Thursday, April 2, 2009

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Latest Free Seo Tips as SEO Introduction
April 2, 2009 at 8:55 am

Seo tips
Sonu Seo asked:

If you want to increase your presence on the websites, we also offer specific insights on the world of Search Engine Optimization, we must therefore start with the broken introduction to the Seo Services. In the current age of your online site is just one way to achieving your brand on the Internet, it is incredibly easy to get online, but once you are online, you probably encounter a dilemma, where are the visitors? There is no doubt that you have joined the millions of sites that fall into the abyss of the search engine, if you are lucky enough to get listed by them. You can not think search engine positioning affects you but if you own or operate a website, it is possible. If you have any ambitions for your website, you must respond to this role increasingly important webmaster.

Optimizing search engines is more than making good rank your site in the major search engines, it is seamlessly integrated into your page design your visitors without even realize exists. SEO is a task that goes on all SEO Expert need to undertake in order to maintain reasonable positioning in the search engines and receive subsequent traffic it brings. A common mistake that many people make is to optimize their site once, and believe they can keep a row, it may be true for certain keywords obscure but there is so much information circulating around the ‘Internet that there will always be someone ready to take your On site for the standings.

It is important to remember the complexity of the algorithms search engines use to determine your position to calculate thousands of different factors, you can not count on to keep ahead of the game. SEO assistance you provide indepth view in the world of search engine positioning, we broke it in easily digestible sections that you can move your site inch by inch. A disadvantage to maintain your site in the public eye is that it requires a constant effort, but if you plan to sell a product or maintain your active site, it is certainly worth it.

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Google Pagerank Decreasing
April 2, 2009 at 1:42 am

deep raj asked:

Many people sees google pagerank as a measurement tool for viewing the importance of a specific website, even other big webmasters trust pagerank to be correct, but it cant be further from the truth.

For those how want an introduction to what Pagerank is.PageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Many are many aspects to consider when trying to get a higher pagerank, just to mention some of them, links to your website from others, onpage optimization, for how long your website has been online etc. its a fulltime job just trying to keep up with the adjustments made by google.

Many people sees google pagerank as a measurement tool for viewing the importance of a specific website, even other webmasters trust pagerank to be correct, but it can’t be further from the truth. Google page rank has in the last year + more been very unstable, I have seen website going from a pagerank of 1 to 5 within a month, and some sites going from 8 to 2, even newly added website having quite high pageranks, without even having any traffic to their sites.

So why are people still using this pagerank as a trusted tool. well its quite simple, people still reads all the old articles on the internet saying, what a wonderfull tool it is, and people just got stuck in the old rutine, well get out of it and try to do some reasonable analysis on webpages.

Note:Other people tend to use a website called alexa to see the importance of a website, this website is actually quite effectiv, or it was, now I see alot of website get highly ranked there to, because they once or twice have bought some cheap traffic and then alexa has rated them based on their visiors amount.

Conclusion.So if your using eighter google pagerank or alexa to analyze websites, do it with caution, be carefull not to only use these tools, be creative instead try other ways, you may even discover new alternatives others have never thought of. For example try to see what are the most used keywords for a speciffic subject, then see what website is shown first in both google, yahoo, msn and more.

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1 Super Keyword Tip - It May Be All You Need
April 1, 2009 at 11:06 pm

Keyword tips
George Sotello asked:

It’s important to comprehend the focal point of keyword research. If you’ve already been fiddling with marketing online, you will probably understand the general focus of keyword research.

However, I should tell you to pay close attention to this module, even if you have tons of experience building businesses on the web, because…and I’ll explain why, I’ve helped many people from a vast range of business backgrounds and quite different Internet marketing experience levels. And with each of those levels comes different success levels from their own efforts.

I’ve even helped multi-millionaires that are making millions of dollars in sales from the Internet each month…how did I help them, I showed them where they have to make their starting point. Even though they’re making fantastic money, they are still failing to grasp so many opportunities simply because they were not doing the proper keyword research needed and they didn’t completely understand the power of keywords.

So, even if you already know “everything” about the Internet business and you’re already getting a lot of customers…you need to pay very close attention to this module because you will find a golden thread that leads to even more riches…guaranteed. You will find information that you may have never heard of before today and this can make you a lot of money if you apply if properly.

…What are Keywords?

Keyword are words or phrases that people type into search engines looking for a particular item or a variety of subjects.

So if a company is selling dog collars, and a pet owner is looking for a new dog collar for there…dog, the person will type something like “dog collars for small dog” or “dog collar for german shepherd”.

As you can see, both of these keywords are about dog collars but they are completely focused on a different market. Do you get it?

This is just the tip of the iceberg…beginner stuff.

You’ll learn all about SEO (search engine optimization) and how keywords play a ‘key’ role in those types of searches. Along with a wide variety of keyword research practices, how to’s, and all the what’s, how’s and why’s about keyword research when you’re a member of this exclusive club.

I won’t go through all the information that you’ll be able to learn…all the tricks and tips that most people haven’t even heard of. That’s because this club is cutting edge and proven to work…guaranteed.

