the web. There are also a lot of good marketing tips and training programs out there you just have to do your homework.

One web site for gaining the knowledge for online selling is here you be a part of an entrepreneur community of like minded members focused on success. You will save time and $$$ by trying not to decipher all the misinformation of the WWW by yourself.

Another great part of this site is the Free video and EBook library all in one place.

I highly recommended you see and read this Thousand $$ + video and EBook library it will give you the knowledge you need to be a success online without spending all your time and money searching elsewhere.

Here is a outline you can use as a guide

1. Decide what to sell will it be your own product or someone else's.

You first need to decide what you want to sell. If you already have a product of your own to sell that’s great (as long as it’s something other people want). If you need a product to sell you can become an affiliate and sell other peoples products for a commission.

2. Find out if there are people interested in that product

This marketing tip is very important do not try and sell a product without finding out if there are really enough people interested in buying it. There are people online looking for a solution to their particular problem. You need to figure out what that problem is and provide the solution.

3. Build your website

Having your own website is the best way to sell online. This gives you a place to send your customers when they decide they’re ready to buy from you. For a website you will need Web hosting and a domain name. Just go to Google and type the words website hosting and/or domain names.

4. Add value

Always be honest and open in what you do. You always want to give good advice, by doing these simple things you gain trust and build a relationship with the people you want to do business. You should also provide something extra for example free e-book or free training something along those lines.

5. Building a customer list

I believe the best way to build your customer list is to use a squeeze page and an auto responder were you can offer a prospective customer something free in exchange they provide their name and email address. This gets them on your list were you can send them offers. When they are ready to make a purchase they will more than likely going to come to you, because you have build up trust and a relationship.

These are basic marketing tips on getting you started with selling online. Good luck online and remember to take advantage of it's a great place to go for ideas and answers

(Knowledge is key).

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How to Make Money Online From Google Adsense
April 1, 2009 at 11:58 pm

Good money tips
Kimmy Doe asked:


Earning a great deal of money by working online become popular in the last few years. Online webmasters make big money from their own web sites through Google Adsense. If you never know about Adsense, then please take a look at Google AdSense to learn more about it. Generally speaking, Google AdSense is a program that matches ads to your site's content and you earn money when someone click on them. Google AdSense crawls the content of your web pages and delivers ads that are relevant to your web site content automatically (text or image ads that you choose). There are 4 types of AdSense ads including Adsense for Content, AdSense for Search, AdSense for Video units, AdSense for Mobile Content.

I have been using Google AdSense for a few months and it is really amazing that I made good online AdSense money in one month from Adsense publisher's program. I am so happy when I saw this big amount of money on my account this month. I could not believe my eyes that I saw this big number. All of my hard word on my websites is paid off. I am going to share my secret of how I did on my websites and blog. In fact, I think there is no secret of making online money, except time and hard work, especially smart work.

This is what I think and how I make good money from AdSense. Other people may think differently about how they make money, but that's what I did. If someone charge you a fee to know the secrets of making money online, they will show you what they learn and their own experience. They are the same as us, the only difference from them and us is they spend time and hard work reading blog, forums, and other SEO tips of making money online. So, they know how to get traffic and traffic becomes money.

Therefore, I am going to show you some free money making tips and I hope you can do and make the same or even more than what I am. Google makes many webmasters getting rich by placing Adsense ads on their websites and earn from clicks on these ads. However, the valid clicks are from visitors, not from webmasters. So, you can’t click on your own ads. You will be banned from Google if you click on your own ads. Google has a tool to check on the clicks to make sure that they are valid clicks.

Earning online money from Google Adsense is not too hard. Many webmasters think that they cannot do it. The answer is yes, if others can make online money, you can do the same, all people can. You may make a few bucks on the first month but will get huge amount of money later one.

Are you ready to make money online? Do not wait any longer. Take action now. Visit these online money making websites to learn more about how to make money on the Internet.

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The Biggest Mistake Made By Dropshippers
April 1, 2009 at 8:51 pm

Dropshipping tips
Daniel Westfield asked:

Dropshipping can be a very profitable home business for stay at home parents, retirees, students, and anybody motivated enough to create a profitable internet business. However, many dropshippers make the same common mistake that can kill the motivation of a new dropshipper and put a hole in the profits of the experienced.

This mistake involves attempting to locate and sell the latest name brand, hot fad in hopes of capitalizing on the high demand. Most dropshippers have good intentions with this strategy with this idea, as their thought process is usually along the lines of, “If I can just find THAT item at a wholesale price, then I could really dropship a lot of them and reap a huge profit.”

Good luck finding that product at a wholesale price.

When an item is the latest big thing, it is extremely rare to find it listed with a wholesale supplier. When the item is listed, it is rarely low enough to reap a large profit. Why is this? When a product is in high demand, the price goes up for everybody … even the dropshipper. Your supplier is going to demand the same high price that the product is demanding in the marketplace. While you may get a small break as the result of being a dropshipper, it is usually not enough to bring a substantial return. When a dropshipper says, “If I can find THAT,” he or she is committing too much to one product and is missing profitable opportunities in the same industry. Let’s take an example:

The iPod is perhaps the most sought after wholesale item, because new dropshippers expect them to sell for high prices very quickly. However, the cost to dropship this item is very high, and the return is usually very low. On the other hand, there are several MP3 players that are very similar to the iPod that are excellent for dropshipping. When imported or purchased from directories, these products can be purchased for less than $50. On electronics websites, and occasionally on eBay, these same items sell for almost double the price as a result of being compared to the iPod (which sells for three times the price). Therefore, instead of spending countless hours searching for a wholesale price for that hot item, look at the knockoffs and compare them to the real thing.