You just have take the first step to achieving your dreams. Nobody said it’s easy but when you become a member of this exclusive club, you’ll be given to tools and not only the tools to become successful but how to use the tools.

Most programs only give you the tools and never explain to you how to use them. This is a big no-no. You can’t give a match to a caveman and expect him to create a fire if you don’t tell him how to use it right…the same principle applies here.

Knowledge is what’s going to bring you success.

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Article Marketing - Top 5 Article Marketing Tips You Can Use to Leverage Your Articles
April 1, 2009 at 11:01 pm

Backlinks tips
Kelvin Lee asked:

Article marketing has became more popular as people are more happy to share their knowledge with others out there willing to learn. If you have notice, some successful internet marketers uses article writing as their only mean of list building effort.

Article writing is a good way of sharing knowledge with others, so it must be fully leverage in order not to waste your effort of writing those articles.

Below are the 5 tips on how you can put your articles to full use

1) Submission to various article directories:
When you submit your articles to various directories, you are not only sharing your knowledge with others, you are also at the same time exposing your website to more people looking for your help. If done properly, article writing can be used as one of your search engine optimization vehicle because it will help to increase the backlink to your site and improve your website search engine ranking.

2) Post them on your blog: Do not limit yourself only to article directories, you can also post your articles on your blog because you are the original creator of that content. It can served as a mean for you to educate your readers and establish credibility among the community.

3) Add them to your autoresponder: If you have a list, you can also add your articles into your autoresponder as newsletter for your subscribers. They will be grateful for your informative help and you can then build a good relationship with your list.

4) Turn them into viral e-book: If you have been writing good quality and useful articles, you can pick 10 to 20 of them and turn them into e-books that have your website links on them. To bring it further, you can give your readers the giveaway rights to those e-books as a mean of viral marketing

5) Send them to ezine publishers: There are some ezine publishers who are constantly looking for information to send to their readers. You can send a copy of your articles to the ezine owner telling them that they can post your article only that they have to insert your links on the article.

The above are the 5 different ways you can use your articles to build traffic to your website.

Put them into practice and you will see the result soon

Get Your FREE 5 Days Mini Audio Course on “How To Develop Web Traffic To Your Site” by Internet Success Hub here: Traffic Generation Course

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Seo - Tips On Making Seo Blog Content Look Good
April 1, 2009 at 6:47 pm

Seo tips
Chris Angus asked:

It is highly recommended that you SEO your blog content. It is not recommended however that you make your blog sound stiff and technical for the sake of attracting search engines. When it comes to actually incorporating your keywords into your blog copy keep in mind that the best blogs are the ones that sound casual. Nobody wants to read a robotic repetitive piece of copy.

One key to keeping your blog looking neat and readable is to keep the content less than 300 words. 250 words per blog is idea. Keeping them looking reasonably uniform and the same length is also more visually eye catching and more likely to keep curious eyeballs on your page and not someone else’s.

Another thing you need to note is the way the headline of your blog article looks. Shorter is almost always better. Long search engine optimized blog titles don’t work if they are cut off at the end. Make sure that any blog headlines that you have are.

You should also make sure that your blog headlines are not too commercial or corny sounding. For instance a blog title such as “Make thousands a day using SEO!” is not going to work as well as a subtler phrase such as “How SEO Let Me Quit My Day Job.” Corny headlines look like spam to a lot of people when they get them on their RSS feeds so their eyes simply glaze over when they see something like “Hoodia Miracle Weight Loss Drug!” or “Grow Bigger Breasts in Three Days.”

Unless the acronym is very well known you are also supposed to stay away from using them as headlines in your blog. However this is not advised if your SEO title is too long as in “Valuable tips for Utilizing Search Engine Tips for Blogs.” It is much better to keep the language very simple as in “Top SEO Tips!”

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Tips to boost traffic, increase website visibility, and let the world know you exist
April 1, 2009 at 6:23 pm

Pagerank tips
Paul Wilson asked:

Directories help locate websites within specific or definite categories. The difference between search engines and directories is that, directories feature only vetted websites, sites that have a certain standard and contain information of substance.

One of the aims of using directories is to boost traffic. To achieve this, one must choose to be featured in large, organized directories like Yahoo, DMOZ, and LookSmart. These will drive highly targeted traffic to you site (subject specific), increase significantly the link popularity, and Google PageRank.

To maximize exposure:

• Find a category that is most relevant to your website. The category and subcategories must totally fit the subject of your site and its purpose. For example, if your site is health related business the site must feature under health and not business. Only then, will surfers seeking health related websites access yours. Do a keyword search that is relevant to your site on the directory. The directory will throw up categories relevant to the key words. Choose one which is suited in all aspects.

• Coin a title and description that will boost traffic not reduce it. The title must be “dead on.” It should include the most important key word and if possible begin with a letter towards the beginning of the alphabet. And, the 15-25 word description should succinctly summarize the purpose or functions of your site. While being descriptive and informative, try and weave in as many keywords pertaining to your site as possible.