An even better way to turn hot items into dropship profits is to sell accessories to them. Instead of focusing on selling iPods, sell iPod accessories such as chords and covers instead. This is the quickest and best way to get started as a dropshipper and make money very quickly.

There is one exception to this rule. When hot items, especially electronics, first hit the market, there are many people who will pay more than retail on eBay simply because there is low supply in the marketplace. Look at the insanely high prices that video gaming systems and cell phones bring on eBay when they are first released. If your suppliers get inventory of these items when they first come out, you can then take advantage of the high demand. The key is to get in early, and if you can supply an item that is very scarce, you can occasionally hit a home run.

To recap, do not get caught in the trap of finding this week’s hot item at a wholesale price; instead, use the high demand that they bring to your advantage by dropshipping similar, comparable items and their accessories. By doing this, you will can easily sell in demand products for a good profit. If, however, your suppliers are able to get you hot items when they are first released, you can set yourself up to make a large profit. However, the steady incomes that the common dropshipper searches for is in thinking outside the box. Therefore, instead of committing to one product and looking everywhere to find a deal, find the deals first, and use them to make your dropship profits.

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Amazing Gsystem of Earning Money Online
April 1, 2009 at 2:42 pm

Earn Money
Jose Bulao Jr. asked:

Every day there are hundreds of people earning money through the Internet. Every day also there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of people losing money through the Internet.

The Internet is indeed a very convenient place to earn and lose money. You just sit in front of your computer, connect it to the Internet and soon you earn or lose money.

There are many ways of earning or losing money through the Internet. The most talked about is called affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is simply selling goods in the Internet for somebody else. The goods may be tangible, like pills or appliances to be delivered to the address of the buyer. They may also be intangible like ebooks or electronic books, books which are read only on the computer. The goods can also be computer hardware or software.

In this system you register for a fee, are given instructions what to do, like opening an account with a payment processor, connecting with a seller of a product or service, and selling that product or service with a commission. The most number of these affiliate program are in the sale of e-books, books which are put on your computer screen, not printed on paper.

The one who sells is called the affiliate. He or she has affiliated himself/herself to the company which supplies the goods or services. For every sale that he/she makes he/she earns a commission. And the system to do this is marketing. That is why it is called affiliate marketing.

You lose both your time and money if you do not make a sale. You will not be able to recover your sign up fee.

The second way of earning money in the Internet is through network marketing. Here the person does not only get a commission for selling something. He also gets an earning by recruiting somebody to sell what he/she sells. The program may be selling a website and the service of hosting that website. The person signs up for this program for a fee, usually monthly, and then he/she recruits others to sign up for this program who in turn recruit others up to a certain level, 5 or more. This is also called Multilevel Marketing or MLM.

In network marketing you lose both time and money if you are not able to recruit another one. The real problem in earning money through the Internet is the marketing system. You need to have a system where you are able to recruit many into your network.

There is another way of earning money through the Internet. This is being paid for reading advertisements. Some advertising companies pay their readers to read their ads. These advertising companies attract their readers by paying them with a bonus fee upon signing up for them. The bonus fee can be $10 or less.

Then when they read or view an ad they are given $0.02. Then they recruit others who will also sign up for that advertising company and they earn every time their recruit reads or views an ad.

Some internet programs combine affiliate marketing and network marketing. They sell goods and reward those who sell the goods under the affiliate.

There is another way of earning or losing money which is legal in many countries. It is gambling or betting through the Internet. If you win, you earn. If you lose in the bet you lose your money. There are persons offering systems on how to win in these gambling establishments.

There are other non-legal ways of earning money through the Internet. These all fall under the general category of scams. A scam is a way of getting money from Internet users without giving the promised goods, either in quantity or quality.

Someone sells a Rolex watch for a very cheap bargain in the Internet. A buyer pays for this online, but the watch never arrives in his address. Or he/she buys an internet program, only to find out she cannot use it without buying another program, which would need another program, etc.

There is also the scam of being informed that you won in this and that lottery or promo or an amount has been bequeathed to you. Very many are tempted to pay for something like a processing fee for sending the money prize or bequest to them which later on turns out to be a scam.

Usually joining an internet program to earn money on the Internet costs quite a lot. Although there are many bonuses to lure the Internet buyer.

After searching over the Internet I found a simpler, easier, cheaper, faster way of earning money through the Internet. I called this the Gsystem. Only the name is original with me. The method has been in use for many years now.

It is simpler because there is no website to design or host. All it takes is a four page script.

It is easier because there are more or less only 5 steps to get the system going.

It is cheaper because you buy it only once for a small payment and the script is yours for the rest of your life.

It is faster because as soon as you activate the system and keep it going, money will come to your account.

And perhaps what interest many people is that it is legal. It is not a scam.

To learn more about this Gsystem, simply click HERE.

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