• Purchase keywords from one of the pay-per-click search engines or directories.

• Make the website search engine friendly.

• Pay attention to text and image content. Heavy images reduce search engine visibility.

• Use back links on appropriate directories and trade or business listings. Check out the back links used by competitors.

• Add new content regularly. This encourages visitors and search engine spiders to return. Make sure the content is keyword rich.

• Start and maintain a web log or blog. This can become an active way to boost traffic while simultaneously disseminating information.

• Market your website by printing its address on business cards, paper bags, packaging and so on. Distribute an e-zine or updates as newsletters regularly to customers and business associates.

• Consider paying search engines for improved listings and fast appraisal of your site.

• Direct content towards search engines by adopting cloaking technology.

• Run advertisements on related web sites and mailing lists.

• Adopt a reciprocal link program.

Maximize traffic by monitoring your traffic regularly. Analyze visitor movements and frequencies. Find out what is effective and what is redundant. Use cookies efficiently. Understand technology and use it to the maximum. Keep updated on new innovations and developments. Write down a workable website marketing strategy.

There are simple steps to victory: be different, make sure your website is refreshing and delivers what it promises; create a network of supporters; be honest in your business ventures; deliver on time at affordable costs; be a learner all your life, constantly innovate your website to keep stride with changing times; carve out an exclusive niche and diversify in directions that are relevant to your business module.

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Benefits Of White Hat Seo
April 1, 2009 at 5:31 pm

seogenies asked:

Have you ever played a game where rules change in every fraction of second? If, no then must take a challenge of SEO work because nowhere rules are as dynamic as is with SEO work. Often, a tough circumstance invites unscrupulous work culture and the same thing happened with SEO work. On the basis of working process, SEO work was segregated into two part; white hat SEO & black hat SEO.

White hat SEO work refers to legitimate and proper way of increasing traffic while unethical process and chucking with rules are common for black hat SEO. White hat SEO work has been proved very effective in long run on the other hand black hat SEO never lasts long. The ultimate aim of link power is to improve link power in search engine and the advantage with white hat SEO work is gaining credible/reliable rank. Thrust of white hat SEO work always focuses upon quality of web content. They always ensure themselves that contents must be fresh, interesting, highly informative and catchy because, quality content prominently determines the type and number of visitors. White hat SEO work includes regular tracking of visitors and always keeps them prepared for any sorts of challenging task. It is very necessary to survive in nail-biting competition of internet market.

Thus, few most popular white hat SEO techniques are original & relevant content creation, article submission, director submission, request site feedback, create back links, prepare business blogs, create site mappings, RSS feed, forum contribution and so on. This article has already mentioned a many aspects of quality content and its relevancy with white hat SEO. RSS feed is also as important as quality content especially for news sites and Weblogs. The advantage of RSS feed is that it enables users to read the content from the site or weblog without visiting the home website. Thus, white hat SEO uses this XML file format for effective syndication and it works wonder especially for news sites. Besides RSS feed, white hat SEO also focuses upon forum which has become an influential mode of internet marketing.

Forum posting is a very influential mode of swapping thoughts. White hat SEO has been proved very effective because of no absurd posting. Hence again, forum posting prominently exposes benefits of white hat SEO. Without making any special effort and just being abided with few guidelines, one can be benefited with forum posting. Few sample guidelines are:-

? Don't announce irrelevant items.

? Good manners & diplomatic behaviors always have been appreciated in the forums.

? Always, keep yourself accessible for instant reply.

Thus, each and every tool of SEO loudly exposing benefits of white hat SEO work. So, in one line summary, honest and the most effective work is the white hat SEO work.

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Can You Get Thousands of Backlinks?
April 1, 2009 at 3:19 pm

Michael Porteous asked:

If you own a website and understand how the search engines work then you know you need to get thousands of backlinks to be competitive in any market. With established websites already set at great page ranks on the main search engines a newer site owner has to be smart, creative and hardworking to get ahead in the internet business! So how does one be smart and creative in terms of website rankings?

The answer firstly is not just about backlinks. It has been estimated that about 80% of what makes up how popular your website is with a search engine is backlinks leaving only 20% of the rest of the formula as relevant, original content which is what engines like Google say they crave. This leads many people to believe that 80% of their effort should be put into acquiring backlinks … often in the wrong way.

The problem most people starting out on the internet business roller coaster is that they think that all links are the same. I mentioned that search engines like Google crave relevance and originality and this is true of links as well. Having a backlink from a site dedicated to garden equipment linking to your site on fashion clothing design is not relevant for example. Having a backlink from multiple pages that are duplicates of each other also does not work because the lack of originality then comes into play.

So with all of these restrictions on having a quality link that counts how can you get thousands of backlinks when it feels like there are not thousands of backlinks to be had? There are some options, long term you can write articles, submit your site to directories and cultivate friendships with other sites for backlinks but in the short term without any dodgy business there are services around that follow the guidelines that the search engines love without resorting to “black hat” techniques that can generate backlinks for you.

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